Search results for ""Author Jorge Luis Borges""
Debolsillo Miscelanea
Debolsillo Ficciones
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El libro de los seres imaginarios The Book of Imaginary Beings
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial S.A.S Qué es el budismo What is Buddhism
Vintage Espanol Cuentos completos / Complete Short Stories: Jorge Luis Borges
Random House USA Inc Ficciones / Fictions
Vintage Espanol Poesía completa / Complete Poetry Borges
Penguin Publishing Group Selected Poems
The largest collection of poetry ever assembled in English by “the most important Spanish-language writer since Cervantes” (Mario Vargas Llosa)A Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition with flaps and deckle-edged paperThough universally acclaimed for his dazzling fictions, Jorge Luis Borges always considered himself first and foremost a poet. This new bilingual selection brings together some two hundred poems, including scores of poems never previously translated. Edited by Alexander Coleman, it draws from a lifetime's work--from Borges's first published volume of verse, Fervor de Buenos Aires (1923), to his final work, Los conjurados, published just a year before his death in 1986. Throughout this unique collection the brilliance of the Spanish originals is matched by luminous English versions by a remarkable cast of translators, including Robert Fitzgerald, Stephen Kessler, W. S. Merwin, Alastair Reid, Mark Strand, Charles Tomlinso
Penguin Books Ltd The Garden of Forking Paths
'Summer was drawing to a close, and I realized that the book was monstrous.'Fantastical tales of mazes, puzzles, lost labyrinths and bookish mysteries, from the unique imagination of a literary magician. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.
Visor libros, S.L. Borges por él mismo
El Aleph
Dieciocho relatos filosóficos y sobrenaturales entre los que se encuentra uno de los relatos más admirados en el campo de la literatura: El Aleph. La mayoría de los cuentos reunidos en este libro pertenecen al género fantástico. Algunos surgieron a partir de crónicas policiales, de pinturas o simplemente de la visión de algún conventillo; otro explora el efecto que la inmortalidad causaría en los hombres; hay una glosa al Martín Fierro, sueños sobre la identidad personal y fantasías del tiempo. El cuento El Aleph, publicado por primera vez en 1945, aborda uno de los temas recurrentes en la literatura de Borges: el infinito. Porque en esa esfera resplandeciente confluyen de un modo asombroso todos los tiempos y todos los espacios.Vi el Aleph, desde todos los puntos, vi en el Aleph la tierra, y en la tierra otra vez el Aleph y en el Aleph la tierra.
Vintage Espanol Historia Universal de la infamia / A Universal History of Infamy
Penguin Books Ltd A Universal History of Iniquity
Borges' first collection of stories (1935). In his writing, Borges always combined high seriousness with a wicked sense of fun. Here he reveals his delight in re-creating (or making up) colorful stories from the Orient, the Islamic world, and the Wild West, as well as his horrified fascination with knife fights, political and personal betrayal, and bloodthirsty revenge. Spark-ling with the sheer exuberant pleasure of story-telling, this collection marked the emergence of an utterly distinctive literary voice.
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory
One of the most remarkable artists of our age.' MARIO VARGAS LLOSA THE BOOK OF SAND was the last of Borges' major collections to be published. The stories are, in his words, 'variations on favourite themes... combining a plain and at times almost colloquial style with a fantastic plot'. It includes such marvellous tales as 'The Congress', 'Undr' and 'The Mirror and the Mask'. Also included are the handful of stories written right at the end of Borges' life - 'August 25, 1983', 'Blue Tigers', 'The Rose of Paracelsus' and 'Shakespeare's Memory.
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Poems
Selected Poems brings together some two hundred poems - the largest collection of Borges' poetry ever assembled in English, including many never previously translated. The brilliance of the Spanish originals is matched with luminous English versions rendered by a remarkable cast of translators, among them W.S. Merwin, John Updike, Robert Fitzgerald, Mark Strand and Alastair Reid.
Debolsillo Cuentos completos
Debolsillo El libro de arena
El libro de arena nos habla de la afectación por la pérdida, el miedo a la muerte y el temor a una identidad enraizada a losacontecimientos del pasado.Me dijo que su libro se llamaba El libro de arena , porque ni el libro ni la arena tienen ni principio ni fin.El primero de los cuentos reunidos aquí retoma el tema del doble: los protagonistas de El otro son lo bastante distintos para ser dos y lo bastante parecidos para ser uno. Ulrica es la historia de un amor efímero. El Congreso describe una empresa tan vasta que se confunde con el cosmos y con la suma de los días. Undr y El espejo y la máscara son relatos sobre literaturas seculares que constan de una sola palabra, mientras que otras piezas imaginan objetos inconcebibles como un libro de infinitas páginas; un volumen impredecible y a la vez monstruoso: el libro de arena.
Editorial Lumen Un cuarto propio
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: LumenNo hay marca en la pared para medir la precisa estatura de las mujeres. No hay medidas..que determinen las condiciones de una buena madre o el cariño de una hija, la fidelidad de una herman o la capacidad de un ama de llaves, comenta Virginia Woolf en este ensayo, pero lo que también nos dice es que para escribir una novela una mujer tiene que tener una cuarto propio y comida caliente, en resumen, tener una vida propia e independiente. Lejos de ser una alegato ensayo contra los hombres, Un cuarto propio es un elegante ensayo que ya en 1929m ponia sobre la mesa unos temas que aun hoy son objeto de debate, como la dependencia economican de la mujer con respecto al hombre, el cuidado de una familia y la figura de la mujer como musa inspiradora del artista pero con poca presencia en la practica de la creatividad. Este anesayo publicado ya respetidas veces en España, se presenta ahora de forma inédita; su formato va ser especial y ademas de la t
Penguin Books Ltd The Library of Babel
Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-SmithMagical books, infinite libraries, parallel worlds, mazes, labyrinths and philosophical paradoxes haunt these spellbinding tales by one of the most uniquely inventive short story writers of the twentieth century. This collection brings together many of Borges's greatest and most beloved stories, including 'The Garden of Forking Paths', 'The Book of Sand' and 'Shakespeare's Memory'.
Penguin Books Ltd The Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise
In this collection of wise, witty and fascinating essays, Borges discusses the existence (or non-existence) of Hell, the flaws in English literary detectives, the philosophy of contradictions, and the many translators of 1001 Nights. Varied and enthralling, these pieces examine the very nature of our lives, from cinema and books to history and religion. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Penguin Books Ltd Fictions
The most popular anthology of Jorge Luis Borges's short stories, Fictions is a wildly original and influential collection of fantastic tales, translated from the Spanish with an afterword by Andrew Hurley in Penguin Modern Classics.Jorge Luis Borges's Fictions introduced an entirely new voice into world literature. It is here that we find the astonishing accounts of 'Funes the Memorious', the man who can forget nothing; 'Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote', who recreates Miguel de Cervantes's epic word-for-word; a society run on the basis of an all-encompassing game of chance in 'The Lottery in Babylon'; the mysterious world of 'Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius' which seems to be supplanting our own ; and the 'Library of Babel', which contains every possible book in the whole universe. Here too are the philosophical detective stories and the haunting tales of Irish revolutionaries, gaucho knife fights and dreams within dreams which proved so influential (and yet impossible to imitate). This collection was eventually to bring Borges international fame; over fifty years later, it remains endlessly intriguing.Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A poet, critic and short story writer, he received numerous awards for his work including the 1961 International Publisher's Prize (shared with Samuel Beckett). He has a reasonable claim, along with Kafka and Joyce, to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.If you enjoyed Fictions, you might like Italo Calvino's The Complete Cosmicomics, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.'Hurley's efforts at retranslating Borges are not anything but heroic. His visions are clear, elegant, crystalline'Ilan Savans, The Times Literary Supplement'One of the most memorable artists of our age'Mario Vargas Llosa
Debolsillo Inquisiciones Otras inquisiciones
Encuadernación: BolsilloColección: ContemporaneaSe reúnen por primera vez en su solo volumen los textos Inquisiciones y Otras inquisiciones, que abren algunos de lostemas que posteriormente serán recurrentes en la estética del autor.La literatura no es agotable, por la suficiente y simple razón de que un solo libro no lo es. El libro no es un ente incomunicado: es una relación, es un eje de innumerables relaciones.Este feliz volumen, inédito como tal hasta hoy, se compone de dos libros dados a imprenta con más de un cuarto de siglo de diferencia, la que separa 1925 de 1952. No obstante, sus ensayos pertenecen a un mismo diálogo, el de Borges con la historia literaria, el del lector con el escritor. De entre ellos, Menoscabo y grandeza de Quevedo señala los rostros múltiples del autor; La nadería de la personalidad quiebra el conjunto del yo; La flor de Coleridge reivindica la supremacía de la tradición; y Kafka y sus precursores, por ejemplo, cuestiona el sentido de la
Debolsillo Historia universal de la infamia
Uno de los volúmenes clásicos de Jorge Luis Borges.La tierra que habitamos es un error, una incompetente parodia. Los espejos y la paternidad son abominables porque la multiplican y afirman.En este primer libro de ficción, Borges trabaja con biografías de ladrones y rufianes; personajes traidores y a veces también heroicos. Aquí están, entre otros, Lazarus Morell, redentor de esclavos, Tom Castro, hijo apócrifo y tolerante, y la viuda Ching, hábil en el saqueo de altamar. Cuentos que juegan a falsear y tergiversar historias ajenas. Le siguen Hombre de la esquina rosada, uno de sus relatos más celebrados, y Etcétera, un testimonio de sus incontables lecturas: A veces creo que los buenos lectores son cisnes aún más tenebrosos y singulares que los buenos autores.
Editorial Popular Historias de dos
Este título incluye los siguientes cuentos:Baroja, P. Lo desconocidoBorges, J.L. Veinticinco de agosto, 1983Cela, C. J. La suerte y la muerteDonoso, J. Dos cartasDonoso, J. Una señoraHighsmith, P. La enferma o la encamadaHighsmith, P. La artistaPeri Rossi, C. NaúfragosPorter, K. A. CuerdaPorter, K. A. El
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Borges profesor: Curso de literatura inglesa en la Universidad de Buenos Aires / Professor Borges: English Literature Course at the University of Buenos Aires
El libro fundamental de Jorge Luis Borges.Pensé en un laberinto, en un sinuoso laberinto creciente que abarcara el pasado y el porvenir y que implicara de algún modo los astros.Ficciones es posiblemente la obra más reconocida de Jorge Luis Borges y sin duda un hito en la historia de la literatura. Aquí se encuentran lo policiaco (La muerte y la brújula) y lo fantástico (La lotería en Babilonia), lo irreal (Las ruinas circulares) y lo imaginario (Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius), el que Borges consideró acaso su mejor cuento (El Sur) y el que cientos de miles de lectores han consagrado como uno de los comienzos más cautivadores de un relato jamás escrito (Nadie lo vio desembarcar en la unánime noche).Cada uno de los dieciséis cuentos reunidos en este libro es, en sí, pieza fundacional y celebración del universo borgeano.Para algunos críticos como Ricardo Piglia, la influencia de Borges es superior a la del Premio
Vintage Espanol El Aleph / The Aleph
New Directions Publishing Corporation Everything and Nothing
Everything and Nothing collects the best of Borges’ highly influential work—written in the 1930s and ‘40s—that foresaw the internet (“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”), quantum mechanics (“The Garden of Forking Paths”), and cloning (“Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote”). David Foster Wallace described Borges as “scalp-crinkling . . . Borges’ work is designed primarily as metaphysical transcend individual consciousness.”
Penguin Putnam Inc The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory
Penguin Random House Australia Collected Fictions
Penguin Books Ltd Brodie's Report
The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral. In these eleven short stories the quality of his inspiration is unmistakable. With their deceptively simple, almost laconic style, they achieve a magical impression that is unrivalled in modern writing.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Seven Nights
The incomparable Borges delivered these seven lectures in Buenos Aires in 1977; attendees were treated to Borges’ erudition on the following topics: Dante’s The Divine Comedy, Nightmares, Thousand and One Dreams, Buddhism, Poetry, The Kabbalah, and Blindness.
Seagull Books London Ltd Conversations – Volume 2
Recorded during Jorge Luis Borges’s final years, this second volume of his conversations with Osvaldo Ferrari provides a wide-ranging reflection on the life and work of Argentina’s master writer and favorite conversationalist. In Conversations: Volume 2, Borges and Ferrari engage in a dialogue that is both improvisational and frequently humorous as they touch on subjects as diverse as epic poetry, detective fiction, Buddhism, and the moon landing. With his signature wit, Borges offers insight into the philosophical basis of his stories and poems, his fascination with religious mysticism, and the idea of life as a dream. He also dwells on more personal themes, including the influence of his mother and father on his intellectual development, his friendships, and living with blindness. These recollections are alive to the passage of history, whether in the changing landscape of Buenos Aires or a succession of political conflicts, leading Borges to contemplate what he describes as his “South American destiny.” The recurrent theme of these conversations, however, is a life lived through books. Borges draws on the resources of a mental library that embraces world literature—ancient and modern. He recalls the works that were a constant presence in his memory and maps his changing attitudes to a highly personal canon. In the prologue to the volume, Borges celebrates dialogue and the transmission of culture across time and place. These conversations are a testimony to the supple ways that Borges explored his own relation to numerous traditions.
Seagull Books London Ltd Conversations, Volume 1
Buddhism, love, Henry James, and the tango are just a few of the topics Jorge Luis Borges, Argentina's master writer, and extraordinary conversationalist, discusses in the first volume of the remarkable new series, Conversations. The eighty-four-year-old blind man's wit is unending and results in lively and insightful discussions that configure a loose autobiography of a subtle, teasing mind. Borges' favorite concepts such as time and dreaming are touched upon, but these dialogues are not a true memoir, they are unrestricted conversations about life at present. The Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator, contributed immensely to twentieth-century literature, and more specifically to the genres of magical realism and fantasy. As he progressively lost his sight he became completely blind by the age of fifty-five the darkness behind his eyelids held enchanting imagery that translated into rich symbolism in his work. The inner workings of his curious mind are seen vividly in his conversations with Ferrari, and there's not a subject on which he doesn't cast surprising new light. As in his tale The Other, where two Borgeses meet up on a bench beside the River Charles, this is a dialogue between a young poet and the elder teller of tales where all experience floats in a miracle that defies linear time.
Penguin Random House Australia Selected Non-Fictions: Volume 3
Wakefield Press Marcel Schwob - The Children's Crusade
“I’ve just read Marcel Schwob’s The Children’s Crusade twice over, with deep admiration and reverence. I am profoundly moved: what a work! And to think I’d never heard the name of Marcel Schwob. Who is he?”—Rainer Maria Rilke Marcel Schwob’s 1896 novella The Children’s Crusade retells the medieval legend of the exodus of some 30,000 children from all countries to the Holy Land, who traveled to the shores of the sea, which—instead of parting to allow them to march on to Jerusalem—instead delivered them to merchants who sold them into slavery in Tunisia or delivered them to a watery death. It is a cruel and sorrowful story mingling history and legend, which Schwob recounts through the voices of eight different protagonists: a goliard, a leper, Pope Innocent III, a cleric, a qalandar and Pope Gregory IX, as well as two of the marching children, whose naive faith eventually turns into growing fear and anguish. Though it is a tale drawn from the early 13th century, Schwob presents it through a modern framework of shifting subjectivity and fragmented coherency, and its subject matter and its succession of different narrative perspectives has been seen as an influence on and precursor to such diverse works as Alfred Jarry’s The Other Alcestis, Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s “In a Grove,” William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and Jerzy Andrzejewski’s The Gates of Paradise. It is a tale told by many yet understood by few, a mosaic surrounding a void, describing a world in which innocence must perish.
Penguin Books Ltd The Total Library: Non-Fiction 1922-1986
Though best known in the English speaking world for his short fictions and poems, Borges is revered in Latin America equally as an immensely prolific and beguiling writer of non-fiction prose. In THE TOTAL LIBRARY, more than 150 of Borges' most brilliant pieces are brought together for the first time in one volume - all in superb new translations. More than a hundred of the pieces have never previously been published in English. THE TOTAL LIBRARY presents Borges at once as a deceptively self-effacing guide to the universe and as the inventor of a universe that is an indispensible guide to Borges
Penguin Books Ltd The Aleph
Borges' stories have a deceptively simple, almost laconic style. In maddeningly ingenious stories that play with the very form of the short story, Borges returns again and again to his themes: dreams, labyrinths, mirrors, infinite libraries, the manipulations of chance, gaucho knife-fighters, transparent tigers and the elusive nature of identity itself.
Random House USA Inc Ficciones: Introduction by John Sturrock
Penguin Putnam Inc The Aleph and Other Stories
Harvard University Press This Craft of Verse
Through a twist of fate that the author of Labyrinths himself would have relished, these lost lectures given in English at Harvard in 1967–1968 by Jorge Luis Borges return to us now, a recovered tale of a life-long love affair with literature and the English language. Transcribed from tapes only recently discovered, This Craft of Verse captures the cadences, candor, wit, and remarkable erudition of one of the most extraordinary and enduring literary voices of the twentieth century. In its wide-ranging commentary and exquisite insights, the book stands as a deeply personal yet far-reaching introduction to the pleasures of the word, and as a first-hand testimony to the life of literature.Though his avowed topic is poetry, Borges explores subjects ranging from prose forms (especially the novel), literary history, and translation theory to philosophical aspects of literature in particular and communication in general. Probably the best-read citizen of the globe in his day, he draws on a wealth of examples from literature in modern and medieval English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Chinese, speaking with characteristic eloquence on Plato, the Norse kenningar, Byron, Poe, Chesterton, Joyce, and Frost, as well as on translations of Homer, the Bible, and the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám.Whether discussing metaphor, epic poetry, the origins of verse, poetic meaning, or his own “poetic creed,” Borges gives a performance as entertaining as it is intellectually engaging. A lesson in the love of literature and in the making of a unique literary sensibility, this is a sustained encounter with one of the writers by whom the twentieth century will be long remembered.
Penguin Putnam Inc On Writing
New Directions Publishing Corporation Labyrinths
The groundbreaking trans-genre work of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) has been insinuating itself into the structure, stance, and very breath of world literature for well over half a century. Multi-layered, self-referential, elusive, and allusive writing is now frequently labeled Borgesian. Umberto Eco's international bestseller, The Name of the Rose, is, on one level, an elaborate improvisation on Borges' fiction "The Library," which American readers first encountered in the original 1962 New Directions publication of Labyrinths. This new edition of Labyrinths, the classic representative selection of Borges' writing edited by Donald A. Yates and James E. Irby (in translations by themselves and others), includes the text of the original edition (as augmented in 1964) as well as Irby's biographical and critical essay, a poignant tribute by André Maurois, and a chronology of the author's life. Borges enthusiast William Gibson has contributed a new introduction bringing Borges' influence and importance into the twenty-first century.
Canongate Books Borges and Me: An Encounter
LONGLISTED FOR THE HIGHLAND BOOK PRIZEIn frantic flight from the Vietnam War, Jay Parini leaves the United States for Scotland. There, through unlikely circumstances, he meets famed Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges. The pair embark on a trip to the Scottish Highlands, and on the way the charmingly garrulous Borges takes Parini on a grand tour of western literature and ideas while promising to teach him about love and poetry.Borges and Me is a classic road novel, based on true events. It's also a magical tour of an era - like our own - in which uncertainties abound, and when - as ever - it's the young and the old who hear voices and dream dreams.
Seagull Books London Ltd Conversations, Volume 2
Recorded during Jorge Luis Borges's final years, this second volume of his conversations with Osvaldo Ferrari provides a wide-ranging reflection on the life and work of Argentina's master writer and favorite conversationalist. In Conversations: Volume 2, Borges and Ferrari engage in a dialogue that is both improvisational and frequently humorous as they touch on subjects as diverse as epic poetry, detective fiction, Buddhism, and the moon landing. With his signature wit, Borges offers insight into the philosophical basis of his stories and poems, his fascination with religious mysticism, and the idea of life as dream. He also dwells on more personal themes, including the influence of his mother and father on his intellectual development, his friendships, and living with blindness. These recollections are alive to the passage of history, whether in the changing landscape of Buenos Aires or a succession of political conflicts, leading Borges to contemplate what he describes as his "South American destiny." The recurrent theme of these conversations, however, is a life lived through books. Borges draws on the resources of a mental library that embraces world literature-ancient and modern. He recalls the works that were a constant presence in his memory and maps his changing attitudes to a highly personal canon. In the prologue to the volume, Borges celebrates dialogue and the transmission of culture across time and place. These conversations are a testimony to the supple ways that Borges explored his own relation to numerous traditions. Praise for Borges "Borges is arguably the great bridge between modernism and post-modernism in world literature."-David Foster Wallace
Penguin Putnam Inc The Book of Imaginary Beings: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)