Search results for ""Author Jay Cormier""
Rowman & Littlefield The Sower's Book: A Workbook and Planning Guide for Homilists and Preachers
Like the sower in the Gospel parable, homilists scatter seeds of faith each Sunday, calling forth growth in the hearts of their hearers. But such sowing requires a range of supportive, accompanying work: seeding, planing, harvesting, gleaning. The Sower's Book has been written for homilists and preachers who believe that preaching is a ministry—indeed, the most important communication they have with the communities they serve. It is designed to provide a framework by which homilists can think through and develop the Sunday homily over an entire Liturgical year.
Rowman & Littlefield Heaven is Like...: A Gospel Model for Writing, Preparing, and Delivering the Sunday Homily
With Jesus’ preaching and parables as the model for proclaiming the Good News, Heaven is Like…demonstrates how a good homily includes the elements of story, connection, and invitation. More than a how-to-manual, each chapter includes several sample homilies and practical suggestions and tips for conceiving, writing, and preaching. The book discusses body language, attitudes of innovation and welcome, and ways the homilist can prepare to communicate effectively. Practical, challenging equipment for meaningful Christian communication.
Rowman & Littlefield Seed Sown: Theme and Reflections on the Sunday Lectionary Reading (Cycles A, B, and C)
Seed Sown is a practical and reproducible resource book for anyone who seeks to “break open” the Word of God: from those who preach every week to those who plan and lead Scripture courses and discussion groups based on the Sunday lectionary. Includes brief commentary for every Sunday and solemnity in the three-year lectionary.