Search results for ""Author John Harrison""
Little, Brown Book Group Backgarden Chickens and Other Poultry
A practical and indispensable guide which covers all you need to know about keeping poultry in your own back garden. Find out: What housing and basic equipment you need. How to choose and obtain the right poultry for the space you have available. Which are the best breeds of chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and quail for your circumstances. How to help your poultry settle into their new homes. How to feed and care for your poultry. How to breed your ownHow to store eggs and increase production. And even how to cull your birds.
The Crowood Press Ltd Pen and Wash
Pen and Wash is a practical guide to creating a picture that captures the discipline of pen, along with the subtlety of watercolour. With clear instruction and inspirational examples throughout, it explains the conventional approach of drawing and then adding wash, but also explores alternative ideas and styles. The author's passion for the technique is evident in his examples and enthusiastic text, making the book a superb guide to this beautiful medium. Advise on the correct equipment, techniques, the unpredictable nature of watercolours and Step by step demonstrations of pen and wash techniques.
Parthian Books Cloud Road: A Journey Through the Inca Heartland
For five months John Harrison journeys through this secret country, walking alone into remote villages where he is the first gringo the inhabitants have ever seen, and where life continues as if Columbus had never sailed. He lives at over 10,000 feet for most of the trip, following the great road of the Incas: the Camino Real, or Royal Road. Hand built over 500 years ago, it crosses the most difficult and dangerous mountains in all the Americas, diving into sweltering canyons and soaring up into the snows. 1500 miles, half of it on foot, take him from the Equator to Cuzco and the most magical city of all: Machu Picchu. He is attacked, gets lost and is trapped by floods, but only when he goes home does he lose what he wants most.
Parthian Books 1519: A Journey to the End of Time
When Hernan Cortes met the Mayans, Aztecs and other cultures of the gulf coast of Mexico in 1519, it was the first extended contact between the peoples of continental America and Europe. The Spanish found cities larger and better run than any in Europe, and pyramids greater than Egypt's. The Aztecs believed time was running down and they lived in the final age of the world. Many Spaniards believed Christ's millennium was approaching, and God's revelation of Americas had opened the final act: the conversion of the remote races of the earth. After the Day of Judgement God's experiment with man was over. The laboratory, the physical world, would be destroyed. Both cultures were acting out the last days. Halfway through researching this book John Harrison had a scan which told him he would not live to write it; he was seeing out his own days. The Aztec people were concerned with the transitory nature of worldly things; some of their rulers were revered as much for their philosophical poetry as their conquests. John Harrison follows Cortes's route along the Mexican coast and across country to modern Mexico City, home of the Aztecs.A journey within journeys to the end of time, the book becomes a meditation on time, on mortality and self, from a modern master of travel writing.
Globe Pequot Press Up the Creek
Parthian Books Forgotten Footprints: Lost Stories in the Discovery of Antarctica
John Harrison’s Forgotten Footprints is the untold story of the sailors, sealers and eccentrics who discovered the last continent: Antarctica. A thrilling record of lost triumph and tragedy, a saga of adventure and ambition against all odds, and a compelling insight into extraordinary personalities and the times that shaped them, Forgotten Footprints captures the fascination of this most extreme, mysterious and beautiful of environments in John Harrison’s characteristically vivid and affecting prose.
Parthian Books Where the Earth Ends
My great grandfather and grandfather sailed the Horn, in steam and diesel, out of Liverpool. I was the first generation not to sail the Horn or fight a war. Instead, I would go to the end of the world, beyond Patagonia, to Tierra del Fuego. I would do more, I would see the Horn and find lost tribes. The child in me could go even further and sail the waters of Coleridge's albatross and enter the watercolours' blue horizons of my first novel, and sit on Robinson Crusoe's imaginary shore. I had imagined these places; they must exist. All I had to do was look for them.
Little, Brown Book Group The Essential Allotment Guide: How to Get the Best out of Your Plot
In recent years allotments have grown in popularity with demand far outstripping supply. John Harrison shows how to improve your chances of getting an allotment and move up the waiting list. In this all-encompassing guide, he also advises on clearing an allotment, planning what to grow and how, building compost bins, using raised beds - plus detailed instructions on growing the best vegetables and fruit.Praise for John Harrison's Vegetable Growing Month by Month:"...solid words of advice, written in a way that everyone will understand."Medwyn Williams, Chairman of the National Vegetable Society and member of the Fruit and Vegetable Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bells and Bellringing
Handel called Britain 'The Ringing Isle' because he heard bells ringing everywhere he went. Behind the quintessentially English sound of bells ringing lies a unique way of hanging bells and a special way of ringing them that evolved in the late sixteenth century. Ringing has since developed and spread, with some 6,000 towers worldwide with bells hung in the English style, and most of them in England. Over 40,000 active ringers keep alive the traditions and skills of change ringing that have been handed down over many generations. The book is an introduction to the world of bells and bell-ringing. It explains how bells are made and how a ringing installation works. It explains the nature of change ringing, which has mathematical as well as musical aspects. It provides insights into the ringing community its origins and culture as well as its relationships with the Church and the community.
B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd Brand Aid: Brand Power at the Heart of Your Business
Little, Brown Book Group Low-Cost Living 2nd Edition: How to Live Well for Less Money
When economic conditions are tough, we all need to watch our spending. John Harrison's simple, tried and tested methods will help you to enjoy a better standard of living while saving money and helping the environment.Discover the benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables, raising chickens, making butter, cheese and bread, and brewing your own beer.Save energy, save on your bills.Harvest food for free and avoid waste.Play the supermarkets at their own game and get the best deals.See how to recycle, re-use, make do and mend.Find out if solar power is right for you and whether wind power makes domestic sense.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Megaregions: Globalization’s New Urban Form?
Megaregions presents an excellent collection of spatial-imaginary cameos drawn from the US and beyond, together with theoretically searching and provocative commentary from its editors. [The book] provides a series of thought-provoking and question-prompting interjections to inspire and prompt new research agendas.'- Kathy Pain, Geographical Review 'This splendid collection both defines and dissects trajectories of a research agenda on one of the chief, yet contested, discursive scalar fixes on our planet in an age of complete urbanization: the megaregion.'- Roger Keil, York University, Toronto, CanadaAre megaregions a meaningful new spatial framework for the analysis of cities in globalization? Drawing together a range of innovative contributions and case studies from around the world, this book interrogates the many claims and counter-claims made about megaregions and critically assesses their position within global urban studies.Connecting research on megaregions to broader theoretical debates about globalized urbanization, the book examines the latest conceptualizations of trans-metropolitan landscapes. It investigates the opportunities and challenges posed by planning and governing at the megaregional scale and moves the debate forward to address questions of 'how', 'why' and 'by whom' megaregional spaces are being constructed.This far-reaching book will be of considerable interest to a broad audience, appealing to those engaged in urban and regional studies, geography and planning, and with direct relevance for policymakers and practitioners working at international, state and local levels.Contributors: B. Fleming, M.R. Glass, J. Harrison, M. Hesse, M. Hoyler, A. Schafran, P. Schmitt, L. Smas, D. Wachsmuth, S.M. Wheeler, X. Zhang
Little, Brown Book Group Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Growing in Small Spaces
Whatever the size of your garden - whether it's a tiny patio or even if you only have a windowbox available - John Harrison can help you to grow fresh tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, strawberries, runner beans and much more to provide delicious food for your table.• Discover which are the easiest vegetables and fruit to grow in your particular situation• Make the most of your containers and growbags• Find out about dwarf fruit varieties• Benefit from John's practical experience and his no-nonsense advice• Enjoy the taste of homegrown produce, free of chemical residues
Little, Brown Book Group Vegetable Growing Month-by-Month: The down-to-earth guide that takes you through the vegetable year
Whatever the size of your garden or allotment, you can grow your own vegetables. Even if you only have a balcony or a small paved area outside your kitchen, you can grow more than you ever thought possible in pots, containers and raised beds.Experienced vegetable grower John Harrison takes you through the entire vegetable year so that, for all the main vegetables, you'll know exactly when you should sow your seeds, dig your plot and harvest your crops.Choose the most appropriate vegetables for your particular soil and select the right position so that they flourish. Discover how to make your own compost and organic fertilisers, as well as the best methods of controlling pests. Find out how to extend the season by buying or building your own cloches and cold frames.Put an end to worries that your shop-bought vegetables contain chemical residues or to concerns about the air miles such vegetables have flown en route to your table!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Megaregions: Globalization’s New Urban Form?
Megaregions presents an excellent collection of spatial-imaginary cameos drawn from the US and beyond, together with theoretically searching and provocative commentary from its editors. [The book] provides a series of thought-provoking and question-prompting interjections to inspire and prompt new research agendas.'- Kathy Pain, Geographical Review 'This splendid collection both defines and dissects trajectories of a research agenda on one of the chief, yet contested, discursive scalar fixes on our planet in an age of complete urbanization: the megaregion.'- Roger Keil, York University, Toronto, CanadaAre megaregions a meaningful new spatial framework for the analysis of cities in globalization? Drawing together a range of innovative contributions and case studies from around the world, this book interrogates the many claims and counter-claims made about megaregions and critically assesses their position within global urban studies.Connecting research on megaregions to broader theoretical debates about globalized urbanization, the book examines the latest conceptualizations of trans-metropolitan landscapes. It investigates the opportunities and challenges posed by planning and governing at the megaregional scale and moves the debate forward to address questions of 'how', 'why' and 'by whom' megaregional spaces are being constructed.This far-reaching book will be of considerable interest to a broad audience, appealing to those engaged in urban and regional studies, geography and planning, and with direct relevance for policymakers and practitioners working at international, state and local levels.Contributors: B. Fleming, M.R. Glass, J. Harrison, M. Hesse, M. Hoyler, A. Schafran, P. Schmitt, L. Smas, D. Wachsmuth, S.M. Wheeler, X. Zhang
Little, Brown Book Group Easy Jams, Chutneys and Preserves
This book explains all you need to know to make your own delicious jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit butters, fruit cheeses, chutneys and pickles, including details of all the necessary equipment, how to choose the best fruit and vegetables to use, and how to make sure the jam sets properly to produce the best results.In these straitened times, more and more people are keen to save money by making jams, jellies and chutneys from the surplus of their own homegrown fruit and vegetables or from free fruit, such as blackberries, available in nearby hedgerows. Val and John Harrison show how easy it is to collect together the required ingredients and start making your own produce.
Little, Brown Book Group How to Store Your Home Grown Produce
It's wonderful to grow your own fruit and vegetables but what do you do when it all ripens at once? How do you cope with the glut which threatens to overwhelm you?Will help all those who grow their own fruit and vegetables to store their produce properly so that it will last for months and feed the family when the garden's bare.Easy and practical advice on how to bottle, dry, freeze and even salt home grown fruit and vegetables.Discover the taste of your delicious homemade jams, chutneys and ketchups.John and Val Harrison reveal just what you can do with that bountiful harvest and share their 30 years' experience of growing fruit and vegetables and you'll never waste another tomato or courgette again.Praise for John Harrison:'Britain's greatest allotment authority'. Indpendent on Sunday.
Vajra Books A Blessing for the Land:: The Architecture, Art and History of a Buddhist Convent in Mustang, Nepal
Cambridge University Press Sophocles: Antigone
Treating ancient plays as living drama. Classical Greek drama is brought vividly to life in this series of new translations. Students are encouraged to engage with the text through detailed commentaries, including suggestions for discussion and analysis. In addition, numerous practical questions stimulate ideas on staging and encourage students to explore the play's dramatic qualities. Antigone is suitable for students of both Classical Civilisation and Drama. Useful features include full synopsis of the play, commentary alongside translation for easy reference and a comprehensive introduction to the Greek Theatre. Antigone is aimed primarily at A-level and undergraduate students in the UK, and college students in North America.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories
This major international Handbook offers the most up-to-date and original viewpoints on critical debates relating to the rapidly transforming geographies of regions and territories, as well as related key concepts such as place, scale, networks and regionalism.This interdisciplinary Handbook brings together renowned specialists who have extensively theorized these spatial concepts and contributed to rich empirical research in disciplines such as geography, sociology, political science and international relations. It offers fresh, cutting-edge, and contextual insights on the significance of regions and territories in today’s dynamic world.This is a timely and vital resource for both students and researchers of human geography and regional studies. Political geographers and international relations scholars will also benefit from reading the Handbook as it offers a comprehensive yet accessible examination of the geography of regions and territories.Contributors include: J. Agnew, B.T. Asheim, S. Ayres, A. Beer, I. Braverman, G. Bristow, J. Bryson, I. Calzada, R. Castriota, J. Clark, A. Cochrane, R. Comunian, K.R. Cox, M. Deciancio, K. Dodds, M. Dunford, L. England, J.N. Entrikin, D. Gibbs, M. Glass, J. Harrison, A. Hemmings, Y. Herrera, R. Huggins, B. Jessop, A.E.G. Jonas, A. Jones, M. Jones, R. Jones, J.M. Kanai, D. Kofanov, D.F. Kogler, W. Liu, J. Loughlin, F. Mattheis, S. Moisio, R.L. Monte-Mór, C. Nine, A. Paasi, M. Pace, K. Peters, P. Riggirozzi, D. Rwehumbiza, S. Schindler, A. Shirikov, C. Sohn, D. Storey, N.-L. Sum, K. Terlouw, P. Thompson, I. Turok, L. Van Langenhove, A. Whittle
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories
This major international Handbook offers the most up-to-date and original viewpoints on critical debates relating to the rapidly transforming geographies of regions and territories, as well as related key concepts such as place, scale, networks and regionalism.This interdisciplinary Handbook brings together renowned specialists who have extensively theorized these spatial concepts and contributed to rich empirical research in disciplines such as geography, sociology, political science and international relations. It offers fresh, cutting-edge, and contextual insights on the significance of regions and territories in today’s dynamic world.This is a timely and vital resource for both students and researchers of human geography and regional studies. Political geographers and international relations scholars will also benefit from reading the Handbook as it offers a comprehensive yet accessible examination of the geography of regions and territories.Contributors include: J. Agnew, B.T. Asheim, S. Ayres, A. Beer, I. Braverman, G. Bristow, J. Bryson, I. Calzada, R. Castriota, J. Clark, A. Cochrane, R. Comunian, K.R. Cox, M. Deciancio, K. Dodds, M. Dunford, L. England, J.N. Entrikin, D. Gibbs, M. Glass, J. Harrison, A. Hemmings, Y. Herrera, R. Huggins, B. Jessop, A.E.G. Jonas, A. Jones, M. Jones, R. Jones, J.M. Kanai, D. Kofanov, D.F. Kogler, W. Liu, J. Loughlin, F. Mattheis, S. Moisio, R.L. Monte-Mór, C. Nine, A. Paasi, M. Pace, K. Peters, P. Riggirozzi, D. Rwehumbiza, S. Schindler, A. Shirikov, C. Sohn, D. Storey, N.-L. Sum, K. Terlouw, P. Thompson, I. Turok, L. Van Langenhove, A. Whittle