Search results for ""Author Orland Soave""
Austin & Winfield,U.S. The Animal/Human Bond: A Culture Survey
Today, the interactions between man and animals are daily ones, sometimes subtle, othertimes complex and essential for the survival of both animals and man. The knowledge accumulated from human/animal interactions is interesting, stimulating, and useful in everyday life. This story is of interest to biologists, behaviorists, agriculturalists, psychologists, sociologists, veterinarians, physicians and the general public. Such associations represent the study of life. They are like symphony music is to the subject of mathematics: they compliment the hard science by providing interest, harmony, soul and satisfaction. The Animal/Human Bond (Second Edition) increases the coverage of epidemiology, with added discussion of each facet of the original work.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Animals, the Law and Veterinary Medicine: A Guide to Veterinary Law
Animals, the Law and Veterinary Medicine is a concise, contemporary presentation of the law as applied to animals in veterinary medicine and an easy reference tool for veterinarians, attorneys, animal technicians, Zoo administrations and others interested in animals and their welfare. This fourth edition includes new information on the history of law, the Bible on animals, sentinel animals as guardians of human health, patents, copyrights and trademarks. The number of cases and court decisions on animal law, ownership of animals, responsibility for animals, malpractice and negligence have been doubled, the glossary has been increased in size, and the reference list has expanded to reflect the new and added material.