Search results for ""Author Juan Gonzalez""
Penguin Putnam Inc Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America: Second Revised and Updated Edition
The New Press Reclaiming Gotham
How Bill de Blasio's mayoral victory triggered a seismic shift in the nation's urban political landscapeand what it portends for our cities in the futureIn November 2013, a little-known progressive stunned the elite of New York City by capturing the mayoralty by a landslide. Bill de Blasio''s promise to end the Tale of Two Cities had struck a chord among ordinary residents still struggling to recover from the Great Recession. De Blasio''s election heralded the advent of the most progressive New York City government in generations. Not since the legendary Fiorello La Guardia in the 1930s had so many populist candidates captured government office at the same time. Gotham, in other words, had been suddenly reclaimed in the name of its people. How did this happen? De Blasio''s victory, journalist legend Juan González argues, was not just a routine change of government but a popular rebellion against corporate-friendly policies that had dominated New Yor
Editorial Eleftheria SL Volver a la mente la relación mentecerebro una perspectiva clínica junguiana
Antonio Madrid Vicente, Editor Mantenimiento en fro comercial
Ediciones Akal La msica en el Barroco
Hijo blanco de la noche
A finales del siglo XVIII, los habitantes de Haití deciden no ceder ante el enemigo conquistador y usan sus conocimientos del vudú para que la muerte de su pueblo no haya sido en vano. Nace así un brutal ejército zombi comandado por poderosos hechiceros.Tres siglos después, los ejércitos del Vaticano son llamados a una misión secreta por el papa Fidel II. El capitán de dicha misión, Augusto Vidoq, comprenderá poco a poco las implicaciones de la encomienda del pontífice a medida que, en su viaje hacia Manu, una pequeña isla perdida en el océano, deba enfrentar los ataques de zombis y las artimañas de los temidos bokor, los brujos practicantes del vudú.La lucha entre las fuerzas del bien y del mal no está tan clara como Augusto pensaba. Y es que no solamente los humanos tomarán partido en la batalla: los más poderosos loas, venerados espíritus del vudú, habitan el mundo de los humanos, y en la isla de Manu se encuentra el corazón de su reino terrenal.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Looking for a Perfect World: Empirical and Applied Lines
The vision of perfectionism as a multidimensional variable has gained weight in scientific evidence as social functioning sets more rigorous performance standards of an individual or group differentiation in any field (e.g., academic, sports, work, social, religious...). There is a need to establish how we achieve the goals we set ourselves in any field of action, thanks mainly to the creation of valid and reliable instruments to measure it. In today's societies, there is an increasing emphasis on how to respond to the demands of the environment as quickly as possible, being effective and achieving the best results. The demands of the environment make it possible to stimulate contextually (if they are seen as traits) and to construct perfectionist patterns and attitudes (if they are understood as learned cognitions or behaviours), which are usually associated with agonising feelings of devaluation, incapacity or psychological vulnerability. Perfectionists are characterized by setting their goals too high as they are always on a quest to do things perfectly. In cases where they cannot do something perfectly, they do not even try, or they live with significant suffering that floods their lives, causing feelings of dissatisfaction and affecting their self-esteem, mainly because their attention is reduced to focusing only on the end of the tasks they perform, leaving the development of the task in the background. People who seek to do things perfectly are rigid when it comes to carrying them out, causing difficulty in adapting to changes, and preventing them from enjoying the present moment or taking advantage of their mistakes to improve themselves. In the same way, we can say that they reject reality, or at least they are reluctant to experience it in a way that is very different from the way they shape it. It is impossible to make everything perfect, as all people make mistakes, but perfectionists conceive failure as an expression of their maladjustment and for this reason, they generate high levels of anxiety, becoming people who try to control everything around them.
Penguin Young Readers La cosecha del imperio. Historia de los latinos en Estados Unidos / Harvest of E mpire
Edc Corona Borealis SL SOS, Hij@s Al Ataque!: Como Reeducar a Los Padres y Sobrevivir En El Intento
Tres Fronteras Ediciones Impresos de patriotas antologa de la publicstica en el Reino de Murcia durante la Guerra de la Independencia 18081814
Antonio Madrid Vicente, Editor Controles en el fro comercial industrial y aire acondicionado
Edaf Antillas Perros Que Nadie Quiere, Los
El tiempo de la revuelta Filosofa y pensamiento Spanish Edition
Marginada por la reflexión, presentada por los medios de comunicación como un evento caótico y escurridizo, la revuelta es un tema incandescente en el escenario global. Aunque se encienda, se apague, se vuelva a propagar, la revuelta no es un evento efímero, sino que es una transición anárquica que se produce en el proceso de liberación de la arquitectura política. A través de la revuelta podemos vislumbrar lo que sucede afuera, más allá del orden estatocéntrico, en torno a las protegidas fronteras del espacio público; podemos abrir brechas, cuestionar el statu quo, denunciar la injusticia, cuestionar lo dado. En este elogio de la revuelta, Donatella Di Cesare aborda sus diversos aspectos políticos y filosóficos, ofrece una interpretación política de la máscara, del ocultar el rostro para mostrarse un sujeto, y el desafío que supone para el Estado y la economía desencarnada. La prestigiosa filósofa revela en "El tiempo de la revuelta" las enormes asimetrías sociales, pone al descubiert
Ara Llibres Relaxat a Barcelona
Terrasses meravelloses al cel de Barcelona, bars càlids que desperten els cinc sentits, restaurants espectaculars on els excessos només són un plaer, spas vitalitzadors on el temps no passa, chill-outs amagats sota una música envoltant... Això i molt més és el que pots trobar a la guia dels millors serveis hotelers de Barcelona, un llibre imprescindible per decidir-se a entrar a un hotel sense necessitat d?estar-hi allotjat. T?hi atreveixes? La terrassa del Claris Bar & Chill-out de l?Axel Restaurant Neri L?spa de l?Hotel Arts El Cafè Vienès de l?Hotel Casa Fuster Mareva Lobby Cocktail Bar Lounge Bar del Gran Hotel La Florida
Ediciones Akal La música en el siglo XIX
El presente libro se ocupa de la creación musical en uno de los periodos más fértiles y populares de su historia, el que va del Congreso de Viena en 1815 a la irrupción de la modernidad en los años noventa del siglo. A lo largo de sus capítulos, el autor traza una compleja red de relaciones en las que están implicados compositores, intérpretes, editores, tradiciones orales, el público (o, mejor, los públicos), ciudades y naciones. Entre los temas a los que dedica especial atención se cuentan la implicación de la clase media en el ámbito musical, el rico pero esquivo concepto de Romanticismo, el culto al virtuosismo interpretativo y el equilibrio, en continua transformación, entre intereses musicales y comerciales. Todo ello pone de relieve, frente a visiones reduccionistas y simplificadoras, la naturaleza poliédrica y la riqueza de análisis de una época sin la que no podríamos entender el modo en que hoy concebimos la práctica y el consumo de música.
Ediciones Akal La música en el Renacimiento
Ediciones Akal El ciclo de canciones
Verso Books News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media
From colonial newspapers to the Internet age, America's racial divisions have played a central role in the creation of the country's media system, just as the media has contributed to-and every so often, combated-racial oppression. This acclaimed book-called a "masterpiece" by the esteemed scholar Robert W. McChesney and chosen as one of 2011's best books by the Progressive-reveals how racial segregation distorted the information Americans have received, even as it depicts the struggle of Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American journalists who fought to create a vibrant yet little-known alternative, democratic press.Written in an exciting, story-driven style and replete with memorable portraits of journalists, both famous and obscure, News for All the People is destined to become the standard history of the American media.
powerHouse Books,U.S. East Harlem: The Postwar Years
LID Publishing Disruption: The future of banking and financial services - how to navigate and seize the opportunities
One of the worst recessions for the past 100 years, businesses failing, a revolution in technology, increasing financial constraints, compliance stifling the ability to be nimble, changing consumer behaviour, and a market driving products towards commoditization - this is the perfect storm facing the banking industry. Disruption provides a critical understanding of the impact of the current economic crisis and the current industrial revolution on financial services, the new trends in the sector, and the opportunities for banks to leverage their unique assets and pre-empt challengers from gaining meaningful market share. The book also provides top-level advice about transforming financial services organizations by finding the right balance between short-term requirements and the imperative of long-term change. This balancing act is what the authors call the "ambidextrous approach", which requires focus on two strategic initiatives: performance and innovation.