Search results for ""Author Marco Musella""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE MONEY SUPPLY IN THE ECONOMIC PROCESS: A Post Keynesian Perspective
The editors of this important collection bring together a selection of previously published articles which outline the role of the money supply in the economic process from a post Keynesian perspective, paying particular attention to the writings of Kaldor.The volume begins with literature which evolved since the Radcliffe Report, whilst the remaining chapters are divided into sections on the Post Keynesian Critique of the Monetarist Positions, Reactions to the 'Monetarist Experiment' and The Recent Post Keynesian Debate.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Inflation, Unemployment and Money
This comprehensive book presents an original reconstruction of the different interpretations of the Phillips curve. The authors demonstrate through an in-depth analysis how it is possible to find non-neoclassical foundations in the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The debate is presented from a historical perspective which charts the evolution of the Phillips curve from a non-neoclassical perspective, taking account of post Keynesian literature.In the first part of the book the authors focus on the origins of the Phillips curve and they critically analyse Richard Lipsey's interpretation and approach to the Phillips curve. They then explore the neoclassical and monetarist interpretation, paying special attention to the evolution of monetarism and the Keynesian critique of this approach. The Kaleckian, Keynesian and Marxist interpretations of the Phillips trade-off are then presented. Here the authors show how the relationship between inflation, unemployment and money described in these approaches accurately reflects the fundamental features of today's capitalist economies. In the final section a new Phillips curve is constructed, taking into account the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment and the hysteresis of it.Inflation, Unemployment and Money will be of interest to macroeconomists, post Keynesians and monetary and financial economists.