Search results for ""Author Phillip Starr""
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Developing Jin: Silk-Reeling Power in Tai Chi and the Internal Martial Arts
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Martial Mechanics: Maximum Results with Minimum Effort in the Practice of the Martial Arts
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Making of a Butterfly: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts As Taught by Master W. C. Chen
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Refining Jin: A Master Class in Coiling Power
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Baguazhang: Fundamentals, Applications, and Footwork
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Martial Maneuvers: Fighting Principles and Tactics of the Internal Martial Arts
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Martial Arts and the Mirror Image: Using Martial Arts and Qigong Principles to Reinvent Yourself and Achieve Success
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Martial Structure: How to Maximize Your Martial Arts Skills through Body Alignment, Movement, and Breathing