Search results for ""Author Kevin Duncan""
LID Publishing The Bullshit-Free Book: How to communicate clearly and reclaim our language
Bullshit is everywhere. Some of it is just lazy, some is complete nonsense, and yet some is at least trying to communicate something, even if it fails. Bestselling author Kevin Duncan has been on a life mission to improve business language and understanding. In his latest book, he weeds out the worst offenders, and the contexts in which they most frequently occur, to provide readers with a path to clear communication. The book starts with an examination of why we seem to use so much jargon and non-sensical words and phrases in our daily working lives. Duncan then lists and analyses the 100 most popular examples of bullshit used internally and externally, their real meaning, and rates how harmless or dangerous they are. The book ends with advice on dealing with bullshitters and a manifesto to help anyone achieve clear, bullshit-free communication.
LID Publishing The A-Z of Business Bullshit: The world’s most comprehensive dictionary of corporate gobbledygook and nonsense
Wherever you work, the chances are you have fallen under the poisonous spell of business bullshit and jargon. Very few of us seem able to avoid "reaching out", or "walk the talk", or "pivoting", or "think outside the box". No longer solely the province of management consultants, investors and MBA types, business gobbledygook has mesmerized the rank and file around the globe. Help is at hand with this handy dictionary, aptly described as "the world's most comprehensive" of the top 2,000 business jargon and non-sensical terms that have infected us all. Stay sane (and keep your colleagues, manager and customers from suffocating you) from the business bullshit madness by having this dictionary by your side. Based on his wide and extensive experience with business bullshit, Kevin Duncan deciphers the terms and language of modern-day business speak to save us all from going stir-crazy!
LID Publishing The Diagrams Book 10th Anniversary Edition
The 10th Anniversary edition of this bestselling guide to visual communication
John Wiley and Sons Ltd So What?: The Definitive Guide to the Only Business Questions that Matter
So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through the noise and nonsense of work. Much of what we learn in our formative years is unlearnt in later life. As grown-ups we are often unable to answer the simplest of questions in a clear, direct way, and frequently have no idea why we are doing something. This can lead to crippling inefficiency in business, and goes some way to explaining why so many people spend so much time doing things that have no bearing on the true purpose. by behaving in a genuinely inquisitive way, you can get right to the heart of the matter and save yourself hours, days, and even months of anguish. The questions So what?, Why?, How?, and When? can be hugely effective when applied in the right context, and this book shows you how to use them. Once all the right questions have been posed, there is a final sure-fire method for testing whether something is relevant and helpful. By completing the sentence "Something must be wrong if...", it is simple to work out if you are wasting your time. For example, "Something must be wrong if I don't want to go to work in the morning." So What? shows you how to become truly inquisitive again. So let the questions roll. Pay attention to what the answers are. Learn from them, and you will immediately improve your prospects of finally getting somewhere in life.
LID Publishing The The Intelligent Work Book: A visual guide to sorting out life and work
As working environments develop through new 21st century structures, the problems and difficulties they face also become even more complex and difficult to understand, explain and resolve. The ways in which we express these processes are now patterned through a mixture of wording and imagery; diagrams and charting which help to explain trends and visualise long-term sustainable goals. From thinking, doing, working, planning and prioritizing, through to presenting, selling, negotiating, progressing in your career, or just plain fooling around, this highly practical book provides effective tools and guidelines to help anyone who wants to be more efficient and outstanding. After the runaway success of The Diagrams Book, Kevin Duncan returns to combine his experience and expertise into an interactive visual guide. A guide to assess your competency to problem-solving and challenge you to further construct new ideas through visual and diagrammed solutions, for greater improvements in all sectors of life.
LID Publishing The Ideas Book: 60 ways to generate ideas visually
Ideas are the fuel of business - it only takes one good one to make a difference. Distilled into this single, handy-sized volume are 60 of the most useful diagrams and visual techniques, many of which are used by consultants, academics, MBA students and smart managers globally to help them think of and create great ideas. Structured into five key parts (preparing to create ideas; generating ideas; generating more ideas; judging ideas; enacting ideas), the 60 diagrams are each visually presented and then explained in an accessible manner, including tips and advice on how you can apply them to your own situations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Tick Achieve: How to Get Stuff Done
How many times have you thought of something crucial to do and then forgotten it completely? That's why people invented lists. And very useful they are too. If, and only if, they are used effectively. Put thirty things on a list, and it becomes too daunting. Put three things on, and there's no point in having a list. And so we have refined the art of list writing to allow for about ten or twenty things to do. But in truth, most lists are rubbish. Randomly assembled, they do little to help the author navigate their way through the maze of stuff to do. After all, the only point of a list of things to do, is to get things done. Tick Achieve does just that. It shows you how to get stuff done, with lots of little techniques tried and tested on scores of individuals over 25 years. This includes the cathartic and highly effective process of writing a list of what you are not going to do. The author has trained hundreds of people in the art of getting stuff done. There is no Big Plan as such (contrary to what many other books suggest). It's all about details, and they can be very easy to implement. Little things can make a massive difference. Once you get the hang of it, life gets easier. In a business context, and personally. You can sleep better and worry less. Concentrate on the things that matter, and leave out the trivia and irrelevant. Learn how to celebrate little bits of progress, look down your list, tick off a job well done, and shout Tick Achieve! EXAMPLE CHAPTER OUTLINE 1. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE "I'm too busy, I'm in a meeting": professional time wasting and how to avoid it Teams; what's the point? The problem with the business world: other people How to think more and worry less How being organised lets you take it easy Action not activity Outcome not output "If I do x, then y will happen...' 2. STRAIGHT TALKING AND GETTING STUFF DONE Permission to talk straight Cliché and jargon red alert list How to get to the point and get everything done quickly Some ways to say no politely How to liven up boring meetings Spotting business bull**** Cutting through it and moving on 3. LEAVE IT OUT Less really is more How eliminating issues gets to faster answers in business Write a list of what you are not going to do Improving your time management Simplifying everything Being totally objective about the past How leaving it out forces the issue 4. ONE IN A ROW How breaking big problems down into small tasks really works How to eat an elephant - in stages Knock 'em down one at a time Rapid sequential tasking: an alternative to multi-tasking The one-touch approach Tick, achieve, move on 5. LOOK LIVELY! The value of energy: in business, and in life generally Getting your attitude right Why lazy people are unhappy people Speed, that's the thing Spotting pointless people Ditching the time wasters Don't waste time yourself: beware aimless net surfers Cutting out the irrelevant stuff 6. HOW TO OUTTHINK YOURSELF Pre-arranging tripwires Dealing with problems Pretend the job is finished It's urgent - pretend it's not It's not urgent - pretend it is The art of outthinking yourself 7. TICK ACHIEVE The art of great list writing The Priority Matrix The Growing Pane and how to use it Tick achieve So have you done it?
LID Publishing The Smart Thinking Book: Over 70 bursts of business brilliance
Plenty of people are intelligent and have the right qualifications. But in business, to be successful, you also have to be smart and creative. This book contains 60 pieces of distilled wisdom to help you think smartly and creatively, and to enable you to stand out from the others. By the author of the bestselling The Diagrams Book (published in 14 languages), each piece of advice can be read in one minute or the entire book in one hour. Divided into six main sections (Growth, Communication, Innovation, Creativity, Relationships and Thinking), this powerful little book draws from a range of disciplines and perspectives to enable readers to transform the way they approach work and life.
LID Publishing The Diagrams Book - 5th Anniversary Edition: 50 Ways to Solve Any Problem Visually
Many people find it difficult to express ideas and solve problems purely with words. They find it much easier to use diagrams. Distilled into this single, handy-sized volume are 60 of the best diagrams to help anyone with problem solving and thinking. Each of the diagrams is presented on one spread, explained simply, and accompanied by an exercise to help you apply them to your own situation. This 5th anniversary edition celebrates sales of 50,000 worldwide and includes brand new material, plus a cross-referenced thematic index to guide you direct to the most appropriate examples.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What You Need to Know about Starting a Business
Ever wanted to be an entrepreneur? Ever wanted to control what you do, when you do it and stop just making money for someone else? Now is your chance. Starting up a business has never been more exciting. This book explains what you really need to know to make your business a success:• How you'll know if you've got a good idea• The practicalities of setting up a company• How to manage the money• How to sell what you do• How to make sure you stay soon through it all. This is the book you need to swagger into the Dragon's Den full of confidence.
John Murray Press How to Run and Grow Your Own Business: 20 Ways to Manage Your Business Brilliantly
You are about to embark on one of the biggest adventures of your life. It's a daunting prospect, isn't it? An empty desk, no customers, no confirmed money coming in, and no one to gossip with. Welcome to running your own business. Every issue is now yours to wrestle with, and yours alone. But then so is all the satisfaction when things go well, whether that is mental or financial. This book expertly guides you through the principles of running and growing a successful business - including what to do when it's not going exactly as you wish. Crammed with practical advice - from assessing pros and cons to motivating yourself and adopting effective practices - it will help you find clear, practical solutions and prove invaluable as you tackle this great adventure.
LID Publishing The Smart Performance Book
To succeed and perform in today's business and work environment, you need to harness a broad spectrum of skills and people. This book enables you to highlight your self-improvement areas and establish how to work with your colleagues more effectively. It covers every aspect of high-functioning business performance from attitude, action, creativity and communication to efficiency, empathy, strategy, and sustainability. At the heart of this book is an ingenious diagnostic tool (ACES System)that enables anyone to assess their personal strengths and identify self-development areas to perform successfully in the modern business world. Whatever your stage in your work life is, at whatever age, the methods in this book can help you play your best career game, give you the winning edge, and allow you to ace it.
LID Publishing The Ideas Book: 60 ways to generate ideas more effectively
Ideas are the fuel of business, work and your career - it only takes one good one to make a difference. Distilled into this single, handy-sized volume are 60 of the most useful diagrams and visual techniques, many of which are used by consultants, academics, MBA students and the smartest managers and entrepreneurs globally to help them think of and create great ideas. Structured into five key parts (preparing to create ideas; generating ideas; generating more ideas; judging ideas; enacting ideas), the 60 methods are each visually presented and then explained in an accessible manner, including tips and advice on how you can apply them to your own situations.
LID Publishing Business Bullshit Book: The World's Most Comprehensive Dictionary
If you work in business, the chances are you have fallen under the poisonous spell of business bullshit and jargon. Very few of us seem able to avoid "reaching out", or "walk the talk", or "shifting paradigms", or "think outside the box". No longer solely the province of management consultants, investors and MBA types, business gobbledygook has mesmerized the rank and file around the globe.Help is at hand with this The Business Bullshit Book, aptly described as "the world's most comprehensive collection" of the top 2,000 business terms and jargon that have infected us all. Stay sane (and keep your colleagues and customers from suffocating you) from the business bullshit madness by having this dictionary by your side. Based on his wide and extensive experience with business bullshit, Kevin Duncan deciphers the terms and language of modern-day business speak.
John Murray Press Start Your Own Business In A Week: How To Be An Entrepreneur In Seven Simple Steps
Sunday: Get started with realistic goals and a detailed business plan, and do your market researchMonday: Learn strategies for building a network of contacts and how to handle meetingsTuesday: Learn how to get the product or service right and increase your marginWednesday: Choose the most effective ways to communicate with customers and prepare useful marketing materialsThursday: Market yourself and your business and learn how to cut the jargon and describe what you do in 30 secondsFriday: Motivate yourself to work hard and ignore distractions and make a good impression as the face of your businessSaturday: Avoid difficulties and problems through using personal planning and business planning tripwires
Midas Management Das Buch der Diagramme 50 Wege um jedes Problem visuell zu lsen
LID Publishing The Smart Thinking Book (5th Anniversary Edition): Over 70 Bursts of Business Brilliance
This book contains over 70 pieces of distilled wisdom. Read each piece of advice in one minute, or the whole book in an hour. The sticky note format allows you to use the ideas for personal motivation, or to stimulate teams in meetings. Growth, communication, innovation, creativity, relationships and thinking are all covered. Inspire yourself and your business with some smart thinking.
John Murray Press How to Tame Technology and Get Your Life Back: Teach Yourself
Technology can be a wonderful thing. It can also be a curse when it overwhelms us. If your phone, computer or other devices are beginning to rule your life, then you need help.We don't have to be ruled by our machines. It's time for us humans to fight back. 'How to Tame Technology' tells you exactly what to do, practical tips and simple things that you can do to regain control. Take the test and find out just how addicted you are - then learn how to cure yourself.'I can't talk now, I'm on the phone'For those of us suffering from technological overload, it's time to pause and think. Author and Plain English commentator Kevin Duncan has trained and advised some of the UK's top companies, including Saatchi & Saatchi and Shell, in how to cope with all this. This thought-provoking book grapples with just how addicted we have become to technology and offers a set of ideas to help wean us off our technological drugs and lead a more fulfilling life. It looks briefly at how we got here, tests you on how serious your condition is and then offers real solutions, including rapid sequential tasking (v multitasking), communicating concisely, using the best method of communication for the job, all while retaining your sense of humour and enthusiasm.'Every page is a prompt to imagine things differently. A handbook for these challenging times ahead.'Mark Earls, author of Herd'He does for business what Nike does for sport.' Richard Hytner, Deputy Chairman, Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide'Anyone who owns a mobile should have this on their shelf.' Robert Ashton, author The Life Plan
LID Publishing The Diagrams Book: 60 ways to solve any problem visually
People find it difficult to express ideas and solve problems purely with words. They find it much easier to use diagrams. Distilled into this single, handy-sized volume are 60 of the most useful diagrams, which are used by the smartest managers and entrepreneurs globally, to aid their problem-solving and thinking. Triangles and pyramids, grids and axes, timelines, flows and concepts - the 60 diagrams are each visually presented, and then explained in an accessible manner, including tips and advice on how you can apply them to your own situations.
LID Publishing The Sustainable Business Book: Building a resilient modern business in six steps
All businesses today face increasing pressure from customers and legislation to improve their sustainability credentials. Moreover, companies' employees and shareholders are demanding the same. Yet, many companies are playing catch-up and urgently need to get on track for the future. This book explains how companies - small or large - can do that in a series of practical stages. The authors adopt a method that asks a series of questions that then require brutally honest answers to, that then go on to develop guaranteed actions for companies to implement. For any business owner or manager who realize the importance of running a sustainable business, but do not know where to start, this book provides an essential springboard. It all adds up to a roadmap towards the next decade - and for businesses to remain relevant and resilient.
LID Publishing The Excellence Book: 50 Ways to Fulfil Your Potential in Work and Life
BE AS EXCELLENT AS YOU CAN BE In this 5th anniversary edition Kevin Duncan has teamed up with his daughter to produce a thoroughly updated, cross-generational compendium of helpful advice. It draws together 50 ingenious thoughts to improve your attitude and your approach to life and work, with each section now augmented by Rosie Duncan’s informed suggestions about how to apply them. The Excellence Book is a life-affirming handbook to help you be the best you can be – whatever your age or seniority.
LID Publishing The Excellence Book: 50 Ways to be Your Best
We can all be better in every aspect of our lives. Kevin Duncan (author of the bestselling The Diagrams Book and The Ideas Book) draws together 50 ingenious thoughts and inspirations to improve your attitude, your approach to life and work, the questions you ask, the decisions you make, and even your timing in the things that you do. We are the owners of our success, and the main source of that success is excellence. Practical and highly accessible, this is a life-affirming handbook to help you be the best you can be - whoever and wherever you are.
LID Publishing The Sustainable Business Book: Building a resilient modern business in six steps
All businesses today face increasing pressure from customers and legislation to improve their sustainability credentials. Moreover, companies' employees and shareholders are demanding the same. Yet, many companies are playing catch-up and urgently need to get on track for the future. This book explains how companies - small or large - can do that in a series of practical stages. The authors adopt a method that asks a series of questions that then require brutally honest answers to, that then go on to develop guaranteed actions for companies to implement. For any business owner or manager who realize the importance of running a sustainable business, but do not know where to start, this book provides an essential springboard. It all adds up to a roadmap towards the next decade - and for businesses to remain relevant and resilient.
John Murray Press The Ultimate Startup Book: Find Your Big Idea; Write Your Business Plan; Master Sales and Marketing
If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From generating ideas and creating business plans to sales and marketing, THE ULTIMATE STARTUP BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in entrepreneurship. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.