Search results for ""Author Jordi Pérez González""
Archaeopress De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms
De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms focuses on luxonomics, or the economy of luxury in Roman times, and how its study is an element that is essential to understanding the history of the period. This volume brings together the contributions of leading experts in the study of luxury to present the full range of perspectives on the production and consumption of luxury items and, moreover, from the variety of approaches offered by Ancient History. The book is organised in chronological order, and the evolution of the luxury economy is divided into areas of consumption, production, and criticism. The analytical focus on the interaction between the notions of need and desire suggests that the historical development of luxury and business in Rome can be divided into five categories: houses, clothing, jewellery, food, and leisure.
Archaeopress Arqueología y Téchne: Métodos formales, nuevos enfoques: Archaeology and Techne: Formal methods, new approaches
‘Archaeology and Techne’ publishes papers resulting from the European project EPNet (Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics). Various interdisciplinary research techniques and results are presented. The main goal of the EPNET project was to use formal tools to investigate existing hypotheses about the Roman economy in order to understand which products, and in which periods, were distributed through the different geographical regions of the empire. The project also aimed to ascertain the role that different political and economic agents played in controlling both production and trade networks.
Archaeopress Historia Antigua en diálogo. Humanidades Digitales e innovaciones metodológicas
Historia Antigua en diálogo: Humanidades Digitales e innovaciones metodológicas is the result of the adoption of new tools used in the humanities, specifically, archaeology, epigraphy and ancient history, without ceasing to respect traditional scientific methods. In this the editors are joined by eleven Brazilian and Spanish researchers whose previously unpublished works confirm the generational change, and demonstrate their proximity to contemporary social and political debates developed worldwide, such as gender and women, imperialism and nationalism, subalternity, consumption and power relations. Papers from the established professors, Nathalia Monseff and Pedro Paulo A. Funari, complete the volume.