Search results for ""Author James Endredy""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Journey of Tunuri and the Blue Dear: A Huichol Story
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Shamanic Alchemy: The Great Work of Inner Transformation
A hands-on guide to advanced spiritual transformation through the combined sacred arts of alchemy and shamanism Offering a unique, hands-on guide to advanced self-transformation, James Endredy shows how traditional shamanic techniques offer a doorway into the sacred art of alchemy, the inner transformation of the soul. Revealing the practical and intuitive connections between shamanism and alchemy, including not only Western alchemy but also alchemical practices from the East, Endredy recasts the 7 stages of the alchemical “Great Work” as a transformative shamanic journey and initiatic experience. He provides step-by-step instructions for 18 shamanic alchemy practices for inner transformation, including vibrational energy work, consciousness-altering techniques, the creation of mirrors of the mind, shamanic viewing, and sacred ceremonies tied to the four elements. Exploring the healing art of spagyrics, the author shows how this alchemical plant-medicine practice is receptive to the energetic work of traditional shamanic techniques. He details formulations for distilling shamanic spagyric remedies, as well as recipes for basic tinctures and “plant-stones.” He also discusses the creation of sacred space, altars, and shamanic distillation lodges. Comparing shamanic and alchemical cosmologies, the author explains how both shamanism and alchemy employ direct experience of the numinous and invisible worlds, also known as gnosis, to impart wisdom, invoke peace of mind, and increase creativity and vitality. Showing how the practical vibrational science of alchemy and the consciousness-transforming techniques of shamanism directly enhance and expand upon each other, Endredy also reveals how they have the same ultimate goals: to allow the practitioner to transmute spiritual lead into gold and to penetrate the deep secrets of life and of nature.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Shamanism for Beginners: Walking with the World's Healers of Earth and Sky
Interest in shamanism is on the rise and people are eager to integrate this intriguing tradition into their own lives. "Shamanism for Beginners" introduces the spiritual beliefs and customs of the shaman - a spiritual leader, visionary, healer, diviner, walker between worlds, and so much more. How is one called to be a shaman? How is a shaman initiated? Where does a shaman's power come from? Exploring the practices and beliefs of tribes around the world, James Endredy sheds light on the entire shamanic experience. The fascinating origins and evolution of shamanism are examined, along with power places, tools (costume, drum, sweat lodge, medicine wheel), sacred plants, and the relationship between the shaman and spirits. Enriched with the author's personal stories and quotes from actual shaman elders and scholars, Endredy concludes with incredible feats of shamans, healing techniques, and ruminations on the future of this remarkable tradition.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Advanced Shamanism: The Practice of Conscious Transformation
A detailed guide to advanced shamanic techniques reveals authentic wisdom to help the practitioner reach increased levels of awareness Endredy offers hands-on instructions for sacred Fire ceremonies, direct shamanic viewing, experiencing shamanic death and rebirth, working with and acquiring healing stones, shamanic lucid dreaming, shamanic healing, and advanced methods for acquiring an animal spirit guide, including how to properly retain its spirit in a sacred bundle or altar and how to use its power responsibly for healing. He provides a meticulous step-by-step approach to working with the five points of attention, a Huichol teaching on sacred awareness and shamanic levels of attention. He also examines the many ways that Psi phenomena and shamanism are linked and their relationship to the scientific concept of quantum entanglement. Showing how quantum physics is the scientific expression of shamanism, the author also explores the biological foundations of spiritual experiences, including the roles of serotonin, dopamine, and opioid transmitters, and the connections between altered consciousness and shamanic states. Integrating modern research with ancient knowledge to provide an enlightened view of shamanism that marries science and spirit, this guide offers authentic shamanic wisdom and techniques to help the solitary practitioner move forward on their shamanic path.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Teachings of the Peyote Shamans: The Five Points of Attention
Taking place in the heart of the Huichol homeland in western Mexico, this book offers a rare in-depth look at the inner workings of Huichol shamanism, which is permeated with the use of the sacred peyote cactus. Outsiders are almost never allowed access to Huichol sacred sites and ceremonies; however, James Endredy, after years of friendship with Huichol families, earned the privilege nearly by accident. Swayed by persistent pleading, he agreed to take another gringo into the mountains to one of the Huichols' ceremonial centres, and they were both caught. After trial and punishment, Endredy was invited to stay within the sacred lands for the festivities he had illegally intruded upon and found his initiation into the Huichol shamanic tradition had begun. Sharing his intimate conversations and journeys with the shaman he calls "Peyote Jesus," the author explains how Huichol belief revolves around the five sacred directions, the five sacred sites, and the five points of attention. As Peyote Jesus explains, the five points of attention refer to dividing your awareness yet staying focused on your inner self. This is not a normal state of consciousness for most people, yet when we maintain these points of attention, we discover our true essence and move closer to God. Endredy undergoes dozens of spiritual journeys with peyote as he makes the pilgrimages to the five sacred Huichol sites with Peyote Jesus. He is shocked by his vision of the Virgin Mary while under peyote's guidance and learns of the deep relationship--strictly on Huichol terms--between their cosmology, Gnosticism, and Christianity, especially Jesus Christ. Providing an inside look at the major ceremonies and peyote rituals of the Huichol, this unexpectedly powerful book reveals the key tenants of the Huichol worldview, their beliefs in the afterlife, and their spiritual work on behalf of all of humanity.