Search results for ""Author Jan Johnson""
Inter-Varsity Press Study and Meditation (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
Reading the Bible is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can engage in. Why is Bible study so significant? How can our attitude and approach affect what we get out of our reading? Learning to immerse ourselves in God's thoughts through study and meditation allows us to go deeper into God's Word and live in a more Christlike way. This six-session LifeBuilder Bible Study from Jan Johnson helps us do just that. Previously published as part of the Spiritual Disciplines Study Series
NavPress Publishing Group Invitation to the Jesus Life
InterVarsity Press Study and Meditation
NavPress Publishing Group When the Soul Listens
InterVarsity Press Strong and Weak Bible Study
History Press Yellow Fever on Galveston Island
SCM Brockhaus, R. Ser als Honig kostbarer als Gold 40 Mal Bibel zum Eintauchen und Erleben
InterVarsity Press Luke
InterVarsity Press John