Search results for ""Author Michael Labahn""
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Offenbarung in Zeichen und Wort: Untersuchungen zur Vorgeschichte von Joh 6,1-25a und seine Rezeption in der Brotrede
Joh 6 stellt einen Höhepunkt und die Zusammenfassung der Theologie des vierten Evangeliums dar. Michael Labahn widmet sich den beiden einleitenden Wundergeschichten, der Speisung der 5000 und dem Seewandel Jesu. Er untersucht die Rolle dieses erzählerischen Abschnitts als Einleitung der Brotrede und stellt fest, daß die Wundersequenz als eine Art Präludium der Brotrede verstanden werden kann. Mit Hilfe religionsgeschichtlicher Parallelen beleuchtet er diese Eingangssequenz, in der Jesus in der Vollmacht Gottes wirkt und mit der er die Welt vor die Alternative von Glaube oder Unglaube stellt. Aufgrund der subtilen Verklammerung von Speisung und Brotrede kann man in der Brotrede eine Inszenierung des Brotwunders als johanneisches Zeichen sehen. Die Brotrede entfaltet als ein kommunikativer Akt das Speisungswunder so, wie es jemand sehen sollte, der die Speisung als Zeichen des Gottessohnes gesehen und verstanden hat. Der Erzähler greift auf eine Erzählung seiner Gemeindetradition zurück, die Michael Labahn auf der Grundlage einer Analyse der narrativen Struktur ermittelt. Die Wurzel dieser Erzählung kann letztlich bis zum synoptischen Erzähltext zurückverfolgt werden, der seinerseits durch den Osterglauben und die Erinnerung an die Speisegemeinschaften Jesu mit sozialen und religiösen Außenseitern geprägt ist. Als Erklärung der Verbindung der erzählerischen Differenzen wird das Phänomen der sekundären Oralität herangezogen. So läßt sich eine Geschichte sukzessiver Nacherzählungen der Erzählfolge von Speisung und Seewandel erkennen.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Die Johannesoffenbarung: Ihr Text Und Ihre Auslegung
Peeters Publishers Imagery in the Book of Revelation
Understanding the book of Revelation means understanding its imagery. This puzzling book contains a fascinating world of pictures and images ' every chapter and every page of it is filled with different kinds of images coming from different traditions and developing different sorts of meaning. The search for the origins of the seer's imagery, its cultural, social-historical, and religious meaning, the problem of Johannine rhetoric, and reader responses to the text are important tasks that merit further discussion. The contributions of this collection explore different aspects of this intriguing field by discussing selected issues of the wide range of materials. The contributors different methodological approaches and apply different tools adopted from a variety of disciplines, such as narrative criticism, intertextuality, social/historical criticism, history of religious comparison, gender studies. The book contains contributions by David Barr, Johannes Beutler, Marco Frenschkowski, Steven Friesen, Laszlo Attila Hubbes, Konrad Huber, Michael Labahn, Kirsi Siitonen, Rebecca Skaggs / Thomas Doyle, Hanna Stenstrom and Robyn J. Whitaker. Most of the articles were presented and discussed at the seminar Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism at the international meeting of the SBL/EABS in Vienna, Austria, 2007. This collection of essays brings new impulses and new methodological and hermeneutical approaches into the discussion on how to understand the imagery in Revelation.
Peeters Publishers Anthropology in the New Testament and Its Ancient Context: Papers from the EABS-meeting in Piliscsaba / Budapest
Most of the articles were presented and discussed at the seminar Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Piliscsaba and Budapest, Hungary, in August 2006. The anthropological quest is still one of the classical approaches in historical-critical as well as in other methodological approaches to the New Testament. The complexity of anthropological ideas in the New Testament is seldom presented neither explicitly nor in clearly defined terms, but rather in stories about human beings or their (inter-)actions and/or parenetic teaching that is based on some, often unstated, presuppositions of what humans are like. The different essays in Anthropology in the New Testament and its Ancient Context are taking care of this complex situation and address a selection of important problems from the variety of ideas on anthropology in Early Christianity as well as in its Jewish and its Hellenistic context. The book does not aim to show a coherent New Testament anthropology as it is to write a coherent New Testament theology, but rather tries to present new insights into the complexity of ancient anthropological discourses. With that aim the collection includes presentations on the human body and its purity ' a key feature in many ancient cultures and their anthropological systems, questions of purity and impurity, on the key anthropological terms sarks and soma in Paul, how a Greco-Roman reader would understand Paul's anthropological reasoning. Paul's anthropology is also set in relation to Philo's view of humanity. Platonic, tripartite anthropology is also part of an article analyzing the common elements in the teaching concerning the human soul among Sethian, Valentinian and Platonic writers. Conversion, another kind of adaptation of a Hellenistic philosophical concept to early Christianity, different early Christian ideas of the resurrected body, and so-called 'sepulchral anthropology' are further subjects addressed in the book which finally deals with selected anthropological imagery in the Gospel of John and with anthropological perspectives in Hebrews. The book contains contributions by Ida Froehlich, Tom Holmen, Lorenzo Scornaienchi, Martin Meiser, George van Kooten, Paivi Vahakangas, Miguel Herrero de Jauregui, Outi Lehtipuu, Imre Peres, Margareta Gruber and Walter Ubelacker. The essays offer some new angles, new methodological approaches and important insights relevant to anthropological views in the New Testament.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Evangelium Secundum Iohannem
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Metaphor, Narrative, and Parables in Q
Research on Q has frequently been driven by questions addressing the legitimacy of the two-source hypothesis or by questions related to the reconstruction of this source. As such, Q scholarship has often viewed its tasks primarily through the lenses of source- and redaction-critical perspectives. The authors of this volume make a conscious effort to refocus, at least to a certain extent, discussions concerning Q from questions of reconstruction to narratival and metaphorical aspects of this text. Narrative elements such as space, time, characters, plot, etc. on the one hand, and metaphorical elements such as Bildfeldtradition, socio-historical aspects of the images employed, etc., on the other, can be recognized and examined even apart from a precise, verbal reconstruction of a text. Since parables are an especially fruitful area for such considerations, the parables found in Q receive particular emphasis and consideration. Along these lines, this publication is intended to provide not only new perspectives on old questions in Q scholarship (e.g., tradition-history, social context, tradents, etc.) but also to provide stimulus for new directions in the study of Q.
Amsterdam University Press People under Power: Early Jewish and Christian Responses to the Roman Empire
This volume presents a batch of incisive new essays on the relationship between Roman imperial power and ideology and Christian and Jewish life and thought within the empire. Employing diverse methodologies that include historical criticism, rhetorical criticism, postcolonial criticism, and social historical studies, the contributors offer fresh perspectives on a question that is crucial for our understanding not only of the late Roman Empire, but also of the growth and change of Christianity and Judaism in the imperial period.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Biblische Theologie ALS Hermeneutik: Gesammelte Aufsatze. Zum 65. Geburtstag
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Paulinische Christologie: Exegetische Beitrage. Hans Hubner Zum 70. Geburtstag