Search results for ""Author Peter Cachola Schmal""
JOVIS Verlag Best Highrises 2020/21: Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2020
Die Entwicklungen der Hochhaus-Architektur werden längst in großem Maße in China geprägt. Obgleich ungefähr jedes dritte Gebäude mit einer Höhe von mindestens 100 Metern eben dort entsteht, etabliert sich die Typologie Hochhaus vermehrt in anderen Teilen der Welt. So treiben mittlerweile europäische Städte ihre Hochhausentwicklung voran, und auch in Afrika entstehen sukzessive neue Türme. Der Internationale Hochhaus Preis 2020 präsentiert 31 der spannendsten, kürzlich fertiggestellten Hochhausprojekte, die sich weltweit durch Nachhaltigkeit, Energie- und Kosteneffizienz sowie nutzerfreundliche Gestaltung auszeichnen. Jedes dieser Projekte wird anhand von Textmaterial, Fotos und Plänen vorgestellt.Der Internationale Hochhaus Preis wird alle zwei Jahre vergeben. Zu den bisherigen Gewinner*innen zählen u. a. Benjamín Romano (2018), BIG (2016), Stefano Boeri (2014), Ingenhoven Architects (2012), WOHA (2010) oder Foster and Partners (2008).
JOVIS Verlag Die immer Neue Altstadt / Forever New: Frankfurt’s Old Town: Bauen zwischen Dom und Römer seit 1900 / Building between Dom and Römer since 1900
Die Frankfurter Altstadt zwischen Dom und Römer weist wie kein anderes Areal der Stadt eine spannungsreiche und politisch hoch aufgeladene Baugeschichte auf: Angefangen mit dem Einzug der Moderne, als die neuen Verkehrsmittel Straßendurchbrüche durch die kleinteilige Bebauung der Altstadt erforderten, dem Siedlungsbau zur Zeit des Neuen Frankfurt bis zur nahezu vollständigen Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die modernen Wiederaufbauplanungen in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren waren geprägt von Auseinandersetzungen darüber, ob die Architektur rekonstruiert oder modern wiederaufgebaut werden solle. In den 1970er Jahren baute Frankfurt auf dem Römerberg das Technische Rathaus und das Historische Museum im Stil des Brutalismus, in den 1980er Jahren folgten postmoderne Bauten und Rekonstruktionen. Seit 2013 werden nach dem Abriss des Technischen Rathauses weitere große Teile der historischen Altstadt neu errichtet. Dieses Buch erzählt die städtebaulichen Entwicklungen der Frankfurter Altstadt anhand exemplarischer Bauten und Bauprojekte. Dabei ermöglichen Blicke auf vergleichbare städtebauliche Entwicklungen in Deutschland und Europa eine Einordnung der spezifischen Frankfurter Situation. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Debatte um das Für und Wider von Altstadtrekonstruktionen sowie deren Instrumentalisierung für Identität und Tradition.
DOM Publishers Hybrid Tbilisi. Betrachtungen zur Architektur in Georgien - Reflections on Architecture in Georgia
This publication accompanies an exhibition on Georgian architecture at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, which is the first of its kind in Germany. The catalogue examines the multi-layered processes of social and urban transformation, and the resulting architecture, which traces the country’s various different political periods, yet also forms part of an international context. The focus is on the new and old metropolis of the Caucasus: Tbilisi. The phenomenon of this capital city, with its history, heterogenous cultures, social stratifications, and architecture, is constantly being redesigned and restaged by different protagonists. A site for the demolition of the Old, a factory of the New, and an emerging, chaotic, confusing, and fascinating place in search of itself within its traditions, bonds, and hopes – Tbilisi is a hybrid city.
Edition Axel Menges Johannes Peter Holzinger: Psychodynamic Spatial Structures
Text in English & German. Johannes Peter Hölzinger studied architecture at the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main from 1954 to 1957. After a residency fellowship at the Deutsche Akademie Villa Massimo in Rome he founded a "planning association for new forms of the environment" in 1965 together with Zero artist Hermann Goepfert, who has since died. One of the most successful results of his work with Goepfert was a new design for the Schloßpark in Karlsruhe on the occasion of the Bundesgartenschau in 1967, which won a major German architectural prize, the Hugo-Häring-Preis. From 1991 until his retirement in 2002 Hölzinger directed the art and public-space course at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Nuremberg. Individualistic and oppositional in comparison to other post-World War II architectural achievements, the design of Hölzinger's buildings is very distinctive. The playful elements of Postmodernism are as alien to his work as the functionalism of New Building. Because of his association with Hermann Goepfert, Hölzinger is much more closely connected with the art scene of his time. The integration of art and architecture is a unique feature of his buildings. If we try to assign a category to this "object architecture" (a term he coined himself), we will find less overlap with architecture than with fine art. From the very beginning Hölzinger saw architecture as an artistic discipline. Light kinetics offered him important new perspectives. Lighting design and the resulting colour changes of white walls play a vital role in his work.
JOVIS Verlag Best High-Rises 2022/23: Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2022 / The International High-Rise Award 2022
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Lieferkettenprobleme und Arbeitskräftemangel aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie sorgen für einen anhaltenden weltweiten Fertigstellungsrückgang. Trotz dieser Herausforderungen wurden in den letzten beiden Jahren über 1000 Hochhäuser mit einer Mindesthöhe von 100 Metern errichtet, jedes dritte davon in China. Best High-Rises 2022/23 präsentiert 34 der spannendsten kürzlich fertiggestellten Hochhausprojekte, die sich weltweit durch Design, Nachhaltigkeit, Energie- und Kosteneffizienz sowie nutzer*innenfreundliche Gestaltung auszeichnen. Jedes dieser Projekte wird umfassend anhand von Fotos und Plänen vorgestellt. Der Internationale Hochhaus Preis wird alle zwei Jahre vergeben. Zu den bisherigen Gewinner*innen zählen u. a. OMA (2020), Benjamín Romano (2018), BIG (2016), Stefano Boeri (2014), Ingenhoven Architects (2012), WOHA (2010) und Foster and Partners (2008).
DOM Publishers German Architecture Annual 2022: Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2022
The German Architecture Annual, edited by the German Architecture Museum (DAM), has been documenting contemporary architectural projects in Germany for almost 40 years. This year’s edition of the annual presents the shortlist of 25 buildings selected by the jury for the 2022 DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany. The building reviews, written by architectural critics, along with large-format photographs, provide a deep insight into those works.
DOM Publishers Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2023/German Architecture Annual 2023
The German Architecture Yearbook , published by the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, has been documenting current building activity in Germany for almost 40 years. In reviews by well-known authors, the yearbook presents the shortlist of 23 buildings from Germany and three examples from abroad, which a jury determined for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2023 . Curators of the museum as well as renowned architects and architecture critics viewed a field of around 100 nominations for the year. In addition to the special tribute to the winner of the DAM Prize, the shortlist of finalists is also portrayed in more detail. The German Architectural Annual, edited by the German Architecture Museum (DAM), has been documenting contemporary architectural projects in Germany for the past 40 years. This year's edition of the annual presents the shortlist of 26 buildings selected by the jury for the 2023 DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. The building reviews, written by architectural critics, along with large-format photographs, provide a deep insight into those works.
DOM Publishers German Architecture Annual 2020: Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2020
The German Architecture Annual, edited by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, has been documenting current architectural events in Germany for almost 40 years. Contributions by renowned authors present the shortlist of 26 buildings as selected by a jury for the 2020 DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. Curators of the museum, architects, and architectural critics visited around 100 nominated buildings. The 2020 edition offers a detailed portrait of a smaller selection of finalists along with an in-depth appraisal of this year's winner.
DOM Publishers German Architecture Annual 2018
The German Architecture Annual, published by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) in Frankfurt am Main, has been documenting the architectural events taking place in Germany for almost 40 years. This year’s annual presents a number of interviews with distinguished authors who discuss 22 buildings in Germany shortlisted by a jury for the DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany 2018. In order to make this selection, curators of the museum as well as prominent architects and architecture critics visited around 100 buildings that were nominated for this year’s award. The 2018 edition of the annual presents the shortlisted works in greater detail in addition to giving special recognition to the winner of the DAM Preis. The Elbphilharmonie, being an exceptional project, was not eligible for the award but receives a special mention. A separate chapter is dedicated to buildings designed by German architects abroad, two of which are presented in this issue. The book also features two essays. One explores the model used in Hamburg for allocating land, designed to support joint building ventures. The other explores the current boom in architecture for theatre and music venues.