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Vuelve la estrella de, con más música, más baile y más aventuras!The Rocks se va de gira por Europa! Y necesitan bailarines!Está claro que Laura y sus amigos están más que dispuestos a sumarse a esta nueva aventura a su lado. Además, tiene alguna que otra razón personal para querer ver a The Rocks...LAURA LÓPEZ, más conocida como @laura_lp21, es una de las personas con más seguidores de Sus redes sociales suman nuevos seguidores cada día y desde ahí comparte con todos ellos sus videos y sus fotos. De pequeña, Laura ya destacaba por su carisma y complicidad con la cámara, y quizá por eso sus videos tienen ese atractivo especial que emociona.
Edaf Antillas Seitai. Inteligencia Vital
New York University Press The Manufacturing of Job Displacement: How Racial Capitalism Drives Immigrant and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
The employer-driven push to systematically replace Black workers with unauthorized immigrants In The Manufacturing of Job Displacement, Laura López-Sanders argues that the walls of American businesses hide a system of illegal practices and behaviors that lead to racial inequality in the labor market. Drawing on extensive research in South Carolina manufacturing facilities, nearly 300 interviews, and her own experience working at both the “bottom” of the labor market (e.g., cleaning toilets and on assembly-line jobs) and in mid-level supervisory positions, López-Sanders provides a behind-the-scenes accounting of daily factory life. She uncovers preferential hiring practices that fly in the face of civil rights legislation barring employment discrimination, including orchestrated actions of employers to systematically replace Black workers with Hispanic unauthorized immigrants. López-Sanders argues against the predominant view that worker displacement occurs primarily because of hiring biases or social networks. Instead, she shows that employers intervene strategically, relying on subcontractors, agencies, and intermediaries to shift the race and gender in an organization. They also use vulnerable and tractable immigrant labor to impose and justify untenable standards that drive native-born workers out of their jobs and create vacancies to be filled by additional immigrant workers. The Manufacturing of Job Displacement sheds new light on a classic question about ethnic succession and segmentation in the labor market and reorients the ongoing debates about the economic impact of immigration.
New York University Press The Manufacturing of Job Displacement: How Racial Capitalism Drives Immigrant and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
The employer-driven push to systematically replace Black workers with unauthorized immigrants In The Manufacturing of Job Displacement, Laura López-Sanders argues that the walls of American businesses hide a system of illegal practices and behaviors that lead to racial inequality in the labor market. Drawing on extensive research in South Carolina manufacturing facilities, nearly 300 interviews, and her own experience working at both the “bottom” of the labor market (e.g., cleaning toilets and on assembly-line jobs) and in mid-level supervisory positions, López-Sanders provides a behind-the-scenes accounting of daily factory life. She uncovers preferential hiring practices that fly in the face of civil rights legislation barring employment discrimination, including orchestrated actions of employers to systematically replace Black workers with Hispanic unauthorized immigrants. López-Sanders argues against the predominant view that worker displacement occurs primarily because of hiring biases or social networks. Instead, she shows that employers intervene strategically, relying on subcontractors, agencies, and intermediaries to shift the race and gender in an organization. They also use vulnerable and tractable immigrant labor to impose and justify untenable standards that drive native-born workers out of their jobs and create vacancies to be filled by additional immigrant workers. The Manufacturing of Job Displacement sheds new light on a classic question about ethnic succession and segmentation in the labor market and reorients the ongoing debates about the economic impact of immigration.
Creativo Freelance Aprende a valorarte y a disfrutar con tu negocio
Este libro es un manual práctico para emprendedores de la industria creativa que venden servicios profesionales como freelance (diseño gráfico, diseño web, ilustración, modelado 3D, maquetación...) y que necesitan un cambio para lograr trabajar con clientes que los valoren y respeten.Emprender requiere de un gran esfuerzo no solo en cuanto a tiempo o dinero, sino también en energía mental y emocional por las decisiones que conlleva. Por eso, además de ahondar en las seis etapas que propone la autora para crear una estrategia de marketing y ventas con la que atraer mejores clientes, este volumen también hace hincapié en las dificultades que pueden aparecer en cada una de ellas y en cómo afrontarlas para evitar al máximo los bloqueos que a veces surgen al aplicar este método.Si leíste Imperio freelance, el primer libro de Laura López, en este manual encontrarás nuevos contenidos con ideas que aplicar en tu negocio y un enfoque muy centrado en el d