Search results for ""Author Jan Saunders Maresh""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sewing For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Home Staging For Dummies
Want to have homebuyers knocking down your door? Home Staging For Dummies delivers all the secrets to making your home stand out, sell faster, and bring in more money! It shows you how to make improvements room by room and generate a higher profit in the most cost- and time-effective way. Featuring eight full-color pages of instructive before-and-after photos, this completely practical guide demonstrates how and why to eliminate clutter, make repairs, arrange furnishings, and pave the way for buyers to make an emotional connection to your house. You’ll get a handle on what buyers want and how to show it to them, find plenty of do-it-yourself tasks that add real value to your home, and get tips on producing photos of your home that will have buyers craving to see more! Discover how to: See your home as prospective buyers will see it Know what needs doing and what doesn’t Master the three-step home staging process Add real value to your home without breaking the bank Decide whether to DIY or call in the pros Create curb appeal Make a great first impression with a beautiful entryway Spruce up your kitchen, bathroom, living, and dining rooms Turn your bedrooms into a buyer’s dream Whip your mechanicals into top shape Avoid staging nightmares Get top dollar for your home — all you need is a little help from Home Staging For Dummies!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sewing For Dummies
The most complete guide to sewing basics People are always looking for ways to cut expenses and be creative and stylish at the same time. Learning to sew is a great way to arm yourself with the skills to repair and create clothing and furnishings for yourself and your family for little to no cost. But learning how to sew and how to choose the tools and supplies to begin sewing can be confusing. Now, you can turn to this hands-on, friendly guide for the most up-to-date information, the best techniques, and fun projects for learning (or brushing up on) the art of sewing. Easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step illustrations make it easier to learn Fresh new patterns, projects, stitches, and techniques for fashion and the home Budget-conscious tips for breathing new life into existing garments Complete with a section on common sewing mistakes and how to avoid them, Sewing For Dummies, 3rd edition gives you the confidence and know-how to sew like a pro.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nähen für Dummies
Nähen will gelernt sein und das geht am besten mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Die Autorin Janice Maresh weiht Sie in die Grundlagen des Nähens und Schneiderns ein, zeigt Ihnen, welches Handwerkszeug Sie benötigen, und erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie Schnittmuster lesen. Sie werden sehen, wie einfach es ist, modische Stücke ganz nach Ihrem eigenen Geschmack zu nähen. Fortgeschrittene finden nicht nur Tipps und Tricks, wie sie Taschen, Ärmel & Co. passend gestalten, sie erhalten auch Anregungen für stilvolle Dekoprojekte. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie ihre Kleidung ausbessern und verschönern und wie Sie die häufigsten Fehler beim Nähen vermeiden.