Search results for ""Author Josef Foschepoth""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Uberwachtes Deutschland: Post- Und Telefonuberwachung in Der Alten Bundesrepublik
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Verfassungswidrig!: Das KPD-Verbot im Kalten Burgerkrieg
The KPD trial from 1951 to 1956 was the largest and longest party ban proceedings in the history of the Federal Republic. At the same time, it is a key event in German-German history between 1949 and 1969 that has hitherto been completely underestimated. On the basis of state files that were previously kept under lock and key, Josef Foschepoth has succeeded in creating a groundbreaking book that is now available in its second, updated edition. It conveys a wealth of new insights into the effectiveness of National Socialism, the emergence of a new nationalism, the necessary distinction between the Cold War and the Cold Civil War and, last but not least, the question of the rule of law in the FRG.