Search results for ""Author Philip Hughes""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Storytelling Exhibitions: Identity, Truth and Wonder
Storytelling Exhibitions describes the role and practice of modern ‘spatial storytellers’ and looks at the potential of exhibitions to shape our understanding of the world. It explains how curators, designers, artists and scientists combine to tell powerful stories through exhibition design. Exhibition designer and educator Philip Hughes shows how contemporary tools and technologies - digital reconstruction, 3D scanning and digital archives – interweave with traditional forms of informing, displaying and promoting to create powerful narrative spaces. Whether telling stories of politics, trends, society, war, science or history, Storytelling Exhibitions provides inspiration and guidance on designing installations which change the way we think. Examples included from: Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, USA Weltmuseum Wien, Austria Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, US Lascaux: Centre International de l'Art Pariétal in Montignac, France Stapferhaus, Lenzburg, Switizerland Micropia, Amsterdam, Netherlands …and many more
Herder Editorial Sntesis de historia de la Iglesia
Dado que toda historia de la Iglesia tendrá que batallar con dos mil años de compleja actividad humana, y escribirla, aun del modo más sumario, requeriría varios volúmenes, esta obra busca dar una impresión general de los principales acontecimientos, de las tendencias y de las personalidades que les dieron forma o se formaron en ellas. Se ofrece como una iniciación de carácter elemental, que referirá como partes de un todo orgánico los principales acontecimientos que marcaron el rumbo o fueron considerados especialmente simbólicos en el decurso de cada época, considerando a grandes rasgos el influjo ejercido en el desarrollo general por las grandes personalidades de la Iglesia.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Notebooks
A new selection from Philip Hughes' unpublished notebooks going back over twenty-five years. In an astonishing collection of twenty-seven notebooks created over a quarter of a century, Philip Hughes has sought to capture the spirit of a place: its geological structure, its relationship with the surrounding landscape, and its occasional signs of human intervention. These painterly but topographically precise notebooks record moments when the artist has been moved to draw what he can see, whether from the shelter of a standing stone in Orkney, Scotland, from the air over the Simpson desert in Australia, or from a postal boat sailing through the Norwegian fjords. Pieced together by Hughes himself from over a thousand drawings, this is a logbook of momentary observations. Some are swift sketches of fields or horizons, others are slower studies of lichen and flowers in Antarctica, or lines of quartz in granite in Cornwall. The depth of feeling and knowledge Hughes has for differ
Thames & Hudson Ltd Tracks: Walking the Ancient Landscapes of Britain
In over 140 superbly reproduced artworks, the artist Philip Hughes records eleven iconic walks across the length and breadth of Britain, from Allt Coire Pheiginn in Scotland to Zennor Head in Cornwall. Inspired and informed by maps, aerial photographs and electronic survey techniques, Hughes’s clean, spacious artworks, with their arresting blocks of colour, make contemporary some of the most ancient and formidable landmarks of the British Isles. Hughes’s artworks – often incorporating written notes, archaeological scans and contour maps – feature important heritage sites, including Neolithic settlements such as Maes Howe in Orkney, standing stones such as Stonehenge, the Three Peaks in Yorkshire, or places of particular mystery and beauty such as Silbury Hill, the oldest and tallest artificial mound in Europe. Notebook spreads contain exquisite drawings and paintings made on the spot and vivid extracts from Hughes’s diaries and notes, help to evoke the mood and atmosphere of the awe-inspiring landscapes. Complete with an enlightening introduction by writer Kay Syrad and short prefaces to each of the sections by Hughes himself, this beautiful, reflective book will resonate with artists, walkers and anyone who shares a love of ancient sites in the landscape.
Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd Philip Hughes: Painting the Ancient Land of Australia