Search results for ""Author Monica Carretero""
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La petita bassa s?està assecant. Els seus habitants estan molt preocupats: necessiten un líder que els dirigeixi. Qui serà el més adient? De vegades ens embranquem en discussions que no porten enlloc i deixem de costat el que és veritablement important. Descobrirem si en aquesta bassa troben el millor líder.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. Eleneja Elebbit
Laugh along with the adventures and misadventures of Little Captain Jack. Great things can come in all shapes and sizes, big or small.Once upon a time, there was a little pirate.He was so very little that everyone called him Little Captain Jack.One day, the bad pirate Badlock, took Little Captain Jack and locked him in a darkcellar. Our pirate was scared but he was helped by a mouse. And the mouse was helped by a seagull ---Alicia Acosta is a professional storyteller from Andalusia (Spain). She works with groups of children in schools and for Government organizations. She combines her background as a psychologist to promote the love of reading in children. She is also a radio announcer and organizes theater workshops.Mónica Carretero is a renowned illustrator in Spain. She has published more than 70 books in England, Australia, and the USA. She was awarded by the London Children’s Book Fair for her illustrations. She has received five International Latino Book Awards and one Living Now Award.
Ahoy, little mateys! Captain Jack and his crew have found a bottle with a hidden message! It will lead them to the mysterious Achoo Island… An island inhabited BY GIANT NOSES! As they approach, the giant noses start attacking them with boogers. It was a trap! Boogers fly everywhere! Take cover, mateys! Will Little Captain Jack and his crew be able to escape? Caution! You may wanna have a hanky ready as you read this hilarious tale of adventure (by Alicia Acosta and Mónica Carretero). But wait, there’s more! You can also read the first adventure of Little Captain Jack. Anyone can be brave, no matter their size!
Cuento de Luz SL La familia Bola RolyPolies
Although chubby and gray, these funny little animals will embark on the adventure of forming their own theater and will remind us of that artist that we all carry inside.Still don''t know the Poly family? Beneath a large cabaret theater lived a huge family of roly-polies. The cabaret was open at night, and it welcomed the greatest stars of the moment, who got together to sing and dance to the rhythm of the music. But of course, with that noise, no one could sleep! So the Poly family decided to sleep during the day, and at night they put on their best evening gowns and joined the party. Undoubtedly, these little creatures were real artists. That is why they decided to put on their own show in an abandoned theatre box. Each member of the family had a special talent: one sang like angels, another preferred to dance and create the best choreographies They all had their role in the show. One day, a family member who lived abroad made a proposal
El lder
La pequeña charca se está secando, los habitantes están preocupadísimos, necesitan un líder que los dirija. Quién será el más idóneo? el más antiguo? el más fuerte? el más habilidoso? el que siempre lo ha sido?. A veces nos enzarzamos en discusiones que no van a ningún sitio y dejamos lo verdaderamente importante a un lado. Descubriremos si en esta charca ganan las ganas de arreglarlo o las cualidades de ese líder.
Cuento de Luz SL Los vestidos de mamá (Mom's Dresses)
Premiado en Estados Unidos en los 2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards Cada vestido de mamá es único, como única es la aventura que inspira cada uno de ellos. Cada vestido de mamá es un espejo de sus emociones que nos invita a crear y volar con la imaginación. Los vestidos de mamá celebra el amor entre madre e hija. Lexile Level: 640L No se pierdan el booktrailer! Las primeras páginas:
Cuento de Luz SL Manual de casas encantadas Haunted Houses Handbook
Stairs that wobble, secret passages and plenty of ghosts wait hidden within the pages of this spooky tale. Open the door for a spine-chilling adventure!Would you dare to live in a haunted house?Tired of living in the big city, Mrs. Muac and her son look for a new home to start over in a much quieter place. But, try as they might they can't seem to find the perfect house: they are so expensive! One day, they stumble upon a mysterious real estate agency called The Haunted House Agency and embark on a great journey to find the house of their dreams or nightmares?Join the adventures of Mrs. Muac and her son to find stairs that wobble, secret passages, talking bells, and plenty of funny ghosts are just some of the strange things they discover hidden within the pages of this spooky tale.Open the door for a spine-chilling adventure.Escaleras que se bambolean, pasadizos s
Cuento de Luz SL Rafa Nadal - Lo que de verdad importa es ser feliz en el camino, no esperar a la meta (Rafa Nadal - What Really Matters is Being Happy Along the Way, Not Waiting Until You Reach the Finish Line): Lo que de verdad importa es ser feliz en el
Premiado en Estados Unidos en los 2017 International Latino Book Awards «Érase una vez… un niño al que le encantaba jugar al tenis y al fútbol, como a tantos otros niños que vivían en los rincones más dispares del mundo. Tenía cuatro años y se pasaba el día pegado a un raqueta y a un balón». Con la humildad siempre como bandera, el gran tenista Rafa Nadal fue descubriendo, ya desde su infancia, lo que de verdad importa y los valores que guían su vida. Lexile Level: 870L No se pierdan el booktrailer! No se pierdan los comentarios de Rafa! Las primeras páginas:
Cuento de Luz SL La gallina Cocorina (Clucky the Hen)
Finalist at the 2011 and 2014 International Latino Book Awards. Cocorina has a big heart, but she’s a bit clumsy and forgetful… A delightful tale told in rhyme, ideal for learning to accept the faults of those around us and to ignore gossip.Cocorina had a big heart, but she was clumsy and forgetful too. She always had a thousand things in mind, so imagine when she gave birth to three chicks!Sometimes, her children ended up finding themselves in complicated situations due to the occasional distractions from their mother. In the farmyard, the other hens gossiped and insinuated Cocorina wasn’t a good mother to her children, and the rumor started to spread… Suddenly the rumor had already arrived to the city and soon to the most remote part of the world. Everyone said that Cocorina did not treat her children well.Although not everything was going as Cocorina would have liked, she did not stop striving for the welfare of her three beloved children. But being a good mother was not an easy task: more than once did Cocorina mess up, but she never gave up and, right after apologizing to her three little ones, she hugged them and showed them that she loved them very much.And the rumors didn’t matter, because the three chicks were clear that their mother was unique and that they would not change her for anything in the world.Finalista en los International Latino Book Awards 2011 y 2014. La gallina Cocorina tiene un gran corazón, pero es un poco torpe y olvidadiza... Un cuento lleno de emoción escrito en verso que nos enseña que nadie es perfecto.Cocorina era una gallina muy simpática y cariñosa, pero también algo despistada y torpe. El hecho de ser mamá de tres pollitos no ayudaba demasiado: ¡Cocorina andaba de aquí para allá con mil cosas a la cabeza!Sus pollitos en más de una ocasión acababan encontrándose en situaciones complicadas debido a algún que otro despiste de su mamá. Las gallinas empezaron a criticar a Cocorina por no ser una buena madre, y, de pronto, el rumor ya había circulado por la ciudad hasta llegar al lugar más remoto del mundo: todos decían que Cocorina no trataba bien a sus hijos.Si bien no todo iba como a Cocorina le hubiese gustado, ella no dejaba de esforzarse por el bienestar de sus tres queridos hijos. Pero ser una buena mamá no era tarea fácil: más de una vez Cocorina metió la pata, pero ella no se rendía nunca y, pidiendo perdón a sus tres pequeños, los abrazaba y les demostraba que los quería muchísimo.Y nada importaron los rumores, porque los tres pollitos tenían claro que su mamá era única y que no la cambiarían por nada en el mundo.
Cuento de Luz SL Mom's Dresses
Mom's Dresses is a celebration of the love between mother and daughter. The beautiful and unique dresses that this mother wears inspire her daughter to imagine wonderful adventures and evoke a current of emotions that mother and daughter ride through together. It includes a a model and variety of dresses to be cut out as well as a write-in spread. Guided Reading Level N.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO El emocionómetro del inspector Drilo
Inspector Croc is a great detective of emotions. Everyone in Forestville calls him when they feel overwhelmed. Croc will help his friends to identify, measure and regulate their EMOTIONS in a fun and simple way with his great invention, Inspector Croc’s EMOTION-O-METER.
Cuento de Luz SL Cocorina y el puchero mágico (Clucky and the Magic Kettle)
Clucky the Hen takes her baby chicks to the farmyard school every morning so they can learn, play, and make new friends. But the baby chicks soon learn how mean others can be when some of the other students tease, bully, and start rumors about a classmate and even about them and Clucky. When the chicks come home and tell Clucky about the mean things their classmates say, she tells them to ignore them and not to take any of their comments to heart. In the end, Clucky uses her magic kettle to collect bad feelings and turn them into good ones so that the farmyard school can become a positive and friendly place. Clucky's third tale addresses bullying and peer pressure and emphasizes the importance of a good attitude and open communication.
Cuento de Luz SL Mamá se va a la guerra (Mom Goes to War)
Una reina cuyo territorio es invadido y que tiene un ejercito de aliados que luchara sin condiciones a su lado. Una historia alegorica cargada de positivismo para explicar a los niños la enfermedad del cancer. Ideal para padres, medicos y educadores. Transmite valores como el coraje, la solidaridad y la esperanza. An unspeakable illness: Cancer. A mother who wants to explain to her children what is happening, the fascinating adventure of a queen. Lexile Level: 790L
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Inspector Croc's Emotion-O-Meter
Inspector Croc is a great detective of emotions. Everyone in Forestville calls him when they feel overwhelmed. Croc will help his friends to identify, measure and regulate their EMOTIONS in a fun and simple way with his great invention, Inspector Croc’s EMOTION-O-METER.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO El pequeño pirata Serafín
Laugh along with the (mis)adventures of El pequeño pirata Serafín and see that good things DO come in small sizes.
Cuento de Luz SL Haunted Houses Handbook
Stairs that wobble, secret passages and plenty of ghosts wait hidden within the pages of this spooky tale. Open its door! Guided Reading Level: N, Lexile Level: 860L
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO La isla de los mocos
Ahoy, little mateys! Captain Jack and his crew have found a bottle with a hidden message! It will lead them to the mysterious Achoo Island… An island inhabited BY GIANT NOSES! As they approach, the giant noses start attacking them with boogers. It was a trap! Boogers fly everywhere! Take cover, mateys! Will Little Captain Jack and his crew be able to escape? Caution! You may wanna have a hanky ready as you read this hilarious tale of adventure (by Alicia Acosta and Mónica Carretero). But wait, there’s more! You can also read the first adventure of Little Captain Jack. Anyone can be brave, no matter their size!
Cuento de Luz SL Flea Circus
Some seemingly insignificant little fleas decide to change their lives and create a wonderful circus. Not judging by appearances, believing in yourself and developing the artist in all of us are just some of the messages of this charming story.Determined to turn their lives around, they created the wonderful, incredible, fabulous FLEA CIRCUS, the smallest circus in the world. As soon as it opened, the circus was completely filled and the show was a success. Fleas from all over the world came to see the great Flea Circus with their own eyes. Determined to turn their lives around, they created the wonderful, incredible, fabulous FLEA CIRCUS, the smallest circus in the world. As soon as it opened, the circus was completely filled and the show was a success. Fleas from all over the world came to see the great Flea Circus with their own eyes. A wonderful story that encourages us to believe in ourselves and to overcome limitations.
Cuento de Luz SL The Box of Holes
Andrea's mom doesn't understand how an old box full of holes can be of any use, but her daughter is just over the moon about her latest acquisition--and rightly so! When she takes off the lid, the little girl pulls out holes in all shapes and sizes that lead her to discover remarkable characters who fill her room with amazing stories. The Box of Holes is a bewitching tale that shows us how our imaginations can fill in many gaps in our lives, bringing smiles to our faces that we should never, ever give up as lost. Lexile Level 900L Guided Reading Level M