Search results for ""Author Jaume Subirana""
Ara Llibres Per dir s 50 poemes per a casaments
El padrí ja no té excusa...Heus aquí un recull indispensable de poemes que canten a l'amor, perfectes per fer-los servir en casaments civils i religiosos, o per declarar-vos a peu d'altar.Poesia de tots els temps, catalana i d'arreu, en una acurada selecció.
Columna CAT Tu i jo
Tu i jo és el primer volum d?una antologia poètica de Jaume Subirana per a la gent jove. En aquestprimer llibre es recullen trenta poemes de diferents autors dissenyats d?una manera diferent, atrevida i suggerent sobre l?amor. Un disseny insòlit que sorprendrà, i que permetrà que els joves s?hi identifi quin i vegin la poesia amb uns altres ulls.
Liverpool University Press The Barcelona Reader: Cultural Readings of a City
Over the last twenty years there has been a growing international interest in the city of Barcelona. This has been reflected in the academic world through a series of studies, courses, seminars, and publications. The Barcelona Reader hinges together a selection of the best academic articles, written in English, about the city, and its main elements of identity and interest: art, urban planning, history and social movements. The book includes scholarly essays about Barcelona that can be of interest to the student and the general public alike. It focuses on cultural representations of the city: the arts (including literature) provide a complex yet discontinuous portrait of the city, similar to a patchwork. The authors selected create a kaleidoscope of views and voices thus presenting a diverse yet inclusive Barcelona portrait. The Barcelona Reader offers a multifaceted assessment that will be essential reading for anyone interested in this iconic city.
Award-winning poet, translator, and academic, Jaume Subirana is one of Catalonia’s most treasured poets, winning some of its most prestigious prizes for his poetry and essays. In an eloquent translation from accomplished poet and translator Christopher Whyte, The Silent Letter showcases Subirana’s sharp observations, delicate eye for detail, stunningly beautiful images, and poignant suspension of the moment.