Search results for ""Author Ranmaru Kotone""
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 2
The second installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm!
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 1
The manga adaptation of the hit movie and light novel will enthrall both new and old readers! Mitsuha, a high school girl from a town deep in the mountains, dreams of an unfamiliar life in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy from Tokyo, dreams that he is a girl living in the mountains. As the two change places in their dreams, their encounter sets a miraculous story into motion.
Little, Brown & Company your name., Vol. 3
The third installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm! To save Mitsuha and all of Itomori from the comet Tiamat, Taki joins up with Saya-chin and Tesshi to evacuate the town. But Mitsuha's father is stubborn and refuses to listen...