Search results for ""Author R C Sproul""
Ligonier Ministries La Biblia De Estudio De La Reforma Edición Condensada
Ligonier Ministries John: An Expositional Commentary
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Classic Teachings on the Nature of God
Baker Publishing Group Making a Difference – Impacting Culture and Society as a Christian
The great challenge for the Christian in a post-Christian context is how to impact this fallen world with our faith. In Making a Difference, beloved theologian R. C. Sproul shows readers how to confront today's moral and social issues with an effective biblical response. Dr. Sproul first examines the major philosophies that affect the way Americans think and act--secularism, existentialism, humanism, and pragmatism--and then presents ideas on how to apply a biblical perspective to spheres of public life that need the Christian's influence today: economics, science, art and literature, and government.
Crossway Books Justified by Faith Alone
This republished work outlines the doctrine of justification by faith. Clearly written and rich in theology, it will challenge readers to think discerningly about the implications of the doctrine's historic dispute.
Ligonier Ministries ESV Reformation Study Bible, Condensed Edition - Dark Brown, Premium Leather
Baker Publishing Group Growing in Holiness: Understanding God's Role and Yours
The Christian life is a process of growing in holiness, our natural response to the good news of our redemption in Christ. This kind of growth is gradual, and obstacles are plentiful. Thankfully, we don't have to go it alone. God has given us his Spirit so that we can overcome temptation and become more and more conformed to the image of Christ. But how does the Spirit work? What is the nature of our own personal involvement in the process? And how do we know if we are making progress? Drawn from the lectures of beloved theologian R. C. Sproul, Growing in Holiness explores the doctrine of sanctification, offering insightful commentary on themes such as developing perseverance, overcoming barriers to growth, dealing with feelings of inadequacy, cultivating love for God and others, exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit, and much more. Whether you're a new believer who wants to understand what the Christian life is all about or you've been a Christian for some time but are frustrated by a lack of progress, this book is your guide to pursuing a holy life.
Tyndale House Publishers Chosen by God
Ligonier Ministries La Biblia De Estudio De La Reforma Edición Condensada
Ligonier Ministries Are We Together?
LifeWay Christian Resources Las lucecitas
CLV-Christliche Die Heiligkeit Gottes
David C Cook Publishing Company The Work of Christ: What the Events of Jesus' Life Mean for You
Crossway Books Defending Your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics (Redesign)
R. C. Sproul surveys the history and fundamentals of apologetics to show that reason and scientific inquiry can be strong allies in defending the existence of God and the authority of the Bible.
Ligonier Ministries Saved from What?
Ligonier Ministries Mark: An Expositional Commentary
Baker Publishing Group The Last Days according to Jesus – When Did Jesus Say He Would Return?
Speculation and theories abound about what the last days have in store for us. But what did Jesus believe and teach about the end times and the timing of his return? R. C. Sproul points believers back to the words of Christ, offering them a solid footing amid ever-shifting opinion about the age to come.
Ligonier Ministries La Biblia De Estudio De La Reforma Edición Condensada
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons
The concept of the invisible spiritual realm is something which is difficult for us to grasp. What we can see, hear, and feel we can take on face value that it is reality. But what about those things that are unseen? Scripture speaks about heaven, hell, angels and demons which are a part of this invisible spiritual realm. Internationally renowned Bible teacher R. C. Sproul helps us gain an understanding of these things so that we can come to a realisation that in fact all four are true realities that impact upon our everyday lives.
Ligonier Ministries ESV Reformation Study Bible, Student Edition, Red
Ligonier Ministries Prince's Poison Cup, The
Ligonier Ministries Lightlings, The
Tyndale House Publishers Essential Truths of the Christian Faith
Baker Publishing Group Getting the Gospel Right – The Tie That Binds Evangelicals Together
Unity in the gospel is essential to the witness of the church. Yet that unity was tested by the release of two documents, Evangelicals and Catholics Together and The Gift of Salvation, which appeared to surrender the historic doctrine of sola fide (faith alone). In response, Christian leaders released a statement called The Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration. Getting the Gospel Right, a companion to Sproul's popular Faith Alone, contains the complete text of that statement along with thorough, point-by-point discussion and exposition, to make a strong declaration of the abiding unity of evangelicals regarding the gospel and justification by faith alone.
Verbum Medien Jeder ist ein Theologe
Verbum Medien Was ist Glaube
Tyndale House Publishers Now, That's a Good Question!
Ligonier Ministries La Biblia De Estudio De La Reforma Edición Condensada
Ligonier Ministries La Biblia de Estudio de la Reforma Edición Condensada Navy
B&H Publishing Group El Barbero Que Quería Orar
Ligonier Ministries Romans: An Expositional Commentary
Tyndale House Publishers !Que buena pregunta!
Verbum Medien Wie erkenne ich den Willen Gottes
Crossway Books The Consequences of Ideas: Understanding the Concepts that Shaped Our World (Redesign)
R. C. Sproul surveys history’s greatest philosophers and thinkers, helping readers understand the ideas that have shaped the world—and continue to shape nearly everything we think and do.
Crossway Books When Worlds Collide: Where Is God When Terror Strikes?
How should we think about God in instances of terror and man-wrought disaster? R. C. Sproul discusses this very issue in this book—the presence of God when ideological differences turn violent.
Baker Publishing Group Willing to Believe – Understanding the Role of the Human Will in Salvation
What does an individual contribute to his or her own salvation? Does God wait on the doorsteps of our hearts, quietly hoping to be let in when we decide to open the door? Or does he call us and pursue us in a way we can't resist? The debate between the irresistible call of God and a human being's free will has raged for centuries. So what is the answer? And why does it matter? In Willing to Believe, R. C. Sproul uncovers issues that provoked the Reformation and revived the controversy between Pelagius and Augustine. He carefully explores the relationship between original sin and human free will, clarifies misconceptions about the work of God in a believer's liberation from sin, illuminates the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, and offers compelling reasons to believe the work of salvation is in God's hands.
Baker Publishing Group What We Believe – Understanding and Confessing the Apostles` Creed
What do Christians believe about God the Father, Jesus Christ, the church, salvation, eternal life, and more? This contemporary classic from theologian R. C. Sproul provides a matchless introduction to the basics of the Christian faith.
Baker Publishing Group What Is Reformed Theology? – Understanding the Basics
What Do the Five Points of Calvinism Really Mean? Many have heard of Reformed theology, but may not be certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. It appears to be important, and they'd like to know more about it. But they want a full, understandable explanation, not a simplistic one. What Is Reformed Theology? is an accessible introduction to beliefs that have been immensely influential in the evangelical church. In this insightful book, R. C. Sproul walks readers through the foundations of the Reformed doctrine and explains how the Reformed belief is centered on God, based on God's Word, and committed to faith in Jesus Christ. Sproul explains the five points of Reformed theology and makes plain the reality of God's amazing grace.
Baker Publishing Group Faith Alone – The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification
What must you do to be right with God? The Reformers broke with the Roman Catholic Church when they insisted people are justified by faith alone. But today many Protestants fail to grasp that keystone of faith. In Faith Alone, a Gold Medallion finalist, R. C. Sproul explains why Protestantism and Roman Catholicism split over justification in the first place and why that division remains an uncrossed chasm. Protestants must understand the biblical, Reformation view of the doctrine of justification to grasp the power of the gospel and proclaim it far and wide today. This repacked edition of a classic offers a new generation of Christians a clear explanation of the vital doctrine of salvation.
Baker Publishing Group Not a Chance – God, Science, and the Revolt against Reason
Despite claiming unbelief in God or any higher power that may have designed or created the world and all that is in it, modern scientists often write and speak of chance as some kind of being or force that can cause things to happen. In one breath they push the evolution agenda and in the next they say that creatures were "designed" with specific traits. In this classic book, R. C. Sproul and Keith Mathison call the scientific world to employ logic and clarity in their discourse, to leave the word chance as an abstract concept to describe mathematical possibilities rather than an ontological being that can actually cause change. This expanded edition includes a new chapter dealing with the most recent attempts to defend irrational scientific statements. Two new appendices answer critics and review other literature on scientific discoveries that support belief in a Creator God.
Crossway Books The Barber Who Wanted to Pray
A beautifully illustrated tale from R. C. Sproul that teaches children to pray from the Bible. One day Martin Luther’s barber asks him how to pray, and his life is changed.
Baker Publishing Group Enjoying God – Finding Hope in the Attributes of God
Confused, angry, and hurt after the death of his father, a young R. C. Sproul began his personal search for ultimate truth with these piercing questions: Who are you, God? And why do you do the things you do? In Enjoying God, readers journey with R. C. Sproul to discover the attributes of God through the questions many of us have asked: Where are you, God? Can I trust you, God? and more. In this warm, personal account, Dr. Sproul communicates deep truths in a fresh and easy-to-understand style as he shares his passion to know God and urges the reader to dig deep and seek the God who is alive, who is real, and who loves each one of us.
Crossway Books Reformation ABCs: The People, Places, and Things of the Reformation—from A to Z
Featuring easy-to-understand storytelling and whimsical illustrations, this accessible and informative book offers kids a fun way to learn about key events, ideas, and people from the Reformation. Written for kids ages three to six, but engaging enough for the whole family.
Crossway Books The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel
Two noted pastors denounce casual Christianity and proclaim a recovery of the fundamental doctrines of the faith: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints.