Search results for ""Author J. N. Reddy""
Cambridge University Press Principles of Continuum Mechanics: Conservation and Balance Laws with Applications
Continuum mechanics deals with the stress, deformation, and mechanical behaviour of matter as a continuum rather than a collection of discrete particles. The subject is interdisciplinary in nature, and has gained increased attention in recent times primarily because of a need to understand a variety of phenomena at different spatial scales. The second edition of Principles of Continuum Mechanics provides a concise yet rigorous treatment of the subject of continuum mechanics and elasticity at the senior undergraduate and first-year graduate levels. It prepares engineer-scientists for advanced courses in traditional as well as emerging fields such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, energy systems, and computational mechanics. The large number of examples and exercise problems contained in the book systematically advance the understanding of vector and tensor analysis, basic kinematics, balance laws, field equations, constitutive equations, and applications. A solutions manual is available for the book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Principles and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics
A comprehensive guide to using energy principles and variational methods for solving problems in solid mechanics This book provides a systematic, highly practical introduction to the use of energy principles, traditional variational methods, and the finite element method for the solution of engineering problems involving bars, beams, torsion, plane elasticity, trusses, and plates. It begins with a review of the basic equations of mechanics, the concepts of work and energy, and key topics from variational calculus. It presents virtual work and energy principles, energy methods of solid and structural mechanics, Hamilton’s principle for dynamical systems, and classical variational methods of approximation. And it takes a more unified approach than that found in most solid mechanics books, to introduce the finite element method. Featuring more than 200 illustrations and tables, this Third Edition has been extensively reorganized and contains much new material, including a new chapter devoted to the latest developments in functionally graded beams and plates. Offers clear and easy-to-follow descriptions of the concepts of work, energy, energy principles and variational methods Covers energy principles of solid and structural mechanics, traditional variational methods, the least-squares variational method, and the finite element, along with applications for each Provides an abundance of examples, in a problem-solving format, with descriptions of applications for equations derived in obtaining solutions to engineering structures Features end-of-the-chapter problems for course assignments, a Companion Website with a Solutions Manual, Instructor's Manual, figures, and more Energy Principles and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics, Third Edition is both a superb text/reference for engineering students in aerospace, civil, mechanical, and applied mechanics, and a valuable working resource for engineers in design and analysis in the aircraft, automobile, civil engineering, and shipbuilding industries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics
A practical introduction to the use of the finite-element method and variational methods to solve engineering problems about beams, bars, torsion, and plane elasticity. Includes a concise section on composite-material laminated plates and shells. Contains numerous examples, exercises, problems, and references.
Cambridge University Press Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods for Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics
Introduces the two most common numerical methods for heat transfer and fluid dynamics equations, using clear and accessible language. This unique approach covers all necessary mathematical preliminaries at the beginning of the book for the reader to sail smoothly through the chapters. Students will work step-by-step through the most common benchmark heat transfer and fluid dynamics problems, firmly grounding themselves in how the governing equations are discretized, how boundary conditions are imposed, and how the resulting algebraic equations are solved. Providing a detailed discussion of the discretization steps and time approximations, and clearly presenting concepts of explicit and implicit formulations, this graduate textbook has everything an instructor needs to prepare students for their exams and future careers. Each illustrative example shows students how to draw comparisons between the results obtained using the two numerical methods, and at the end of each chapter they can test and extend their understanding by working through the problems provided. A solutions manual is also available for instructors.