Search results for ""Author Philip Hopman""
Midas Collection Audrey Hubert Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft
Ediciones Palabra, S.A. Voytek el oso soldado
Esta es la extraordinaria historia de Voytek, basada en hechos reales que tuvieron lugar durante la segunda guerra mundial. Unos soldados polacos se encontraron casualmente un cachorro de oso... y se lo quedaron, alistándolo como soldado en el ejército. El pequeño osezno fue creciendo y metiéndose en muchos problemas, pero para sus amigos polacos supuso un apoyo fundamental para superar los horrores de la guerra. Porque Voytek, aparte de divertir a todos con sus trucos, incluso aprendió a transportar proyectiles y atrapó a un espía.
North-South Books For Audrey with Love: Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Get On Your Bike
HarperCollins Publishers Spider’s Big Match: Band 13/Topaz (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Spider McDrew gets the chance to play for the Parkfield school football team, in the end-of-season cup draw. As usual though, things are not plain sailing for Spider who lets his side down by giving away a crucial penalty kick. Poor Spider is a pitiful sight as he stands on the touchline all alone. Then, he is asked to take one last corner kick. Topaz/Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate. Text type – A humorous story with a familiar setting. A reader response page provides lots of opportunities for speaking and listening and scaffolding writing. Curriculum links – ICT: Combining text and graphics; PSHE: Developing good relationships. This is the second SpiderMcDrew tale by Alan Durant and Philip Hopman. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
HarperCollins Publishers Spider McDrew and the Egyptians: Band 12/Copper (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Everyone at Parkfield School thinks that Spider McDrew is a hopeless case. He is always muddling things up and saying or doing the wrong thing. In this story, his class visit the local museum to learn about life in Roman times. As usual, Spider's mind wanders and he finds himself in the wrong part of the museum looking at other things instead! Copper/Band 12 books provide more complex plots and longer chapters that develop reading stamina. Text type – A humorous story. Pages 30 and 31 show the artefacts that caught Spider’s eye, providing an opportunity to recap the story. Curriculum links – History: Romans, Ancient Egypt; Art and Design: Investigating patterns. Another great story about the lovable Spider McDrew. by Alan Durant. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.