Search results for ""Author Michael Bauer""
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Abenteuer Ethik 9 Schülerband NEU Gymnasium Bayern
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH fragensuchenentdecken 3 Religion in der Grundschule
O'Reilly Media Linux Server Security
Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux--as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet--and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including: Database security, with a focus on MySQL Using OpenLDAP for authentication An introduction to email encryption The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent The vsftpd FTP server Geared toward Linux users with little security expertise, the author explains security concepts and techniques in clear language, beginning with the fundamentals. Linux Server Security with Linux provides a unique balance of "big picture" principles that transcend specific software packages and version numbers, and very clear procedures on securing some of those software packages on several popular distributions. With this book in hand, you'll have both the expertise and the tools to comprehensively secure your Linux system.
Urachhaus/Geistesleben Pflanzenmrchen
Michael Bauer, Lifecollege SelbstCoaching Zeit fr Neues
Veritas Verlag Medias in res AHS 5 bis 6 Klasse bungsbuch fr das sechsjhrige Latein bungsbuch 3 4 Zu den Lektionen 1 bis 40
C.H. Beck Vertriebskartellrecht
Buch & media Oskar Panizza Eine Biografie
Liverpool University Press Effectively Countering Terrorism: The Challenges of Prevention, Preparedness and Response
Since September 11, 2001, the pressure on Al Qaeda has increased. Training sanctuaries and havens have been eliminated, and numerous fighters of the organisation have been killed, captured or are in hiding. Today, Al Qaeda can be understood -- according to many analysts -- much more as an ideological platform than an operative terror organisation: Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri cannot provide tactical leadership. But they pose a new, more virtual threat insofar as recruitment, training and indoctrination, as well as propaganda, have moved to small cell operations in virtually every country, under the Al Qaeda ideological banner. The stark fact is that the execution of the global war on terrorism has not decreased international terrorism directed against the West. In view of this apparent failure of present strategies, the editors have sought the opinions of eight distinguished scholars and experts in the field to reflect on the following questions: What additional actions are required in counter-terrorism policy to reverse the increase in terror-directed activities? What are the main shortcomings of current policy initiatives? And, what policy recommendations can they make as a result of recent developments in counter-terrorism theory and new data on terror perpetrators and incidents? Their answers set out in this volume provide important contributions -- academic, scientific, and practical -- to the debate on how to effectively counter terrorism, which methods to pursue, and which means to apply. The volume is structured in three parts: Possible anticipatory actions in the context of counter-terrorism and prevention; the question of reasonable reaction to a perceived or real threat; and discussion on the effects of an attack and how to deal with them.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG S3-Leitlinie zur Diagnostik und Therapie Bipolarer Störungen
Leitlinien dienen dazu, Versorgungsfragen zu formulieren, das umfangreiche Wissen dazu zusammenzutragen und kritisch zu bewerten, gegensätzliche Standpunkte zu klären und das derzeitige Vorgehen der Wahl zu definieren. Sie sollen Patienten, Angehörige und Therapeuten bei der Entscheidung über angemessene Maßnahmen der Krankenversorgung unter spezifischen medizinischen Umständen unterstützen.Dieses Buch enthält die Langversion der S3-Leitlinie zur Diagnostik und Therapie Bipolarer Störungen mit Stand Februar 2019. Diese stellt eine aktuelle, überarbeitete Fassung der ersten Version der Leitlinie dar, welche 2012 veröffentlicht wurde, und enthält neben überarbeiteten auch neu generierte Abschnitte, Statements und Empfehlungen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Green Building: Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture
An important consideration for energy-efficient buildings is their primary energy requirements over the entire life cycle. How to determine this? What integrative factors influence the performance of a healthy and sustainable building? This, while it may be important for clients and architects to know, is frequently not very transparent.This book has been written to assist with clarifying target criteria and expanding horizons when it comes to ecological buildings. It is meant as a handbook and source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators, to provide them with pertinent information about their design, construction and operation: how to do this in the most energy-efficient and economical manner?Also, there is feedback and documentation about prominent buildings like the Hamburg Dockland or the Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg in Stuttgart. They provide excellent architectural examples for detailed construction and design solutions. Further, there are insightful interviews with architects and clients about many important buildings, which help turn this book into an integrated source of reference for sustainable architecture. - A Guideline for Planning, Construction and Operation of sustainable Buildings- A source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators- Innovative architectural examples with sustainable concepts and design
Berrett-Koehler The Wall Street Diet
Kohlhammer Bipolare Storungen: Das Praxishandbuch