Search results for ""Author Marco Abate""
Springer Verlag Geometria Differenziale
L'opera fornisce una introduzione alla geometria delle varietà differenziabili, illustrandone le principali proprietà e descrivendo le principali tecniche e i più importanti strumenti usati per il loro studio. Uno degli obiettivi primari dell'opera è di fungere da testo di riferimento per chi (matematici, fisici, ingegneri) usa la geometria differenziale come strumento; inoltre può essere usato come libro di testo per diversi corsi introduttivi alla geometria differenziale, concentrandosi su alcuni dei vari aspetti della teoria presentati nell'opera. Più in dettaglio, nell'opera saranno trattati i seguenti argomenti: richiami di algebra multilineare e tensoriale, spesso non presentati nei corsi standard di algebra lineare; varietà differenziali, incluso il teorema di Whitney; fibrati vettoriali, incluso il teorema di Frobenius e un'introduzione ai fibrati principali; gruppi di Lie, incluso il teorema di corrispondenza fra sottogruppi e sottoalgebre; coomologia di de Rham, inclusa la dualità di Poincaré e il teorema di de Rham; connessioni, inclusa la teoria delle geodetiche; e geometria Riemanniana, con particolare attenzione agli operatori di curvatura e inclusi teoremi di Cartan-Hadamard, Bonnet-Myers, e Synge-Weinstein. Come abitudine degli autori, il testo è scritto in modo da favorire una lettura attiva, cruciale per un buon apprendimento di argomenti matematici; inoltre è corredato da numerosi esempi svolti ed esercizi proposti.
Springer International Publishing AG Imagine Math 6: Between Culture and Mathematics
Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, new forms. Imagine building mathematical models that make it possible to manage our world better, imagine combining music, art, poetry, literature, architecture and cinema with mathematics. Imagine the unpredictable and sometimes counterintuitive applications of mathematics in all areas of human endeavour. Imagination and mathematics, imagination and culture, culture and mathematics.This sixth volume in the series begins with a homage to the architect Zaha Hadid, who died on March 31st, 2016, a few weeks before the opening of a large exhibition of her works in Palazzo Franchetti in Venice, where all the Mathematics and Culture conferences have taken place in the last years. A large section of the book is dedicated to literature, narrative and mathematics including a contribution from Simon Singh. It discusses the role of media in mathematics, including museums of science, journals and movies. Mathematics and applications, including blood circulation and preventing crimes using earthquakes, is also addressed, while a section on mathematics and art examines the role of math in design. A large selection presents photos of mathematicians and mathematical objects by Vincent Moncorge. Discussing all topics in a way that is rigorous but captivating, detailed but full of evocations, it offers an all-embracing look at the world of mathematics and culture.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Imagine Math 8: Dreaming Venice
This eighth volume of Imagine Math is different from all the previous ones. The reason is very clear: in the last two years, the world changed, and we still do not know what the world of tomorrow will look like. Difficult to make predictions. This volume has a subtitle Dreaming Venice. Venice, the dream city of dreams, that miraculous image of a city on water that resisted for hundreds of years, has become in the last two years truly unreachable. Many things tie this book to the previous ones. Once again, this volume also starts like Imagine Math 7, with a homage to the Italian artist Mimmo Paladino who created exclusively for the Imagine Math 8 volume a new series of ten original and unique works of art dedicated to Piero della Francesca. Many artists, art historians, designers and musicians are involved in the new book, including Linda D. Henderson and Marco Pierini, Claudio Ambrosini and Davide Amodio. Space also for comics and mathematics in a Disney key. Many applications, from Origami to mathematical models for world hunger. Particular attention to classical and modern architecture, with Tullia Iori.As usual, the topics are treated in a way that is rigorous but captivating, detailed and full of evocations. This is an all-embracing look at the world of mathematics and culture.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Imagine Math 8: Dreaming Venice
This eighth volume of Imagine Math is different from all the previous ones. The reason is very clear: in the last two years, the world changed, and we still do not know what the world of tomorrow will look like. Difficult to make predictions. This volume has a subtitle Dreaming Venice. Venice, the dream city of dreams, that miraculous image of a city on water that resisted for hundreds of years, has become in the last two years truly unreachable. Many things tie this book to the previous ones. Once again, this volume also starts like Imagine Math 7, with a homage to the Italian artist Mimmo Paladino who created exclusively for the Imagine Math 8 volume a new series of ten original and unique works of art dedicated to Piero della Francesca. Many artists, art historians, designers and musicians are involved in the new book, including Linda D. Henderson and Marco Pierini, Claudio Ambrosini and Davide Amodio. Space also for comics and mathematics in a Disney key. Many applications, from Origami to mathematical models for world hunger. Particular attention to classical and modern architecture, with Tullia Iori.As usual, the topics are treated in a way that is rigorous but captivating, detailed and full of evocations. This is an all-embracing look at the world of mathematics and culture.