Search results for ""Author Kate Rose""
New World Library Written in the Stars
Ansata Verlag Die drei Lieben deines Lebens Zwillingsflamme Seelenpartner und karmische Liebe Auf dem Weg zur wahren Liebe
Heyne Taschenbuch Die drei Lieben deines Lebens
Penguin Publishing Group You Only Fall in Love Three Times The Secret Search for Our Twin Flame
Discover the three types of love--and the key to finding the one you're truly meant to be with.We love and we love again -- sometimes our hearts get broken but, somehow, we find the courage to dive back in. In this soul-searching book, relationship expert Kate Rose guides readers down the path to a deeper understanding of who they are, what they want, and finally, to the discovery of their Twin Flame. According to Rose, love is a journey of self-discovery and every relationship we have in our lives teaches us something that we need to learn about ourselves and what will make us truly happy. She introduces readers to the three types of love we will all experience: The Soulmate introduces us to the dream of love, but somehow what seemed like it would be happily ever after wasn't meant to last forever. We are so consumed with making The Karmic Love work that we often fail to question whether it should work. As painful as