Search results for ""Author Josep Lluís Aguiló""
Proa Llunari
El títol d'aquest poemari, Llunari, ens remet al món de les rondalles mallorquines, en què els bruixots més poderosos porten sempre un llunari a les mans, que és un llibre de màgia inspirat en els tractats medievals d'astrologia i astronomia. Servia per predir el futur o invocar el diable. Aquests poemes ens parlen de fades i de cowboys, de cotxes esportius i de soldats o contrabandistes. A partir d'aquests referents, el poeta proposa una relectura d'aquestes figures, amb la voluntat de sorprendre d'una manera divertida.
Arc Publications Lunarium
Josep Lluis Aguilo's Lunarium, his fifth and latest poetry collection, takes up his recurring theme of the uncertainty of life. In 2008 this book, Llunari (Lunarium) was the winner of the Prize Jocs Florals de Barcelona and Josep Lluis Aguilo was appointed Poet Laureate of the City of Barcelona during the period 2008-2009. These poems speak in a multiplicity of voices, often from the fantastic surroundings of myths and legends - labyrinths, secret libraries, mirrors, hell and the devil, smugglers, pirates of the Caribbean, palaces with golden pillars, apocalypses... There is a sense that the poet is constantly pushing the boundaries of the possible in an attempt to explore what it means to live on the edge of his imaginary worlds, at the same time using these 'other worlds' to explore our own world and what it means to be human. Aguilo's language is rich and sensuous, and the beautiful rural and maritime landscapes of the poet's native Mallorca shine through the fabulous worlds he creates.