Search results for ""Author Joan Roca""
Grub Street Publishing Cook with Joan Roca
Cook with Joan Roca teaches step-by-step, with over 2,000 photographs, the main techniques for preparation, cooking and preservation of foods. He also explains the essential basics and foundations of culinary skills. This book shares twenty-five years of professional knowledge in an easy, visual and educational manner: boiling, frying, curing, pickling, blanching, marinating, grilling, smoking, and many other essential techniques that you can put into practice with a selection of easy, delicious recipes. This is a definitive guide to the secrets of cooking. The book demonstrates every aspect of cookery: how to organize the weekly shop, the basic tools, the essential cuts, taking care of food, seasonal products, tricks and advice to optimize your cooking and the best way to conserve ingredients, plus a selection of simple recipes that put all the techniques described in the book into practice. In these pages one of the world’s greatest chefs teaches you everything you need to know to become a truly accomplished culinary professional.
Librooks Barcelona S.L.L. Distilling Scotland a tribute by El Celler de Can Roca to the gastronomy of Scotland
Columna CAT Cuina mare
Després de dedicar els seus dos llibres anteriors a les tècniques culinàries, Joan Roca recupera, en aquest llibre, la cuina tradicional de les mares, les receptes de sempre, amb l'objectiu que tothom pugui cuinar a casa. Sense perdre el seu toc de qualitat, ens ofereix receptes sense complicacions, ni tecnicismes.Quines receptes s'inclouen en el llibre?? Receptes de tota la vida, les receptes de les nostres mares.? Receptes de tota la vida adaptades a la cuina actual. Per exemple, receptes baixes en greixos.? Plats de sempre però amb una versió modernitzada.El llibre comptarà amb una distribució clàssica de receptes: entrants, peixos, carns, ous, verdures i postres; així com amb una breu introducció a les tècniques fonamentals de la cuina.
Columna CAT Cuina amb Joan Roca a baixa temperatura Descobreix una forma de cuinar més sabrosa més saludable
"Aquesta obra us mostrarà tot el que hem après en la cuina d'El Celler de Can Roca, però també en les nostres respectives cuines familiars, amb la intenció d'ensenyar-vos diferents tècniques que milloraran els vostres plats. Veurem que la baixa temperatura ja es practica des de fa milers d'anys i que bàsicament la novetat del desenvolupament tecnològic és el control i la precisió, amb la què podem cuinar avui dia. Però al final, del que es tracta quan cuinem és de gaudir de les bondats de transmetre coneixement, valors i afecte. Cuinant podem descobrir la nostra cultura i el món sencer, podem desafiar els sentits, fer volar la imaginació o vincular-nos una miqueta més a la nostra terra, som capaços d'expressar gratitud i de dedicar temps als nostres éssers estimats. Tot això és el que més compta. Us animo a descobrir un conjunt de tècniques que sens dubte us ajudaran a aconseguir resultats millors en les vostres cuines. Espero que gaudiu de l'aventura."
Montagud Editores La Cocina Al Vacio-Sous Vide Cuisine
Sous-vide cooking, basically the process of vacuum-sealing foods in plastic bags and cooking at low temperatures, is a technique that, until now, has been much more widely used in Europe than in the United States. Here, finally, is an English translation of an excellent book on the subject from two pioneers of the technique, Joan Roca and Salvador Brugues, who have taken the process beyond its original purpose of food preservation to produce wonderful new recipes for restaurant use.There are detailed chapters on the equipment, materials and techniques on the general principles of sous-vide cooking with very precise cooking times and temperatures indicated for different applications, as well as a section of delicious recipes employing this new technique. Dozens of color photos illustrate the very detailed explanations.Sous-Vide Cuisine combines the artistry of the chef with the science of sous-vide. Not a detail is left un-reseached from the history, sanitation, product selection, storage, multiple cooking applications, HACCP guidelines, and plenty of recipes. This book is the standard by which all others have followed.
Grub Street Publishing El Celler de Can Roca: Redux Edition
El Celler de Can Roca is the three Michelin starred Catalan restaurant in Spain which was opened in 1986 by the Roca brothers, Joan, Josep and Jordi. In 2015, it was once again named the best restaurant in the world by the Restaurant magazine. The Times restaurant critic A.A. Gill compared the restaurant to former restaurant El Bulli, which was once ranked as the number one restaurant in the world, saying that it was an outstanding kitchen, and part of the great confident wave of new Spanish food that is complex, technically exhausting, aware of the landscape, history and politics. The first edition of El Celler de Can Roca The Book was published in Spanish in a giant format weighing an incredible 5 kilos and retailing at 90 euros. This new smaller, redux edition is appearing in English for the first time. An amazing book, this is the definitive work about El Celler de Can Roca. Fully illustrated in colour throughout it gathers the thoughts of writer Josep Maria Fonalleras in A day at El Celler. Here is the history, philosophy, techniques, values, sources of inspiration, creative processes, of this band of extraordinary chefs with over 90 detailed recipes, and a collection of the 240 most outstanding dishes from the 25-year history of this magnificent restaurant. An open door to the secrets of El Celler de Can Roca, revealed in 16 chapters and organised according to the sources of inspiration that nurture the Roca brothers: Tradition, Memory, Academia, Product, Landscape, Wine, Chromatism, Sweet, Transversal Creation, Perfume, Innovation, Poetry, Freedom, Boldness, Magic, Sense of Humour.