Search results for ""Author Jon Emmett""
Fernhurst Books Limited Tactics Made Simple: Sailboat Racing Tactics Explained Simply
Olympic gold medallist and multiple world champion, Paul Goodison, explains why this book is important if you want to win races. He says: “To win sailboat races you need to sail the boat fast. This comes down to hours on the water training and tuning – there are few shortcuts to hours of practising on the water. To consistently win races you need to sail fast and smart – making the right decisions to sail the best course. If you are not the fastest boat, you are still able to win races and regattas by managing risk and sailing smart. This is where good tactics come in. But, unlike boatspeed, tactics may be learnt by thinking about each leg of the course and different situations from the comfort of your own home. Jon Emmett’s new book, Tactics Made Simple, is a great tool to help fast track this learning.” This book explains simply, through hundreds of diagrams, what tactics can be applied around the race track. Individual boats in each scenario are given names so that you can easily understand what they are doing. Individual chapters take you around the race course, from before you get on the water, through the pre-start, start, different legs and manoeuvres. Each section contains detailed advice for the beginner, intermediate and advanced sailor so you can just look at the level of tactics relevant to you. Ideal for dinghy sailors, there is also a wealth of advice that will benefit yachtsmen. This is a practical way to improve your racing results, whether starting out, moving up the club circuit or competing at national level and beyond. Originally published by Wiley Nautical as Be Your Own Tactics Coach.
Fernhurst Books Limited Coach Yourself to Win
This book will help you to succeed on the water whether your aim is Club, National, International (or even Olympic) level. With detailed analysis, challenging exercises and useful top tips throughout, everything is covered: from targets, goal setting and a winning mental attitude to boat handling, strategy and tactics (plus lots more). Handy diagrams on almost every page help to clarify complex concepts and scenarios, and brilliant action photographs bring the text to life. Each chapter is closed with not-to-be missed advice from Olympic medallists – making this a must-have book for all sailors who aspire to great success. This is a re-written and more focused version of the author’s popular title Be Your Own Sailing Coach, and its publication marks the re-launch of the iconic Sail to Win series, loved by sailors for over 30 years.
Fernhurst Books Limited Training to Win: Training Exercises for Solo Boats, Groups and Those with a Coach
Gold medal winning coach, Jon Emmett works with sailors and coaches around the world and is frequently asked things like: ‘What is a good exercise to improve this?’ ‘Why do we do this exercise?’ ‘How do we make the exercise more / less difficult?’ This book is the answer to those frequently asked questions. It contains training exercises for each element of a sailing race. As well as describing and illustrating the exercise, it tells you what skills you are trying to improve, why and how to make the exercise harder or easier. The book will enable coaches to deliver better, more focussed, training sessions, but it will also help sailors who don’t have the benefit of a coach to practise and improve their sailing skills. The exercises are marked as to whether they are suitable for solo boats, groups of boats or those with a coach boat. As Aristotle said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Armed with this book, get out, do some training and improve your sailing skills!