Search results for ""Author John Ruskin""
Pepitas de calabaza La reina del aire un estudio sobre los mitos griegos de la nube y la tormenta
Thames and Hudson Ltd The King of the Golden River John Ruskin Illustrated by Quinten Blake Brainiacs
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. The King of the Golden River Der König des Goldenen Flusses Buch AudioOnline FrankLesemethode Kommentierte zweisprachige Ausgabe EnglischDeutsch
Pallas Athene Publishers Unto This Last
Perhaps the most influential political essay ever written, Unto This Last was one of the defining texts of British socialism, and was a decisive experience in the lives of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, amongst many others. Ruskin’s lessons are as urgently needed today as ever. His attack on the greed and short-termism of unbridled capitalism, and on the pursuit of money instead of true wealth, are every bit as inspiring and challenging as they were when Unto This Last was first published 150 years ago. A new introduction by Andrew Hill, Associate Editor and City Editor of the Financial Times, and editor of the Lombard column, discusses the value of the essay in an age of credit crunch. A foreword by the Master of the Guild of St George, Ruskin’s association for social reform, sets out what Ruskinians today can do and are doing.
Dover Publications Inc. The Elements of Drawing
Penguin Books Ltd On Art and Life
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
Casimiro Libros La naturaleza del gótico
David Zwirner Giotto and His Works in Padua
Vaso Roto Ediciones El sueño imperativo sobre arte naturaleza y sociedad
Recoge exactamente 111 fragmentos de diversa extensión tomados de la obra del escritor y crítico victoriano John Ruskin (1819-1900). Sus cinco apartados (naturaleza, arte, arquitectura, sociedad y economía, autobiografía) se corresponden con los intereses centrales de su autor y nos acercan una escritura que apenas ha sido leída como se merece, aunque está en la raíz de la modernidad y preludia muchas de las inquietudes de la sociología, la ecología y la estética contemporánea. La obra de Ruskin es una larga recusación que desmonta los pilares estéticos, morales y socioeconómicos de la Inglaterra de su época y, al hacerlo, nos entrega herramientas para empezar a entender nuestro tiempo.
Hansebooks Stones of Venice: Vol. 1
Penguin Books Ltd The Lamp of Memory
John Ruskin overturned Victorian society’s ideas about art and architecture, arguing that ancient buildings must be conserved for their deep, mystical links with the past and that creative design is essential – not for financial gain, but to communicate eternal human truths. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves – and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives – and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Técnicas de dibujo
Técnicas de Dibujo es un clásico de la educación artística. Su propósito, según el autor, es enseñar a dibujar, lo que quiere decir, enseñar a ver. Para ello nos expone unas "leyes" de composición artística, basadas en la observación de la Naturaleza, al tiempo que nos enriquece culturalmente con su ideas estéticas y éticas de una manera sencilla y amena.La obra se divide en tres partes en forma de cartas a un estudiante de dibujo. Empieza por las técnicas, instrumentos y ejercicios prácticos más sencillos con la guía siempre presente de Ruskin, que advierte y se adelanta juiciosamente a los problemas. Los ejercicios aumentan en dificultad y permiten desarrollar habilidades cada vez mayores hasta llegar al manejo de la acuarela y a la composición, de la que explica detalladamente todas sus leyes y fundamentos. Tres láminas en sendas páginas, 48 grabados y diversos diagramas complementan la comprensión del texto, así como un extenso apéndice dedicado a las mejores obras del arte univ
Dieterich'sche Grundlagen des Zeichnens in drei Briefen fr Anfnger
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. The King of the Golden River Der König des Goldenen Flusses Buch AudioCD Lesemethode von Ilya Frank Zweisprachige Ausgabe EnglischDeutsch
Pallas Athene Publishers The Stones of Venice
The Stones of Venice has been described as the greatest guidebook ever written. Read by all who went there and thousands who did not, it opened Victorian eyes to the glories of a city even then under threat, and transformed the study and practice of architecture for ever. It took Ruskin almost half a million words to launch his devastating attack on the Renaissance – ‘the school which has conducted men’s inventive and constructional faculties from the Grand Canal to Gower Street’ and to explain how to see and make true architecture. They were ‘glorious words, but too many,’ as J. G. Links put it while preparing this edition. Links, himself the greatest exponent of Venice of the 20th century, designed this abridgement to convey all the excitement, urgency, love of Venice and unmatchedly beautiful prose to a new generation of readers.
Ediciones Cátedra Ssamo y lirios
El Doctor Johnson decía que leer a Milton era antes un deber que un placer. John Ruskin (1819-1900) pertenece a esa ilustre y rara familia de escritores puritanos ingleses que hacen de toda lectura un examen de conciencia ?en su caso, una apocalíptica " visión " ? sin renunciar a los placeres de la imaginación. Ruskin es recordado sobre todo como fundador de la moderna crítica de arte y, sin embargo, el carácter " mosaico " de su obra, que incluye su faceta de dibujante, recogida en esta edición, hace difícil clasificarlo. Para el lector actual esa dificultad puede ser un desafío que haga de su descubrimiento tanto un placer como un deber." Sésamo y lirios " ha sido el libro más leído entre el público de Ruskin, el " mundo de lectores " por excelencia. Se trata, de hecho, de una obra en torno a cómo y por qué leer, pero ante todo de una característica interpelación a los oyentes (después lectores) de sus conferencias sobre lo que esperan de su educación ?por su naturaleza ética com
Pallas Athene Publishers A New and Noble School: Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelites
In 1851 John Ruskin came to the defence of the young artists of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood by writing two letters to The Times, refuting widespread criticism of their paintings. Soon afterwards he published a pamphlet entitled Pre-Raphaelitism, beginning almost a decade of public support for the work of William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and their associates. Already established as one of the leading writers on art, he took a personal risk in defending the Pre- Raphaelite cause, but saw a parallel in the hostile reaction to the paintings of his artistic idol J. M. W. Turner. In Millais especially, Ruskin hoped to nurture a worthy successor in landscape painting, arguing that the Pre-Raphaelites’ attention to truth and detail offered the opportunity to establish a “new and noble school” of British art. This is the first compilation of all of Ruskin’s published writings relating to the Pre-Raphaelites, beginning with the celebrated passage in the first volume of Modern Painters (1843) exhorting young artists to “go to nature in all .... rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing,” later claimed by Hunt to have been an inspiration. As well as Pre- Raphaelitism (1851), rarely reprinted since, and the fourth of the 1853 Edinburgh lectures, it includes all the comments on paintings in the annual Academy Notes (1855-9) which pertain to Pre-Raphaelitism, underlining Ruskin’s significant contribution to the movement’s popular success and the widespread acceptance of its principles. From the period after 1860, when Ruskin was concentrating more on social issues, come the the little-known articles published in the Nineteenth Century magazine under the title The Three Colours of Pre-Raphaelitism (1878), and a number of lectures, including the last of his Slade Lectures, The Art of England (1883), delivered just a few years before his mental faculties failed. Edited with a commentary and preface by Stephen Wildman, Director of the Ruskin Library and Research Centre, University of Lancaster, and with an introduction by Robert Hewison, one of Ruskin’s successors as Slade Professor of Art at the University of Oxford.
Pallas Athene Publishers The Nature of Gothic
'One of the very few necessary and inevitable utterances of the century.' William Morris, in the Preface. The Nature of Gothic started life as a chapter in Ruskin's masterwork, The Stones of Venice. Ruskin came to lament the 'Frankenstein monsters' of Victorian buildings with added Gothic which 'The Stones' inspired; but despite his misgivings the original moral purpose of his writing had not fallen on stony ground. The Nature of Gothic, the last chapter of the second volume, had marked his progression from art critic to social critic; in it he found the true seam of his thought, and it was quickly recognised for the revolutionary writing it was. As Morris himself put it, The Nature of Gothic 'pointed out a new road on which the world should travel'; and in its indictment of meaningless modern labour and its celebration of medieval architecture it could be called the foundation stone of Morris's aesthetic and purpose in life. 40 years after he first read it, Morris chose Ruskin's text for one of the first books to be published at his Kelmscott Press, using his own Golden type. It is one of the summits of his career, and one of the most beautiful books ever published. Few books can so completely sum up an era. The Kelmscott Nature of Gothic encapsulates the meeting of two remarkable minds and embodies their influence in word, image and design. But more than that, Ruskin's words are increasingly relevant for our times. In this facsimile edition, the first ever made of this rare book, the reader can fully appreciate their importance and their legacy, as understood by one of the most potent visual imaginations to have worked in Britain. In this enlarged edition, essays by leading scholars, Robert Hewison (who was one of Ruskin's successors as Slade Professor of Fine Art at Oxford University), Tony Pinkney (Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University) and Robert Brownell (lecturer, stained glass maker and author of Marriage of Inconvenience) explain the importance of this book for Ruskin, for Morris and for us today.
Oxford University Press Praeterita
'For as I look deeper into the mirror, I find myself a more curious person than I had thought.' John Ruskin (1819-1900) was a towering figure of the nineteenth century: an art critic who spoke up for J. M. W. Turner and for the art of the Italian Middle Ages; a social critic whose aspiration for, and disappointment in, the future of Great Britain was expressed in some of the most vibrant prose in the language. Ruskin's incomplete autobiography was written between periods of serious mental illness at the end of his career, and is an eloquent analysis of the guiding powers of his life, both public and private. An elegy for lost places and people, Praeterita recounts Ruskin's intense childhood, his time as an undergraduate at Oxford, and, most of all, his journeys across France, the Alps, and northern Italy. Attentive to the human or divine meaning of everything around him, Praeterita is an astonishing account of revelation. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press Selected Writings
'To be taught to write or to speak - but what is the use of speaking, if you have nothing to say? To be taught to think - nay, what is the use of being able to think, if you have nothing to think of? But to be taught to see is to gain word and thought at once, and both true.' Ruskin was the most powerful and influential critic of the nineteenth century. He wrote about nature, art, architecture, politics, history, myth, and much besides; all his work is characterized by a clarity of vision as unsettling and intense now as it was for his first readers. This new selection draws on the whole range of his astonishingly varied output, from the passionate celebration of J. M. W. Turner's painting in the first volume of Modern Painters (1843) to Praeterita (1885-9), the elegiac autobiography of his later years. The introduction outlines Ruskin's life and thought, and shows why he remains such a rewarding writer today. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Penguin Books Ltd Unto This Last and Other Writings
First and foremost an outcry against injustice and inhumanity, Unto this Last is also a closely argued assault on the science of political economy, which dominated the Victorian period. Ruskin was a profoundly conservative man who looked back to the Middle Ages as a Utopia, yet his ideas had a considerable influence on the British socialist movement. And in making his powerful moral and aesthetic case against the dangers of unhindered industrialization he was strangely prophetic. This volume shows the astounding range and depth of Ruskin's work, and in an illuminating introduction the editor reveals the consistency of Ruskin's philosophy and his adamant belief that questions of economics, art and science could not be separated from questions of morality. In Ruskin's words, 'There is no Wealth but Life.'
Edinburgh University Press Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life
Dover Publications Inc. The Seven Lamps of Architecture
Klincksieck Les Sept Lampes de l'Architecture
Pallas Athene Publishers Flora of Chamonix
A full-size facsimile of John Ruskin’s as yet unpublished book of pressed plants with notes, collected and compiled by Ruskin during 1844 from the mountains and forests around Chamonix, France. This rare example of a herbier to be reproduced and published is accompanied with a second volume of notes and commentary. Here, Ruskin’s full, scientific explanations are fully commented on in the light of modern botanical knowledge. Professors David Ingram and Stephen Wildman provide an introduction, illuminating essays and detailed notes and commentary on Ruskin’s herbier.