Search results for ""Author Mizuki Nomura""
Little, Brown & Company Bond and Book: The Long, Long Good-Bye of
With the untimely death of third-generation bookseller Emon Koumoto, a small Tohokutown loses its last bookstore. On the eve of its closing sale, however, high schoolerMusubu Enoki shows up out of nowhere claiming that the late owner had entrusted himwith all the texts in the shop! As patrons come from far and wide to say their goodbyesto the store during its last week of operation, Musubu uses his ability to converse withbooks to reunite people with their most treasured tomes. But can these nostalgic,interconnected encounters lead him to the truth behind Emon’s demise?
Little, Brown & Company Bond and Book: The Only Way of the Operating Room
Musubu is a boy who can hear the voices of books. One day, he meets a children’sbook who wants to go back to someone named Hana, and the search begins. Will hebe able to fulfill the book’s request...?