Search results for ""Author Origen""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Un año con Dios en el Nuevo Testamento: 365 devocionales para la mujer / A Year with God in the New Testament: 365 Devotions for Women
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC 180 Oraciones poderosas para mujeres / 180 Powerful Prayers for Women
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Día y noche con Dios: Devocional de 90 días para mujeres / Morning and Evening w ith God: A 90 Day Devotional for Women
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Orando los nombres de Dios / Praying the Names of God
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Oraciones y promesas para la mujer: Guía de oraciones y versículos para 52 semanas / Prayers and promises for Women: A 52 Week Guided Verse and Prayer
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Oraciones y promesas para la mujer: Guía de oraciones y versículos para 52 semanas / Prayers and promises for Women
PRH Grupo Editorial Un aÃo con Dios en el Antiguo Testamento para Mujeres A Year With God in the Old Testament
Un devocional diario práctico que seguramente calentará el corazón de cualquier mujer que busque obtener sabiduría a medida que se acerca a Dios. Breves devocionales para meditar en el Antiguo Testamento y cubrirlo en un año. Este libro de devocionales ayudará y motivará al lector a enfocar su devocional en Dios y Su Palabra. Un año con Dios presenta un devocional para cada día del año. Cada uno de estos devocionales busca que el lector profundice en su relación con Dios y aplique el conocimiento, los valores y la sabiduría que se encuentran en el Antiguo Testamento a la vida diaria. Cuenta con muchas ilustraciones, gran colorido con toque femenino y contenido inspiracional en cada uno de los 365 devocionales diarios y lecturas bíblicas. Este devocional contiene: • 365 Devocionales inspiradores • Un
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC 180 Oraciones poderosas para madres / 180 Powerful Prayers for Mothers
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (USA) LLC Libro de oraciones católicas / The book of Catholic Prayers
The Catholic University of America Press Homilies on the Psalms: Codex Monacensis Graecus 314
In 2012 Dr. Marina Marin Pradel, an archivist at the Bayerische Stattsbibliotek in Munich, discovered that a thick 12th-century Byzantine manuscript, Codex Monacensis Graecus 314, contained twenty-nine of Origen’s Homilies on the Psalms, hitherto considered lost. Lorenzo Perrone of the University of Bologna, an internationally respected scholar of Origen, vouched for the identification and immediately began work on the scholarly edition that appeared in 2015 as the thirteenth volume of Origen’s works in the distinguished Griechische Christlichen Schrifsteller series. In an introductory essay Perrone provided proof that the homilies are genuine and demonstrated that they are, astonishingly, his last known work. Live transcripts, these collection homilies constitute our largest collection of actual Christian preaching from the pre-Constantinian period.In these homilies, the final expression of his mature thought, Origen displays, more fully than elsewhere, his understanding of the church and of deification as the goal of Christian life. They also give precious insights into his understanding of the incarnation and of human nature. They are the earliest example of early Christian interpretation of the Psalms, works at the heart of Christian spirituality. Historians of biblical interpretation will find in them the largest body of Old Testament interpretation surviving in his own words, not filtered through ancient translations into Latin that often failed to convey his intense philological acumen. Among other things, they give us new insights into the life of a third-century Greco-Roman metropolis, into Christian/Jewish relations, and into Christian worship.This translation, using the GCS as its basis, seeks to convey, as faithfully as possible, Origen’s own categories of thought. An introduction and notes relate the homilies to the theology and principles of interpretation in Origen’s larger work and to that work’s intellectual context and legacy.
The Catholic University of America Press Homilies on Isaiah
Hans Urs von Balthasar places Origen of Alexandria “in rank . . . beside Augustine and Thomas” in “importance for the history of Christian thought,” explaining that his “brilliance” has captivated theologians throughout history (Spirit and Fire, 1984, 1). This brilliance shines forth in his nine extant homilies on Isaiah, in which he employs his theology of the Trinity and Christ to exhort his audience to play their crucial role in salvation history.Origen reads Isaiah’s vision of the Lord and two seraphim in Isaiah 6 allegorically as representing the Trinity, and this theme runs throughout the nine homilies. His representation of the seraphim as the Son and Holy Spirit around the throne of the Father brought early accusations that Origen was a proto-Arian subordinationist, followed by a pointed condemnation by Emperor Justinian in 553. These homilies, originally delivered between 245 and 248, are extant only in a fourth-century Latin translation. Though St. Jerome, likely because of these controversies, does not identify himself as the Latin translator, the evidence overwhelmingly points to his pen, and his reliability in conveying Origen’s authentic meaning is well documented.If one sets aside the questionable charges of subordinationism, these homilies, expounding on passages from Judges 6-10, come alive with Origen’s legacy of presenting Christ as the central figure of the soul’s ascent to God. Reading allegorically the two seraphim to be Jesus and the Holy Spirit around the Father’s throne, Origen draws a picture of the Trinity as a tightly knit whole in which the Son and the Holy Spirit eternally sing the Trisagion (“Holy, holy, holy”) to each other and the Father about the divine truths of God’s nature, allowing the part of their song that conveys the “middle things” of salvation history to be heard by creation. The “second seraph” is the Son, or Jesus, who descends holding a hot coal, or Scripture, from the altar of the throne, with which he cleanses Isaiah’s lips, or the believer’s soul. Origen employs his signature exegetical method of allegory and typology through the lens of the threefold meaning of Scripture to emphasize to his hearers that Christ is the deliverer, the content, and the reward of the healing Word. He repeatedly assures them that those who submit to Scripture will enter into salvation history’s cycle of cleansing from sin, growth in virtue, and ever-deepening knowledge of God. As a result, they will become like Christ and thus will be prepared to join the Trinity for all eternity at the heavenly wedding feast.
The Catholic University of America Press Homilies on Psalms 36-38
This volume provides the first English translation of the nine extant homilies on Psalms 36[37]–38[39] preached by Origen (d. 253/4) to his congregation at Caesarea as arranged and translated for Latin readers by his admirer, Rufinus of Aquileia (d. 411). These homilies are among the earliest extant examples of patristic preaching on the Psalter. The interpretation offered throughout these homilies, which is almost wholly moral, reflects Origen's understanding of the "soul" of the scriptural text. These homilies provide a glimpse of Origen's account of scriptural meaning, outlined in De principiis 4, in pastoral practice. In his preaching, Origen offers a vision of the Christian life as centered on the soul's continuing conversion, growth, and progress, with particular reference to and within the context of the Church. The life of the believer is one of combat and struggle with powers opposed to Christ. It is Christ, as the divine Physician, who offers healing to the one who is wounded and ailing from sin, and it is Christ, as Wisdom and Word of God, who instructs and educates the believer in the life of the Spirit. These homilies reveal the substantial coherence of Origen's thought, as expressed in the more speculative De principiis and as revealed in the more elaborate, nuptial theology found in his Commentary on the Canticle.This volume includes a robust introduction and complements the work of Joseph Trigg, whose translation from the original Greek of the cache of homilies discovered in Codex Monacensis 314 has recently appeared in this series.