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Hay House Inc Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
TAP INTO A HIGHER FREQUENCY IN THIS UPDATED EDITION - OVER 100,000 COPIES SOLD - FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR KYLE GRAY77 TOOLS TO CONNECT WITH ANGELS – LEARN HOW TO AWAKEN, GROUND, IGNITE, INTEGRATE, ACTIVATE, MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS, AND MORE A brand-new edition to help you lift your energy, unlock a higher frequency, and start receiving more joy and miracles in your life!“Kyle certainly knows how to live a high‑vibe life and this book is filled with inspiration so you can do exactly that!”–Vex King, best- selling author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing Is The New HighEverything is comprised of energy, including you! You express energy in what you create, experience, and attract. Right now, the Universe is calling you to align your life to a higher energetic frequency, and at any given moment you have the opportunity to Raise Your Vibration. Let best-selling author Kyle Gray be your guide!This new edition focuses Kyle’s teachings into 77 essential healing practices, sharing inspiring affirmations, channeled wisdom, and energetic messages to help you awaken your divine connection and activate your light. You’ll discover how to:· Trust in the love and support of the Universe· Clear your energy field and protect your vibes· Activate the flow of spiritual energy through your chakras· Cultivate a daily spiritual practice with simple tools· Attract positive experiences into your everyday life“Raising your vibration is all about choosing to be that good vibe wherever you go. Essentially, it’s about making the conscious choice to be the good you were born to be."The high-vibe life is a good life. That doesn’t mean that everything’s going to be rosy, but it does mean that you have tools and practices that you can use when you need them."That’s what I’ve learned about raising your vibration—it’s not about avoiding life’s challenges or high-vibing your way out of being human, it’s about being able to come back to your center more quickly when things get gnarly, challenging, or even dark."My prayer is that no matter what comes up in your life, this book will support you in tapping into the resources you have within and returning to the highest vibration.”Love,Kyle GrayRaise Your Vibration will help you lead a high-vibe life with purpose and love, so that you make room for an endless flow of miracles, guidance, and spiritual support in every area of your life!
Hay House UK Ltd Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
TAP INTO A HIGHER FREQUENCY IN THIS UPDATED EDITION—OVER 100,000 COPIES SOLD—FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR KYLE GRAY77 TOOLS TO CONNECT WITH ANGELS—LEARN HOW TO AWAKEN, GROUND, IGNITE, INTEGRATE, ACTIVATE, MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS, AND MORE A brand-new edition to help you lift your energy, unlock a higher frequency, and start receiving more joy and miracles in your life!“Kyle certainly knows how to live a high-vibe life and this book is filled with inspiration so you can do exactly that!”–Vex King, best-selling author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing Is the New HighEverything is comprised of energy, including you! You express energy in what you create, experience, and attract. Right now, the Universe is calling you to align your life to a higher energetic frequency, and at any given moment you have the opportunity to Raise Your Vibration. Let best-selling author Kyle Gray be your guide! This new edition focuses Kyle’s teachings into 77 essential healing practices, sharing inspiring affirmations, channeled wisdom, and energetic messages to help you awaken your divine connection and activate your light. You’ll discover how to: · Trust in the love and support of the Universe · Clear your energy field and protect your vibes · Activate the flow of spiritual energy through your chakras · Cultivate a daily spiritual practice with simple tools · Attract positive experiences into your everyday life “Raising your vibration is all about choosing to be that good vibe wherever you go. Essentially, it’s about making the conscious choice to be the good you were born to be.The high-vibe life is a good life. That doesn’t mean that everything’s going to be rosy, but it does mean that you have tools and practices that you can use when you need them.That’s what I’ve learned about raising your vibration—it’s not about avoiding life’s challenges or high-vibing your way out of being human, it’s about being able to come back to your center more quickly when things get gnarly, challenging, or even dark.My prayer is that no matter what comes up in your life, this book will support you in tapping into the resources you have within and returning to the highest vibration.” Love, Kyle GrayRaise Your Vibration will help you lead a high-vibe life with purpose and love, so that you make room for an endless flow of miracles, guidance, and spiritual support in every area of your life!
Hay House UK Ltd Angel Numbers: The Message and Meaning Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences
DISCOVER THE MEANING OF ANGEL NUMBER SEQUENCES AND NUMBER PATTERNS YOU SEE FROM BEST-SELLING ANGEL EXPERT AND AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, KYLE GRAYLEARN WHAT MESSAGES YOUR ANGELS HAVE FOR YOU WHEN YOU SEE NUMBERS FROM 0 THROUGH 999 LIKE 1:11, 2:22, AND 5:55 Are you seeing repeating numbers like 11:11 and 4:44 everywhere you turn? In Angel Numbers, world-renowned angel author Kyle Gray explains exactly what your angels and spirit guides are trying to tell you through repeated number sequences you see. In this day and age, our understanding of the cosmos is all calculated using numbers, so it’s no wonder that angels, the universe’s greatest divine messengers since the dawn of time, are using numbers to send us signs and messages from heaven. There’s a good chance you’ve seen number sequences appearing time and time again in your life—on license plates, purchase receipts, flight numbers, and of course your phone—and these numbers aren’t just numbers, they’re angel numbers.They’re angel messages and calls to action. Now that we’re living in what can only be described as a digital age, angels are using the numbers we see on digital clocks, such as 11:11, 1:23, 21:12, 22:22, and 5:55 to help remind you of your higher truth. Some Example Angel Number Meanings: 12:12 You have the power to bring healing and light to the world. Notice how your intentions and actions are already doing just that.4:44 Your guardian angels want you to know that they are with you. Your prayers are being heard loud and clear. Have faith.1:23 You are moving up a step. All the challenges you have previously experienced are now being released. The angels of ascension are with you.“Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!” – Colette Baron-Reid, international best-selling oracle expertWhenever you need guidance from your angels, simply ask. Angel Numbers is the perfect companion to refer to daily as a reminder that your angels are always listening and sending you loving messages to help with whatever you’re going through.
Hay House UK Ltd Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom: Activations to Connect with Universal Spiritual Guides
RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS WITH THE HELP OF 33 ASCENDED ENLIGHTENED MASTERS FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, KYLE GRAYA FRESH AND INSPIRATIONAL BOOK FULL OF SPIRITUAL TOOLS, AFFIRMATIONS, SACRED GEOMETRY, AND HEALING MEDITATIONS TO HELP YOU FEEL MORE PEACE AND JOYA new and fresh guide to the Ascended Masters and how to work with them for greater peace and connection. Discover new tools and wisdom to connect with the enlightened Ascended Masters, and receive their guidance, healing, protection, and support on your spiritual path.“I adore Kyle Gray. He helps you to reconnect with all that is wanting to rise up within you, be available to the benevolent support that already surrounds you, and release what is wanting to fall away with grace and ease. Who doesn’t want some of that?!” – Rebecca Campbell, author of Light Is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise Best-selling author Kyle Gray offers a close look at the Ascended Masters and explains how they can bring healing to the Earth, the cosmos, and your life. The Ascended Masters are enlightened souls who once walked the Earth (or other planets) and continue to offer their emotional intelligence and spiritual teachings to the world. You may already know some of them—Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Jesus—but did you know there are many more, and that they are here to support you on your spiritual path? In this healing spiritual book, you will discover:· Many Ascended Masters, from Quan Yin to Saint German and Gaia to the Divine Director· A short history of the Masters and how they ascended for the greater good of humanity· How to call upon the Masters for spiritual protection, to remove blockages, and to open up to powerful spiritual connections· What the Council of Light and Etheric Retreats are, and how you can access their wisdom for healing, guidance, and connectionBook Sections Include:PART I: INTRODUCING THE MASTERS· Who Are the Masters?· The History of the Masters· Ascension Explained· The High Council and Etheric RetreatsPART II: MAKING THE CONNECTION· The Divine Matrix· Opening Up · Spiritual AlignmentPART III: WORKING WITH THE MASTERS· Awaken the Master Within“There are many incredible keepers of ancient wisdom out there and it’s my prayer that the 33 I have chosen to include here will support your journey and enrich your life.I pray that with this book I have opened doorways to experiences of love and connection, and that I have done so in a way that honors and respects the Divine Masters.I am grateful for all that I have learned along the way and for all of the personal experiences that have unfolded while I have been writing this book. May it support the activation of the ancient wisdom that resides within you.Love, Kyle Gray Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom includes many powerful exercises and spiritual tools to help you increase your awareness and raise your consciousness.“Kyle Gray changes lives!” – The Sun
L.E.O. Light Warrior
Hay House UK Angelic Activations Oracle
Hay House UK Ltd Connecting with the Angels Made Easy: How to See, Hear and Feel Your Angels
AN INSPIRATIONAL ANGELS BOOK FROM INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, KYLE GRAY DISCOVER HOW TO BRING THE HEALING ANGELIC MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN INTO ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND POWERFUL TRANSFORMATION“The hottest name in spirituality!” – Soul & Spirit magazine Kyle Gray is one of the UK’s most sought-after angel experts. He discovered his spiritual gift at the tender age of four and now dedicates his life to helping others tune in to their own intuitive talents. In this angels book, Kyle teaches readers how to connect with the angels and bring their divine, loving presence into all areas of life for powerful transformations. You will learn about:· How to connect to your own guardian angel· How to see, hear, and feel the presence of the angels· Powerful methods to communicate with angels· How angels can help with anything· Choirs of angels· Guardian angels Sections Include: PART I: WHAT ARE ANGELS?· Angels are real· The purpose of angels· How angels can help· Choirs of angels· Guardian angelsPART II: WORKING WITH ANGELS· Meeting your guardian angel· The power of archangels· Healing angels· Seeing angels· Hearing angels· Feeling angels· Building the bridge· Angelic toolbox“Angels are miracle-workers. So, welcome their help and allow them to be your new role models and guides. They won’t have you wearing some crazy fashion accessory, but they will change you. They’ll remove the barriers around your heart and help you align with your true self—the self that loves and is loved.Fears and old beliefs will prevent you from making a direct connection with your angels, and are reasons why many people don’t experience the angels’ love and support. This is why I’m encouraging you to let go of the old and let in the love. This is why you’re making room! You’re clearing out the challenging stuff and making room for the loving stuff! You’ve been called to this book for a reason. Probably because you’re ready to make some sort of change in your life and you’d like to think there’s help out there for you. Well, the good news is you’ve come to the right place and the exciting part of it is that there’s greater support than you know just waiting to help you. Take time to soak that up.”Love,Kyle GrayConnecting with the Angels Made Easy will help you communicate with the angels, boost your intuition, and receive powerful guidance, divine support, and lifelong healing.
Hay House UK Ltd Angel Prayers: Harnessing the Help of Heaven to Create Miracles
LEARN FROM KYLE GRAY—WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION—POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR ATTRACTING MIRACLES, HAPPINESS, AND PEACEDISCOVER HOW TO CALL ON ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS WHO WILL SUPPORT YOU AND KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED “Kyle Gray changes lives!” – The Sun If you ever feel that your prayers are going unanswered, Kyle Gray is here to change this for good. In this expanded edition of Angel Prayers, Kyle reveals how to use affirmative prayer to bring about positive change in your life.ANGEL PRAYERS SECTIONS INCLUDE: · PART I: The Miracle of Prayer—The Power of Prayer and Angel Prayer Techniques· PART II: Directory of Angels and Angelic Beings· PART III: Directory of Prayers Receive Loving Guidance to Build Your Faith and Intuition, including:· The power of prayer, demonstrated by true stories from Kyle’s clients and his own personal experiences· The spiritual laws at play in the world and how your words and intentions affect your life· The Angelic Hierarchy, including the 15 major Archangels and other angelic beings who support you on your journey· Invocations and prayers to call specific Angels and Archangels, including lesser-known Angels such as Faith, Hope, and CharityAs well as introducing you to angelic beings you might not have heard of before, Kyle also shares powerful prayers to support you through all life events. “Your angel loves you beyond your human comprehension. You are their purpose and they are dedicated to your wellbeing on all levels. They see you as a perfect, innocent child of the universe and they will do everything within their power to guide you on your way.Your guardian angel is with you right this second, waiting for your invitation to help you in all areas of your life. As you apply the angel prayers technique to your daily practice and acknowledge the angelic presence in your life, I know miracles will begin to take place.My prayer is that you will begin to feel the love your angel has for you and experience the miraculous shifts you deserve to experience. Allow angels to support you on your amazing journey.” With love, Kyle GrayGet ready to open up to the beautiful world of angel prayers—and to see amazing results!
Wrage GmbH Die Hter des Lichts 45 Orakelkarten und Buch
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Hallo Engel Energie und Heilung erfahren durch das Wunder des Gebets
Reichel Verlag Der EngelFlsterer Erstaunliche Geschichten der Liebe und ber ein Medium das mit 4 Jahren die Entdedckung seines Lebens machte
Hay House UK Ltd The 22 Archangels Oracle
Kyle Gray is one of the world''s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!Colette Baron-Reid, internationally best-selling oracle expertTap into the powerful, supportive force of the Archangels with this 22-card oracle from best-selling author, card deck creator, and angel expert Kyle Gray.The Archangels are a divine legion of angels who have been charged by the light of God to serve, protect, heal, and guide humanity towards wholeness. These divine Angels create a bridge between the realms and are here to support you through this lifetime.This deck has been specially developed to work in tandem with The Angel Guide Oracle and The Divine Masters Oracle to form part of a mega-deck, or can be used as a standalone deck to help you connect with the Archangels in your daily spiritual practice
Hay House UK Ltd Raise Your Vibration Oracle: A 48-Card Deck and Guidebook
Tune in to the frequency of these beautiful cards from renowned spiritual teacher Kyle Gray and cultivate positivity, activate your energy centres and live a high-vibe life!In every moment you can make a choice to Raise Your Vibration – and take the opportunity to align your life with purpose and energy. This 48-card deck is a powerful tool to help you activate your intuition, harness universal wisdom and attract positive experiences into your everyday. With 11 themes including ‘Flow’, ‘Express’, ‘Activate’ and ‘Manifest’, the cards align with one of the 11 chakras (including four higher chakras: Earth Star, Gaia Gateway, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway) and kundalini to offer you guidance for any challenge or question. Stunning artwork by Ari Wisner accompanies Kyle Gray’s wisdom to offer you a transformational experience. Each vibrant card will empower you to unlock infinite intelligence from within and increase your frequency of positive energy for yourself, those around you and the wider world. Let the simple yet powerful messages provide confirmation, affirmation and light as you do the inner work and raise your vibration!
Hay House UK Ltd The Angel Guide Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
FROM KYLE GRAY – WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, A POWERFUL ANGEL ORACLE CARD DECK FOR SPIRITUAL CONNECTION, MIRACLES, AND LOVING GUIDANCEA BEAUTIFUL 44-CARD ORACLE DECK TO ACTIVATE YOUR INTUITION AND RECEIVE INSPIRATION FROM THE ANGELS “Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!” – Colette Baron-Reid, international best-selling oracle expert Did you know that your angels are constantly ready to share guidance with you? Yet so often we're distracted by daily life and don't recognize these divine signs when they come our way. The Angel Guide Oracle acts as a bridge between heaven and Earth, bringing together 44 images of guardian angels with insightful, supportive, and healing angel messages to strengthen your communication and open your heart to their messages of love. The accompanying oracle card guidebook explains how to attune to the cards, conduct angel readings for yourself as well as for others, and how to interpret and work with card spreads. Example cards include: · Angelic Protection· Ask and Receive · Blessings and Abundance· Inner Child Healing· Self-Acceptance· Trust the Universe· Signs and Reminders...and more!“The angels have been standing faithfully by, recording our life and evolution, waiting for the moment when we open up in spiritual practice to receive from them, and they will be delighted to send us messages, signs, and reminders of their love.Our angels will never judge or abandon us. They see us through the eyes of love, with complete compassion. They want to help us be happy and live with purpose.Allow The Angel Guide Oracle to help you benefit from the spiritual support that is with you now ... and always.”Love, Kyle GrayThis loving angel oracle card deck will help you call upon your angel's wisdom to guide you on your best path ahead!
Hay House UK Ltd Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards: A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook
A POWERFUL 55-CARD ANGEL ORACLE CARD DECK TO UNLOCK THE DIVINE MESSAGES OF THE ANGELS AND WISDOM OF THE ANCESTORSVOTED BEST CARD DECK OF 2018 FROM SPIRIT GUIDES MAGAZINE—FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, KYLE GRAYFeaturing new representations of angels, this oracle card deck reminds spiritual seekers that loving, divine guidance, grace, and inspiration from the angels is always available to anyone who is ready to listen.“Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!”– Colette Baron-Reid, international bestselling oracle expert We are surrounded by countless angels, ancestors, and spirit guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help, and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers, and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us.In this beautiful oracle deck, you will receive wisdom from: Guardians and Messengers These guiding spirits will help you connect with your primal needs and desires so you can live a fulfilling life that is aligned with your highest truth, good, and purpose.Warrior Symbols When these ‘warrior symbols’ appear within a reading, they can reveal important information that will help you understand what you need to do next. SeasonsThe seasons cards bring messages that will help you move into the flow of life and can also indicate the timing of a message.With this healing oracle deck featuring angels, shamans, medicine people, and warriors from the four corners of the Earth, you have the opportunity to bridge the gap between this world and others. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and by using the accompanying oracle card guidebook, you'll learn how to unlock their secrets and messages, and live an inspirational life touched by divine, magical guidance!
Hay House UK Ltd Angels and Ancestors Pocket Oracle: A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook
A POCKET-SIZED, PORTABLE VERSION OF KYLE GRAY’S POWERFUL 55-CARD ORACLE DECK TO UNLOCK THE DIVINE MESSAGES OF THE ANGELS AND THE WISDOM OF THE ANCESTORS. Featuring new representations of angels, this portable oracle card deck reminds spiritual seekers that loving, divine guidance, grace, and inspiration from the angels is always available to anyone who is ready to listen. “Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!” – Colette Baron-Reid, international best-selling oracle expert We are surrounded by countless angels, ancestors, and spirit guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help, and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers, and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this beautiful oracle deck, you will receive wisdom from: Guardians and Messengers These guiding spirits will help you connect with your primal needs and desires so you can live a fulfilling life that is aligned with your highest truth, good, and purpose. Warrior Symbols When these ‘warrior symbols’ appear within a reading, they can reveal important information that will help you understand what you need to do next. Seasons The seasons cards bring messages that will help you move into the flow of life and can also indicate the timing of a message. With this healing oracle deck featuring angels, shamans, medicine people, and warriors from the four corners of the Earth, you have the opportunity to bridge the gap between this world and others. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and by using the accompanying oracle card guidebook, you'll learn how to unlock their secrets and messages, and live an inspirational life touched by divine, magical guidance!
Hay House UK Ltd Gateway of Light Activation Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
Step through 44 illuminating gateways to realign your energy space and reach your own infinite potential.This oracle is a stargate portal between this realm and the next, connecting you with the infinite intelligence of the universe. Each card forms an energetic bridge to help you connect with the divine guidance and ancient wisdom of spiritual retreat spaces, guardian light beings, and your own chakra energy centers through intuitive readings and dynamic spreads. On this journey you'll connect with Divine Consciousness and receive messages to raise your vibration. Internationally renowned angel expert Kyle Gray has teamed up with visionary artist Jennifer Hawkyard to create this dynamic and unique oracle, featuring vibrant imagery, energetic activations and empowering guidance to help you to:· experience an 'energetic upgrade'· rebalance and reconnect with your true self· discover the possibilities held by other realms and ethereal retreats· find a connection to your own personal energy space· uncover your true purpose in this worldWhen your intention is combined with the imagery of the cards and the empowering messages in the accompanying guidebook, divine wisdom is activated within. You were born to light up the world, let the gateways support your destiny!
Hay House UK Ltd The Divine Masters Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
AN EMPOWERING ORACLE CARD DECK FROM BEST-SELLING ORACLE AUTHOR AND WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL TEACHER KYLE GRAYUNLOCK SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE, ANCIENT WISDOM, AND HEALING SUPPORT FROM 44 ASCENDED DIVINE MASTERS“Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!”– Colette Baron-Reid, international bestselling oracle expertThe Divine Masters Oracle card deck brings together a congregation of enlightened souls who have dedicated themselves to the healing and nurturing of the world. These beings are universal spiritual guides and, like angels, anyone can connect and work with them, no matter their background or experience. You may already know some of them—Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Horus—but there are many more, and they are all ready to support you on your spiritual path. All you have to do is call upon them.Use this oracle card deck to connect and communicate directly with these beings. When your intention is combined with the imagery, meanings, and messages of the cards, guidance from the Divine Masters will come to you not just through the cards, but from within too.Example Divine Masters Oracle Card Meanings and Messages· Jesus – Acts of ServiceWhen you serve, the Universe serves you.· Gaia – Resilient SpiritEarth connection. Stay rooted in trust and faith.· Horus – Manifestation VortexBelief makes manifest. Thoughts attract and create.· Rama and Sita – Holy UnionSoulmate connection. Romantic opportunity.“No matter what path or tradition you follow, the Divine Masters are willing to guide and support you. Call upon these beings in challenging times and they will support you through the process of healing and transformation.This 44-card deck acts as a bridge of light for you to connect directly with these beings and receive their guidance. Let this connection become an exciting spiritual process that supports the raising of your vibration and leads you to a life filled with meaning and purpose.”Love, Kyle GrayThe Divine Masters know what you need to know and, by using this deck and the accompanying oracle card guidebook, you’ll receive their wisdom and support in living your best life.
Hay House UK Ltd Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards
A TRANSFORMATIVE ORACLE CARD DECK FROM WORLD-RENOWNED ANGEL EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, KYLE GRAYELEVATE YOUR ENERGY, DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION, AND IGNITE YOUR SOUL WITH THE HELP OF 45 ASCENDED MASTERS AND ENLIGHTENED BEINGS The Keepers of the Light oracle card deck is a congregation of Ascended Masters and divine beings from many world traditions that are dedicated to the peace, healing, and nurturing of the world. These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time—they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them. “Kyle Gray is one of the world’s most incredibly gifted angel communicators. I have seen him work and he is authentic, intelligent, and deeply compassionate. I highly recommend him and all his creations!” – Colette Baron-Reid, international best-selling oracle expert This angel oracle card deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain. Each oracle card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck’s aim is to help spiritual seekers develop their intuition, enrich their spiritual practice, and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares. Every single oracle card offers an opportunity for you to receive a message you need to hear at this point on your spiritual journey.Angels In the deckYou will find a selection of powerful angels to bring deep spiritual inspiration that allows you to feel more connected to your spiritual gifts and talents. Ascended Masters These enlightened ones are souls who once walked the Earth (or other planets) and have chosen to offer their intelligence and life experience to all lightworkers so that they can overcome personal challenges and grow spiritually.Goddesses and Gods The divine has assumed many different faces and names through time, but it is still the divine. Goddesses and gods give personalities and tales to this supreme life-force energy. Twin Flames A twin flame is the divine spiritual counterpart of a soul. In life we can find a person who feels like the ‘other part’ of us, and these connections continue in the spiritual realm.Twin flames don’t have to be male and female or in a romantic relationship, but they are always two souls who complement each other’s journey.Example Cards with Meanings on Them:· Archangel Michael— Trusting Heaven You are safe. Angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur.· Gaia—Earth Connection Be mindful of the planet. Come back to Earth. Stay grounded.· Isis—Magic Manifesting Your dreams, visions, and goals are becoming reality. Stay focused.· Lord Ganesh—Infinite Abundance Obstacles are being removed. Spiritual support and connections are increasing.This beautiful oracle deck is a rainbow bridge that allows you to connect directly with these loving beings in heaven so that they can share their healing messages and wisdom with you.