Search results for ""Author Michael Martin""
Capstone Press The Unsolved Mystery of Atlantis
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Planet Wste
Loewe Verlag GmbH Mit Michael Martin um die Welt Unsere wundervolle Erde
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Die Welt im Sucher
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Das Standardlabor in der naturheilkundlichen Praxis
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America Saint Martin: Between Michaelmas and the Holy Nights
A study of Saint Martin, his life, legend, historical and esoteric significance, and suggestions for new directions for festival celebrations.The legend of Saint Martin, the fourth-century Roman soldier who divided his cloak in half and gave it to a beggar, then went on to lay down his weapons forever, has deep significance for us today - when the necessary process of "dividing" into self-conscious individuals threatens to lead only to egotistical strife, if not permeated with love. This original study offers an overview of the saint's life, legend, historical and esoteric significance, and suggestions for new directions for festival celebrations.
Temple University Press,U.S. Atheism: A Philosophical Justification
Logical reasons for being an atheist
The History Press Ltd Spike Island: Saints, Felons and Famine
The dominant star shaped fortress on Spike Island testifies to it's strategic importance in the once heavily fortified bastion of British military might that was Cork Harbour. Beneath and around this edifice however lies the story of an island steeped in extensive Irish heritage that stretches further back into the mists of Irelands past beyond the arrival of the Normans and on through to the darkest period of Irish history. From an island of ecclesiastical retreat and contemplation to a dark and godforsaken destination of victims of Ireland's Great Famine, Spike Island has been a part of two contrasting periods in Irish history. The era of saints and scholars during which Spike was described as a Holy Island is set against a later backdrop of famine, disease and death and the dark judicial practice that saw men and boys transported from it to the penal colonies of distant Australia.This book explores the island through these two very different environments from the founding of the monastery there by Saint Carthage to the use of the island as a place of detention, punishment and undignified death. From saints to starvation, 'Spike Island' embodies a part of the brightest a darkest legacy of Ireland's history.
Appalachian Mountain Club Amc's Best Backpacking in the Mid-Atlantic: A Guide to 30 of the Best Multiday Trips from New York to Virginia
Capstone Press The Unsolved Mystery of Ghosts
Temple University Press,U.S. The Case Against Christianity
In this systematic philosophical critique of the major tenets of Christianity, Michael Martin examines the semantic and epistemological bases of religious claims and beliefs. Beginning with a comparison and evaluation of the Apostles’ Creed, the Niceno-Chalcedonian Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, Martin discusses the principal theological, historical, and eschatological assumptions of Christianity. These include the historicity of Jesus, the Incarnation, the Second Coming, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, Salvation through faith in Jesus, and Jesus as a model of ethical behavior.Until now, an adequately convincing criticism of Christianity did not exist. Martin’s use of historical evidence, textual analysis, and interpretations by philosophers and theologians provides the strongest case made to date against the rational justification of Christian doctrines.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Applied Urban Design
Applied Urban Design combines ''why'' we design and ''who'' we design for, with ''how'' we design, by providing the reader with a comprehensive and accessible bespoke framework for both understanding and practicing urban design in a contextually responsive manner from appraisal to design delivery. The framework is presented across four distinct steps, covering analysis at strategic and local scales; the urban design program; design development; and technical design. The authors unpack the functional blueprints, liveable qualities, contextual dynamics, and technical components of quality urban design, identifying the role of urban designers in shaping spaces and places across differing local contexts through a responsive and multiscalar approach. International best practice examples and two original live' case studies in Aalborg, Denmark and Manchester, UK demonstrate the application of the framework across differing scales and contexts each support
The History Press Ltd RMS Lusitania: It Wasn't and It Didn't
Within hours of the sinking of RMS Lusitania by a German submarine off the Cork coast in May 1915, a narrative was created which over time became the accepted truth of the incident. Many people today still believe the sinking of the Lusitania was a savage attack on an innocent vessel that brought America into the war. In this book, author and historian Michael Martin raises a series of disturbing questions that challenge this longheld perspective. Examining a raft of old and new evidence suggesting a more sinister function of RMS Lusitania, this book explores the widespread use of civilian vessels within the war effort; it shines a light on the operational response of the Royal Navy in the immediate aftermath of the incident; and it looks at the nature of the response of the United States at this crucial juncture. And, above all, this book questions the narrative that has grown up around one of the most pivotal junctures in the war to end all wars.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ballantyne's Deafness
Developments in the field of hearing health care have been significant over the last five years. This complete revision of Deafness reflects these changes and is not only an updating of the previous information but also adds new areas such as social aspects of deafness and mental health and deafness. The book maintains its original aim to be targeted at a wide range of readers who have a need for information on deafness. It will provide easily digested information for a wide range of professionals who have no experience in the field as well as for lay people such as parents of deaf children and deaf people themselves. As it covers a very wide range of topics in one volume it will also serve as an initial reference work for professionals already working with deaf and hard of hearing people. The 27 chapters are written by experts currently practising in their respective subjects. The chapters describe the nature and number of people with hearing loss, the anatomy and physiology of the ear, causes of deafness and their treatment, the measurement of hearing and screening for hearing loss, hearing loss in children and its diagnosis treatment and management, the effects of ageing and noise on hearing, psychological and psychiatric aspects of deafness, hearing aids and assistive devices, cochlear and other implanted devices.
Floris Books Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools: An Integrated Approach
Arts and crafts are a core part of the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum, helping children to develop emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually, as well as learning practical skills.This comprehensive book addresses every aspect of arts and crafts, including woodwork, forestry, metalwork, stone carving, clay modelling, pottery and much more.Written by experienced Waldorf craft teachers, this comprehensive book is an invaluable tool and resource for Middle and Upper School (Classes 5 to 13).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dictionary of Hearing
This dictionary includes a wide range of terms that are in general use in relation to the multi-disciplinary subject of hearing. It covers the fields of acoustics, audiology, electronics, medicine, phonetics, rehabilitation and social administration. The dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of the professional who is non-specialist in some of the fields, of students taking courses related to hearing, of the lay person and of those whose first language is not English. The needs of the specialist are supported by the availability of concise definitions of terms in common usage.
Texas Tech Press,U.S. Dancin' in Anson: A History of the Texas Cowboys' Christmas Ball
In the 1880s, there wasn't much in Anson, Texas, in the way of entertainment for the area’s cowhands. But Star Hotel operator M. G. Rhodes changed that when he hosted a Grand Ball the weekend before Christmas. A restless traveling salesman, rancher, and poet from New York named William Lawrence Chittenden, a guest at the Star Hotel, was so impressed with the soiree that he penned his observances in the poem “The Cowboys’ Christmas Ball.”Re-enacted annually since 1934 based on Chittenden’s poem, the contemporary dances attract people from coast to coast, from Canada, and from across Europe and elsewhere. Since 1993 Grammy Award-winning musical artist Michael Martin Murphey has played at the popular event.Far more than a history of the Jones County dance, Paul Carlson analyses the long poem, defining the many people and events mentioned and explaining the Jones County landscape Chittenden lays out in his celebrated work. The book covers the evolution of cowboy poetry and places Chittenden and his poem chronologically within the ever-changing western genre.Dancin’ in Anson: A History of the Texas Cowboys' Christmas Ball is a novel but refreshing look at a cowboy poet, his poem, and a joyous Christmas-time family event that traces its roots back nearly 130 years.