Search results for ""Author Pierre Swiggers""
Peeters Publishers Jean-Claude Chevalier, Notice Biographique et Bibliographique, Suivie de L'expose: "La France Devant les Congres Internationaux de Linguistique: 1914-1931"
Peeters Publishers Georges Straka, Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie De L'expose "Problemes De Chronologie Relative"
Peeters Publishers Joe Larochette, Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie De L'expose "Vers Une Semantique Du Texte"
Peeters Publishers E. F. K. Koerner. a Bio-bibliographical Notice
This fascicle contains the complete bibliography up to 1999 of E.F. Konrad Koerner, the founder and director of the journal Historiographia Linguistica (1974-), and editor of Diachronica and of various specialized linguistic series. Koerner's scholarly work, which is surveyed in the introductory "Biographical notice" (by P. Swiggers) focuses on the history of linguistics in the past two centuries, especially on the relationship between historical-comparative grammar and various forms of "general linguistics". The "Biographical Notice" is divided into seven sections: Books and Volumes edited; Articles, Chapters in Volumes and Minor Papers; Review Articles and Reviews; Miscellanea: Papers read; Journals edited; General Editorship. In the first paper that follows the bibliography, Koerner presents a critical overview of linguistic historiography and outlines some prospects. The second paper explores the delicate question of the role of ideological convictions in linguistics, and in human sciences in general.
Peeters Publishers Haiim B. Rosen.: Bio-bibliographical Sketch Followed by the Late Prof. Rosen's Text "The Jerusalem School of Linguistics and the Prague School"
Haiim B. Rosen (1922-1999) received his philological and linguistic training in Europe and Israel, and taught in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and, on various occasions, in France, Germany and the United States. He has published extensively in the field of Indo-European and Semitic Linguistics (cf. the three volumes of "East and West. Selected Writings in Linguistics"), and has made a pioneering contribution to the description of contemporary Hebrew. His editions and linguistic studies of Herodotus and Homer are basic reference tools for classical scholars.A first-rate connoisseur of the history of linguistics, especially of pre-structuralist and structuralist linguistics, Prof. H.B. Rosen was one of the founders, with H.-J. Polotsky, of the Jerusalem school of structuralist-functionalist linguistics.The book contains a detailed bio-bibliographical survey of H.B. Rosen's life and work; the survey is followed by Prof. Rosen's hitherto unpublished text (edited by Hannah Rosen) "The Jerusalem Scool of Linguistics and the Prague School".
Peeters Publishers Le Langage Dans L'Antiquite: Avec La Collaboration De R. Lebrun, E. Lipinski, L. Van Der Stockt, K. Van Lerberghe, M. Van Rooij, E. Verreet, K. Versteegh, G. Vervaecke
Peeters Publishers Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity
This collective volume contains studies in the field of ancient grammar, poetics and philosophy of language. The contributions, written by specialists in the field, focus on central themes in the historiography of ancient linguistics, such as the status of grammar as a discipline in Antiquity, the relationship between poetics and grammatical theory, the constitution and development of the word class system, the descriptive format of grammars, the nature and description of specific word classes, the development of grammatical argumentation. In addition, several methodological issues in the study of ancient grammar and philosophy of language are dealt with: the problem of continuity vs. discontinuity in the history of linguistic thought, the role of schoolroom activities in the development of grammatical description and theory-formation, and problems concerning "tradition", "influence" and "originality" in ancient linguistics. The volume is rounded off with extensive indices of proper names, concepts and technical terms.
Peeters Publishers De la Grammaire Comparee a la Semantique. Textes de Michel Breal Publies Entre 1864 et 1898
Peeters Publishers Le Comparatisme Devant Le Miroir
Peeters Publishers Syntax in Antiquity
The volume, which constitutes a tribute to the scholarly work of Jean Lallot, contains contributions on the history of syntax in Antiquity (including the later Byzantine period). The various papers highlight the problematic status of syntactic description in ancient grammar. The contributions are grouped into four sections, the first of which deals with the status of syntactic description and reflection in Antiquity, the second with Alexandrian grammar, the third with the "virtues and vices of speech", whereas the fourth section contains papers on the relationship between syntax and dialectic, between syntax and phonetics, and between syntax and lexicology. The contributors are international specialists (from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Greece, and the United States) in the field of ancient grammaticography.
Peeters Publishers L'oeuvre Scientifique De Cyprien Ayer (1825-1884): Grammaire, Pedagogie Et Dialectologie
Cyprien Ayer (1825-1888), figure marquante de la vie intellectuelle en Suisse au XIXe siecle, est l'auteur d'une vaste ouvre scientifique, journalistique et litteraire. Parmi ses travaux linguistiques les plus importants il faut mentionner sa Grammaire comparee de la langue francaise (1876; nombreuses reeditions), sa Phonologie de la langue francaise (1875), et son Introduction a l'etude des dialectes du pays (1878). Ce dernier texte, ouvrage pionnier dans le domaine des etudes francoprovencales, est reimprime ici, precede d'une introduction. Le present recueil regroupe des contributions qui concernent l'ouvre linguistique et litteraire d'Ayer et ses rapports avec une autre figure-clef de la vie litteraire et intellectuelle en Suisse, Henri-Frederic Amiel. Le recueil s'ouvre par une etude de la carriere d'Ayer et par une bibliographie de ses travaux scientifiques (grammaire, dialectologie, pedagogie, economie, geographie, statistique, politique, ethnographie).
Peeters Publishers Comparatisme, Mythologies, Langages. En Hommage a Claude Levi-Strauss
Peeters Publishers Linguistic Identities, Language Shift and Language Policy in Europe
The papers in this volume reflect the changes in the linguistic landscape, and illustrate the dynamics of linguistic situations in Europe. Whereas some contributions offer theoretically distanced views on linguistic identity, linguistic internationalisation and linguistic adaptation, other papers provide empirical documentation on language policies, language loss or retention, code-switching in migrant communities, and linguistic rights. The volume offers important materials for a comprehensive overview of the social, political, and cultural status of language varieties in Europe. The papers, covering data from a wide array of languages (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Greek and Turkish), are preceded by an introduction focusing on the ecolinguistic setting of the study of linguistic identities, language shifts and linguistic ideologies. The contributions are intended to reflect essential features of European language study, past and present: European language awareness in relation to highly diversified linguistic and cultural situations; the development of linguistic models, and the construction of key concepts in general linguistics; the interest in systemic variation; translation theory and practice.
Peeters Publishers Aux Carrefours du Sens: Hommages Offerts a Georges Kleiber Pour Son 60e Anniversaire
Pour Georges Kleiber, la linguistique est (aussi) un champ de divertissement (langagier). On ne s'etonnera donc pas qu'un groupe de collegues, amis, collaborateurs et anciens etudiants aient decide d'offrir a Georges Kleiber cet ouvrage collectif en temoignage de leur amicale estime et, pourquoi ne pas le dire, de leur admiration. Les dimensions limitees du volume n'ont malheureusement pas permis aux editeurs d'accueillir tous ceux - et ils ont ete nombreux! - qui ont souhaite y contribuer. Les 44 contributions rassemblees dans ce volume ont ete regroupees en cinq sections qui recouvrent les domains de l'etude des "formes du sens" oA' s'est principalement deployee l'activite scientifique et d'enseignement du recipiendaire: semantique et reference; categorisation et prototypicalite; deixis et anaphore; denomination, expressions nominales, noms propres; polysemie, metaphore et metonymie.
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Et Enseignement Du Francais, 1500-1700
This volume contains 30 contributions, all dealing with the history of French pedagogical grammars and French language teaching in the 16th and 17th century. The volume opens with a historical and methodological survey of the teaching and description of French as a foreign language between 1500 and 1700. The 29 contributors that follow are grouped into two sections. The first section is devoted to methodological issues and institutional aspects of French language pedagogy. The second section, covering the teaching of French in the Scandinavian countries, Great-Britain, the Low Countries, the German-speaking area and Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula and Italy, offers detailed analyses of national traditions of foreign language teaching, manuals, grammarians and didactical practices. All contributions are followed by extensive bibliographies. The volume contains an index of personal names and of concepts. The editors of the volume are members of the "Seminarium Historiographiae Linguisticae" (University of Leuven, Belgium).
Peeters Publishers Ancient Grammar and Its Posterior Tradition