Search results for ""Author Michael Sommer""
wbg academic Von Hannibal zu Hitler Rom und Karthago 1943 und die deutsche Altertumswissenschaft im Nationalsozialismus
C.H. Beck Dark Rome
Kroener Alfred GmbH + Co. Rmische Geschichte Von den Anfngen bis zum Untergang
Klett-Cotta Verlag Syria Geschichte einer zerstrten Welt
C.H. Beck Mordsache Caesar
Kroener Alfred GmbH + Co. Die Phnizier Handelsherren zwischen Orient und Okzident
Herder Verlag GmbH Soldatenkaiser
Kroener Alfred GmbH + Co. Rmische Geschichte II Rom und sein Imperium in der Kaiserzeit
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Book of Seven Seals: The Peculiarity of Revelation, its Manuscripts, Attestation, and Transmission
The Book of Revelation is a peculiar text whose special status in early Christianity is manifested by its manuscript attestation, transmission, literary references and discussions among early Church writers. This special status forms the nucleus of these collected essays and is highlighted from various perspectives. Nowadays of course, the Apocalypse has become a treasure trove of famous motifs for artists, composers, poets and novelists. On the other hand, however, it also appears to be something of a bon mot in that its manuscript tradition is rather sparse and highly distinctive. With the help of single phenomena that revolve around the extraordinary attestation and transmission of Revelation, the authors here are able to unveil how its peculiarity was perceived in early Christianity. Its manifestation in manuscripts and in the lively controversy about its value and orthodoxy thus resulted in it being treated as unique.