Search results for ""Author Margaret Ann Lembo""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Essential Oils and Gemstone Guardians Cards
• Includes 42 full-color cards, each featuring an essential oil, a vibrationally matching crystal, and a positive affirmation • Includes a 160-page booklet explaining how to use the cards • Provides, for each essential oil, its therapeutic properties and safety precautions as well as how the gemstone relates to the use of the oil Just like gemstones, essential oils work on an energetic level to rebalance us spiritually, mentally, and emotionally and offer many physiological benefits. Bringing aromatherapy into partnership with crystals, Essential Oils & Gemstone Guardians Cards present a hands-on way to engage with the enhanced powers of allies from the mineral and plant kingdom together. The color-coded cards are divided into six groups: Focus, Grounding, and Protection; Health and Well-Being; Love, Friendship, and Romance; Money, Creativity, and Motivation; Happiness and Self-Confidence; Intuition and Communication--each helping you to understand yourself better. As author Margaret Ann Lembo explains, the energetic value, or vibration, of an essential oil is stabilized by the devic forces associated with mother plant, flower, root, or bark. The energetic vibration of a gemstone holds records and goals to help you focus on the reality you wish to create. You design your reality and the cards in this deck will help you focus on your intentions and ignite transformation in your life. Designed to spark your courage and innate knowledge and abilities, this deck and guidebook set helps empower you to step forward with confidence and realize your unlimited potential.
Findhorn Press Ltd Masters, Mystics, Saints & Gemstone Guardians Cards
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Essential Guide to Archangels and Saints
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Gemstone Guardians Cards and Your Soul Purpose
A deck and guidebook set to help you discover your life’s work with the assistance of the inspiring gemstone guardians • Includes 44 full-color cards, each with a soul purpose archetype and a vibrationally matching crystal as well as a question for contemplative thought, divine guidance, and a positive affirmation • Includes a 128-page booklet with divination spreads and explanations of the archetypes, how their attributes relate to choices in one’s life work, and how the matching gemstone amplifies certain attributes further • Provides insights and understanding to support you in your soul purpose and encourages self-empowerment to propel you into fulfilling your sacred agreements with the Divine Gemstone Guardians Cards and Your Soul Purpose presents a hands-on way to engage in discovering and deepening your soul purpose. The 44 two-sided cards have been specifically created to inspire thought from higher levels of awareness and help you answer questions like, “What is my soul purpose?” and “How can I live it more fully?” Pairing an archetypal career expression with a vibrationally matching crystal, mineral, or stone to provide insight into and recognition of your unique path, each card offers a question for contemplative thought, divine guidance messages of hope, happiness, and well-being, and a positive affirmation. The accompanying booklet explains the soul purpose archetypes, how their attributes relate to choices in one’s life work, and how the matching gemstone amplifies certain attributes further. The booklet explores how to work with intention, focused attention, and the laws of manifestation to activate the courage and confidence to do your life’s work and encourages self-empowerment to propel you into fulfilling your sacred agreements with the Divine. It also provides a choice of spreads for divination and explores how life challenges and lessons are not blocks but stepping-stones to help you make a lasting contribution for peace and harmony. These cards help shine light on the path to your soul purpose and reveal the gemstone guardians as your allies on the journey. You can also add these cards to angel communication sessions and tarot card readings for additional insight and direction. Pull a card a day for inspiration, or follow the divine guidance and repeat the affirmations to transform your reality and attract joy, wealth, health, protection, and happy relationships. Designed to spark your creativity, courage, and innate knowledge, the Gemstone Guardians Cards and Your Soul Purpose deck helps empower you to step forward with confidence and realize your unlimited potential.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing
An A-Z guide to 60 essential oils that also brings together the combination of flower remedies, gemstones essences, and other vibrational elements that can be incorporated for enhanced healing practice
Findhorn Press Ltd The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom: Spiritual Connections of Crystal Vibrations and Animal Medicine
Reveals the energetic connections between 88 different animal allies and 88 gems, stones, and crystals from the mineral kingdom All creatures, great and small, in all species on this planet are interconnected. When an animal, insect, bird, or other creature from nature appears repetitively, whether in real life or dreams, it is time to pay attention and find the message that nature is bringing you. There are many teachings available to us through the observation of a particular animal totem and their habits and patterns. For example, parrot medicine can teach us to see life from another perspective as we mimic the wise ones who have walked on the path before us. Mouse medicine teaches us to scrutinize all the details before taking action. Bear may teach you to go within yourself to find answers within your personal cave. Every animal is an ally, and every animal has a story to help you find inner peace, knowledge, and wisdom. The associated gemstone for each animal totem is a further indication of the energy of the animal as symbolism and a teaching on your sacred journey. Crystals, minerals, and stones hold the history of the Earth and all this planet has to offer you to evolve your soul and spirit in this incarnation. The color, formation, and the manner in which the stone grows in the Earth offers a teaching to know yourself and your life purpose. It takes time and inner reflection to understand the messages and clues throughout the gemstone kingdom. Matching the teachings of animals with the teachings of gemstones, Margaret Ann Lembo shows how there is symbolism in all around offering clues to light your path. Exploring 88 gems, stones, and crystals and 88 different animal allies, she details the spiritual connections of crystal vibrations and animal medicine, providing you with a deeper understanding of the interconnected energies of everything around us. She shows how the spiritual fulfillment you seek is available to you in so many ways and this path of working with gemstones and animal medicine is just one of many.
Findhorn Press Ltd The Archangels and Gemstone Guardians Cards
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians Cards
A full-color oracle deck featuring 44 cards pairing animal allies and gemstones to increase your awareness and bring inspiration to light your path When an animal, insect, bird, or other creature from nature appears repetitively, whether in real life or dreams, it is time to pay attention and find the message that nature is bringing you. This deck of 44 oracle cards by Margaret Ann Lembo pairs 44 gemstones with the teachings of their vibrationally matching animal allies to provide guidance and messages of hope, happiness, and well-being. Animal allies are helpers, supporters, and your spiritual entourage, here to reveal self-knowledge and provide clarity on life’s challenges. The Gemstone Guardians are the devic force of the gemstone, which adds energetic assistance in achieving goals and desires through the color and geometric structure of the stone. Each of the cards in this deck offers a question for contemplative thought, a positive affirmation, and Divine Guidance. Add these cards to angel communication sessions and tarot card readings for added insight and direction. Pull a card a day for inspiration and use the affirmation throughout your day. Follow the Divine Guidance and repeat the affirmations from animals to transform your reality into joy, wealth, health, protection, and happy relationships.