Search results for ""Author Juan Carlos Santana""
Human Kinetics Publishers Functional Training
Take your performance to the next level with Functional Training. Author Juan Carlos Santana brings you his revolutionary approach to training and conditioning methods sure to improve your function in any sport or activity. Functional Training covers the recent breakthroughs, the most exercises, and proven programs that you can follow or incorporate into your existing training plan. Offering strength, endurance, power, and sport-specific exercises and programming, Functional Training is a comprehensive resource for every athlete, coach, and athletic trainer. Covering the concepts, exercises, progressions, and sequencing on which a sound functional training program is based, it addresses the needs of more than 11 sports and features 135 exercises, including body weight, bands and pulleys, dumbbells and kettlebells, medicine balls, and stability balls. Functional Training features a three-tier approach for integrating functional movements into an existing strength program. Through assessment and analysis, you’ll identify the movements and muscles involved in your sport, then select the best exercises and programs based on desired results and performance goals. In addition to quick exercise sequences and personalized programming to address the big four sport skills, more comprehensive programs can be developed to address your athletic and performance needs and goals. No matter what your sport, Functional Training will help you achieve optimal results.
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Entrenamiento funcional ejercicios y programas de entrenamiento para conseguir el máximo rendimiento
Las claves de la ciencia del ejercicio físicoLleva tu rendimiento al siguiente nivel con Entrenamiento Funcional. El autor, Juan Carlos ?JC? Santana, presenta un enfoque revolucionario de los métodos de entrenamiento y acondicionamiento físico que, seguro, mejorarán tu capacidad funcional en cualquier actividad física o deporte. Este libro aborda los últimos avances, un gran número de ejercicios y los programas de eficacia probada que puedes seguir o incorporar a tu plan de entrenamiento. Ofrece una programación con ejercicios de fuerza, resistencia, potencia y ejercicios para deportes específicos; es una excelente obra completa para cualquier atleta, entrenador o preparador físico.El libro abarca los conceptos, los ejercicios, las progresiones y la secuenciación sobre los que se basan los programas de entrenamiento funcional, cubriendo las necesidades de once deportes, y presenta 135 ejercicios empleando el propio peso corporal, bandas elásticas y poleas, mancuernas y kettlebell