Search results for ""Author John Emms""
Everyman Chess Starting Out: Minor Piece Endgames
Endgames with kings, bishops, knights, and pawns are generally considered among the most complex and can seem quite bewildering to improving players. This is hardly surprising given that even Grandmasters have been known to struggle in some areas of these endgames, with some examples resulting in embarrassing failure to deliver elementary checkmates! In this user-friendly book, Grandmaster and notable endgame authority John Emms begins with the absolute fundamentals of minor piece endings. This slowly but surely arms readers with the essential knowledge and confidence to move onto slightly trickier positions. Using examples from practical play, Emms highlights the correct procedures as well as the typical mistakes made by both attacker and defender. As is normal with the famed Starting Out series, there are an abundance of notes, tips, and warnings throughout the book to help improving players. Starting Out: Minor Piece Endgames is perfect for those who have previously honed their chess skills with the earlier books Starting Out in Chess, Tips for Young Players and Improve Your Endgame Play. Key features: *Covers all crucial minor piece endings *Easy step-by-step guide to better endgame play *Ideal for improving players *User-friendly layout to help readers absorb the key ideas
Gambit Publications Ltd The Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book
Everyman Chess The Sicilian Taimanov: Move by Move
This is a new series which provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, Move by Move greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved, and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general skills and knowledge. In this book, Grandmaster John Emms examines his favourite Sicilian variation, the Taimanov, which is one of Black's most reliable answers to 1 e4. He shares his experience and knowledge grown from over 15 years playing the opening at grandmaster level, and offers answers to the all the key questions. *Essential guidance and training in the Sicilian Taimanov *Written by a renowned Sicilian Taimanov expert *Utilizes an ideal approach to opening study
Everyman Chess The Scandinavian
From a theoretical backwater to a fully blown main line opening, the rise of the Scandinavian Defence (1 e4 d5) has been nothing short of meteoric. Over the past 15 years the Scandinavian has become more and more popular both at club and Grandmaster level. It even managed to obtain an ultimate seal of approval when Vishy Anand employed it in his World Championship match with Garry Kasparov! This book provides a complete update of Emms's original and best-selling edition of The Scandinavian, published in 1997. Since then there have been many new and important discoveries from both sides of the board, and these are included here.
Everyman Chess Beating 1 E4 E5: A Repertoire for White in the Open Games
Grandmaster John Emms presents a repertoire for White after 1 e4 e5, based on the Italian Game and the Bishop's Opening. The lines he recommends are built upon a sound yet aggressive system of development which can be deployed against virtually every Black defence. The emphasis is firmly on understanding and executing key positional and tactical ideas, rather than the arduous process of memorizing theory. Emms covers both the main variations and the tricky sidelines, and highlights crucial move-order subtleties. This book provides everything you need to know about playing the Italian Game and the Bishop's Opening. It is a Grandmaster's repertoire after 1 e4 e5. It is packed with new ideas and analysis. It is ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players.
Everyman Chess Discovering Chess Openings: Building A Repertoire From Basic Principles
In Discovering Chess Openings John Emms argues that studying openings doesn't have to be hard work - it can be both enjoyable and enlightening. The key to successful opening play is not simply learning lines off by heart; instead it's the understanding of the basic principles, and here the reader is guided through the vital themes: swift development, central control and king safety.
Everyman Chess The Starting Out: The Scotch Game
The Scotch Game is one of the oldest openings in chess and has a great history, but more recently it was catapulted back into the limelight due to the enterprise of World number one Garry Kasparov, who completely rejuvenated the opening with an abundance of original ideas for White. He utilized the opening in World Championship matches and other elite events, with very successful results. As a direct result of this, the Scotch Game, a dynamic and sharp opening, has once again become popular at all levels of chess. In this easy-to-read guide, Grandmaster and openings expert John Emms goes back to basics, studying the essential principles of the Scotch Opening and its numerous variations. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips, and warnings to guide improving players, while key strategies, ideas, and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.
Everyman Chess Simple Chess
It's been said many times before that chess is an easy game to learn, but a difficult one to master. The game is full of difficult questions such as, 'What do you do when your opponent is skilful enough to prevent both checkmate and material loss?' However, once the principal strategic ideas are recognised, then everything becomes much clearer and the game becomes much simpler. In this book Grandmaster and experienced chess writer John Emms provides the reader with the fundamental knowledge required to enter every game with confidence. * A complete introduction to chess strategy * Important positional ideas are covered * Ideal for club and tournament players
Everyman Chess King's Indian Attack
The King's Indian Attack was a firm favorite of the legendary Bobby Fischer, and more recently it has been utilized with great success by world-class Grandmasters such as Alexander Morozevich. The renowned chess coach Mark Dvoretsky regards the King's Indian Attack as a perfect weapon on which to base an opening repertoire. Its great advantage over other openings is that it's a thematic system that can be employed against many different lines, while the emphasis is on the understanding of ideas rather than the dry memorization of moves. The King's Indian Attack leads to rich middlegame positions that are full of dynamic possibilities for both sides. In this easy-to-use guide, King's Indian Attack expert Angus Dunnington goes back to basics, studying the fundamental principles of this attack and its numerous lines. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips, and warnings to help improving players, while key strategies, ideas, and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.
Everyman Chess The Nimzo-Indian: Move by Move
'Move by Move' is a brand new series which provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, 'Move by Move' greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved, and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general opening skills and knowledge. In this book, Grandmaster John Emms revisits the Nimzo-Indian, an opening which is highly popular at all levels of chess. The Nimzo-Indian has been his favourite defence to 1 d4 for over 30 years. Here he shares his experience and knowledge, examines the opening from both sides of the board and offers answers to the all key questions. *Essential guidance and training in the Nimzo-Indian *Written by a renowned Nimzo-Indian expert *Incorporates an ideal approach to opening study
Beyer, Joachim Verlag Geheimnisse des knigsindischen Angriffs
Everyman Chess The Survival Guide to Competitive Chess: Improve Your Results Now!
John Emms reveals the secrets of how to maximize potential and improve results in competitive play. Drawing upon years of his own experience, Emms tackles the all-important practical aspects of chess playing: studying ones own strengths and weaknesses, and those of prospective opponents; concentration and manner at the chessboard; handling time trouble; tackling cheats; playing for a win or a draw; saving difficult positions; avoiding silly mistakes; building an opening repertoire; using chess computers and software; choosing the right tournaments and much more besides.
Everyman Chess The Sicilian
Everyman Chess present three new books in their highly praised and best-selling Starting Out series. The series continues with coverage of two very popular openings among club and tournament players: the Trompowsky Attack and the Torre Attack. Added to this, there's an updated and largely expanded edition of Starting Out: The Sicilian, the much acclaimed guide to the most popular opening in chess. The Starting Out series has firmly established itself as the leading guide to studying openings for up-and-coming chess players. These books are ideal for enthusiastic players who have little experience of the openings in question and who wish to appreciate the essential principles behind them.
Everyman Chess Play the Najdorf
In this book Grandmaster and opening expert John Emms produces a comprehensive but workable black repertoire against all of White's possible options in the Najdorf.The Najdorf is one of the most sharp, dynamic, and popular openings that Black can pla
Everyman Chess Attacking with 1 e4
Fed up with having to learn so much opening theory? Struggling to keep up with all the latest developments? Then this book may well be the answer to all your problems! Grandmaster John Emms offers a new arsenal of opening weapons with which to attack to your unaware opponents. Starting with the move 1 e4, the reader is armed with systems against all possible black defences. In each case learning ideas is more important than memorising long variations, so this repertoire should be ideal for players who don't have the luxury of being able to spend countless hours studying theory. Each line is easy to learn and play, but will they will still pose your opponent with difficult problems to solve over the board. *All possible defences to 1 e4 are covered *Written by a battle-hardened 1 e4 player *Ideal for club and tournament players
Everyman Chess The Chess Tactics Detection Workbook
Volker Schleputz and Grandmaster John Emms offer a unique framework to study chess tactics. The reader assumes the role of a tactics detective, checking for mistakes and missed opportunities in games. This training method resembles the real board situation far more realistically than traditional chess puzzles.
Everyman Chess Simple and More Simple Chess
Two books by Grandmaster John Emms in one volume: It's been said many times before that chess is an easy game to learn, but a difficult one to master. The game is full of difficult questions such as, 'What do you do when your opponent is skilful enough to prevent both checkmate and material loss?' However, once the principal strategic ideas are recognised, then everything becomes much clearer and the game becomes much simpler. In this book Grandmaster and experienced chess writer John Emms provides the reader with the fundamental knowledge required to enter every game with confidence.Most experts agree that to reach a high standard at chess, one must not only be able to calculate properly but also master the many positional points of the game. However, while tactical ability is clear-cut and can be improved simply by the continual practice of puzzles, learning the finer points of positional play that come so naturally to Grandmasters can seem like a frightening task for the less experienced player. In this book, Grandmaster John Emms aims to solve this problem, giving the reader a thorough grooming on all the crucial aspects of chess strategy. Moving on from the basic principles, Emms draws upon both his own experiences and those of other international players to unravel the mystery surrounding positional chess. This book will be particularly helpful for those who have previously honed their chess skills with the highly popular Simple Chess
Everyman Chess First Steps: 1 e4 e5
Starting a chess game with 1 e4 e5 is so common that the resulting complex of opening systems traditionally commands its own sobriquet, "The Open Games" (1 e4 met by other replies are "Semi-Open Games" and everything else comes under "Closed Games"). The central structure with pawns on e4 and e5 often leads to play based around highly classical themes which are the bedrock of successful chess understanding. ----- First Steps is a new opening series and is ideal for improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations. First Steps emphasizes: ----- * the basic principles --- * the basic strategies --- * the key tricks and traps ----- First Steps books are based around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.
Everyman Chess A Complete Guide to Defending Against 1 d4
Two great books from the Everyman Chess Library, Starting Out: The Nimzo Indian by Chris Ward and Starting Out: The Queen’s Indian by John Emms, brought together in one volume. The Nimzo-Indian is one of the soundest and most popular defences against 1 d4, offering Black the chance to unbalance the game early on and play for a win without undue risk. Advocates include virtually all of the world's top players, including Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Vishy Anand and Anatoly Karpov. In this revolutionary book, Grandmaster Chris Ward revisits the basic principles behind the Nimzo-Indian and its many variations. Throughout this easy-to-read guide the reader is helped along by a wealth of notes, tips and warnings from the author, while key strategies, ideas and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated. This book is ideal for the improving player. The Queens Indian is one of Black’s most dependable and respected defences to the queen's pawn opening. It is an established favourite amongst world-class Grandmasters such as Vladimir Kramnik, Vishy Anand, Michael Adams and Judit Polgar, not to mention Anatoly Karpov, who has been a loyal Queens Indian supporter and theory developer for over three decades. Rather than classically occupying the central squares with pawns, Black adopts a hypermodern approach and endeavours to control this key area with pieces. This procedure leads to rich and varied positions that will appeal to players who like complex play. In this easy-to-read guide, Grandmaster and Queens Indian expert John Emms goes back to basics, studying the essential principles of the Queens Indian and its numerous variations. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips and warnings to guide the improving player, while key strategies, ideas and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.
Everyman Chess The Sicilian
Are you bored of playing the same old openings time and time again? Fed up with constantly having to keep up with modern chess theory? Or perhaps you simply wish to play something new and exciting, but cannot decide between the numerous choices available? Don't despair - help is on hand!' In "Dangerous Weapons: The Sicilian", John Emms and Richard Palliser team up to investigate by far the most popular and widely-played chess opening, but in a revolutionary way. They concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations of the open Sicilian, selecting a wealth of ideas and options for both colours. Many of the carefully chosen weapons are innovative, visually shocking, incredibly tricky, or have been unfairly discarded; they are guaranteed to throw even your most experienced opponent off balance. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you assured and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover! "Dangerous Weapons" is a brand-new series of opening books that provide the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize his or her opening repertoire.
Everyman Chess Complete Repertoire for Black Using the Sharpest Systems
Brought together in one volume as part of Everyman Chess's series of compilation books: Play the Najdorf: Scheveningen Style by John Emms and Play the King's Indian: A complete Repertoire for Black in this most dynamic of openings by Joe GallagherThe Najdorf Sicilian is one of the most sharp, dynamic and popular openings that Black can play and is a firm favourite amongst the world's elite players, including world number one Garry Kasparov. From very early on, Black unbalances the game to a reach a position in which one can play for the win without exceptional risk.The soundness of the Najdorf has never been questioned, but some players can be put off by the ever-spiralling amount of theory amassed on this great opening. In Play the Najdorf, however, Grandmaster and openings expert John Emms condenses this mountain to produce a workable black repertoire against all of White's possible options.The King's Indian has always been one of the sharpest, most complex and popular openings that Black can play; it still provides the setting for many encounters at the elite level of Grandmaster chess. Straight from the start, Black fights for the initiative and in many variations, while White pursues material gains, it is Black who has the psychological advantage of trying to checkmate the opponent's king.Despite its many advantages, some prospective Kings Indian players are put off by the seemingly endless amount of theory one is supposed to learn. In Play the Kings Indian, however, Grandmaster and life-long Kings Indian devotee Joe Gallagher has produced a comprehensive and yet workable black repertoire against all of Whites most dangerous possibilities.
Everyman Chess Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5: Dazzle Your Opponents in the Open Games!
Do you need a well-deserved break from your normal chess openings? Are you tired of constantly having to keep up with modern chess theory? Or perhaps you simply wish to try out something new and inspiring, but cannot decide amongst the embarrassment of choices available? Look no further for the answer! In "Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5", renowned opening experts John Emms, Glenn Flear and Andrew Greet take a revolutionary look at one of the most famous and widely-played chess openings. Instead of travelling down well-trodden and analysed paths, the authors concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover! "Dangerous Weapons" is an exciting series of opening books which supply the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize his or her opening repertoire. Many of the carefully chosen weapons are innovative, visually shocking, incredibly tricky, or have been unfairly discarded; they are guaranteed to throw even your most experienced opponent off balance. It discusses Open Games in a whole new light. It is packed with original ideas and analysis. It is ideal for ambitious and adventurous players.
Everyman Chess Dangerous Weapons: The Caro-Kann: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Do you need to freshen up your chess openings? Stun your opponents with new and exciting ideas! Dangerous Weapons is a series of opening books which supply the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize his or her opening repertoire. In this book, three opening specialists team up and take a contemporary look at the Caro-Kann, one of the most popular chess openings. Instead of analysing the well-trodden main lines they concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover! *State-of-the-art coverage of the Caro-Kann *Packed with original ideas and analysis *Ideal weapons to shock your opponents
Everyman Chess The Nimzo-Indian
Are you tired of constantly following the same old opening moves? Fed up with always having to keep up with modern chess theory? Or perhaps you simply wish to try something new and exciting, but cannot decide between the numerous choices available? We have the answer! In this book, John Emms, Chris Ward and Richard Palliser team up to examine one of the most popular and respected openings at all levels of chess: the Nimzo-Indian. Instead of pursuing the well-trodden paths, they choose an original approach, concentrating on fresh or little-explored variations of the Nimzo, and selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover! "Dangerous Weapons" is a brand-new series of opening books which supply the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize his or her opening repertoire. Many of the carefully chosen weapons are innovative, visually shocking, incredibly tricky, or have been unfairly discarded; they are guaranteed to throw even your most experienced opponent off balance.
Everyman Chess Anti-Sicilians: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Prominent opening specialists take a revolutionary look at a popular group of openings - the Anti-Sicilians - and select a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both Black and White.