Search results for ""Author Herbert J""
Chicago Review Press American Revolution for Kids
Heroes, traitors, and great thinkers come to life in this activity book, and the concepts of freedom and democracy are celebrated in true accounts of the distinguished officers, wise delegates, rugged riflemen, and hardworking farm wives and children who created the new nation. This collection tells the story of the Revolution, from the hated Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Party to the British surrender at Yorktown and the creation of the United States Constitution. All American students are required to study the Revolution and the Constitution, and these 21 activities make it fun and memorable. Kids create a fringed hunting shirt and a tricorn hat and reenact the Battle of Cowpens. They will learn how to make their voices heard in “I Protest” and how Congress works in “There Ought to Be a Law.” A final selection including the Declaration of Independence, a glossary, biographies, and pertinent Web sites makes this book a valuable resource for both students and teachers.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Lineare Algebra: und ihre Anwendungen
(Autor) Herbert Muthsam (Titel) Lineare Algebra und Ihre Anwendungen (usp) mit vielen Übungsaufgaben (copy) Bei diesem Lehrbuch wird von Anfang an ein starkes Gewicht auf die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen guter Theorie und Anwendungen gelegt. Ein einfacher, anschauungsbasierter Zugang in den ersten Kapiteln ermöglicht einen sanften Einstieg in die mathematische Denkweise. Anwendungen, die sich auf dieser Basis ganz natürlich ergeben, umfassen Fouriertransformationen, gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, llineare Optimierung sowie Methoden der Modellierung und numerische Verfahren mit Blick auf Fragen aus Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Wirtschaftswissenchaften. (Biblio)
Skyhorse Publishing Judgment in Berlin: The True Story of a Plane Hijacking, a Cold War Trial, and the American Judge Who Fought for Justice
"Suspenseful...moving...equal to any fictional thriller." —San Francisco Chronicle In August 1978, the Iron Curtain still hung heavily across Europe. To escape from oppressive East Berlin, an East German couple, Hans Detlef Alexander Tiede and Ingrid Ruske, hijacked a Polish airliner and diverted it to the American sector of West Berlin. Along with the couple, several passengers spontaneously defected to the West, and were welcomed by US officials. But within hours, Communist officials reminded the West of the anti-hijacking agreements in the Warsaw Pact, and thus the fugitives were arrested by the US State Department. Thirty-four years after World War II, the United States built a court in the middle of West Berlin, the former capital of the Third Reich, in the building that once housed the Luftwaffe, to try the hijacking couple. Former NJ district attorney, now a judge, Herbert J. Stern was appointed the "United States Judge for Berlin." What followed was a trial full of maneuvers and strategies that would put Perry Mason to shame, and answered the question: what is allowed to people seeking freedom? Judgment in Berlin, also a major motion picture starring Martin Sheen and Sean Penn, is unsurpassed as a true-life suspense story, with its vivid accounts of daring escapes, close calls, diplomatic intrigue, and dramatic courtroom confrontations. The original edition won the Freedom Foundation Award, and this updated edition includes a new introduction from author and trial judge Herbert J. Stern.
University of Toronto Press Tuscan and Etruscan: The problem of linguistic substratum influence in central Italy
Baker Publishing Group A Concise History of the Christian World Mission – A Panoramic View of Missions from Pentecost to the Present
This volume comprises an excellent introductory survey of Christian missions from A.D. 30 to the twentieth century.
Columbia University Press Sociology and Social Policy: Essays on Community, Economy, and Society
This collection of recent essays by the influential sociologist Herbert J. Gans brings together the many themes of Gans's wide-ranging career to make the case for a policy-oriented vision of sociology. Sociology and Social Policy presents a range of studies that explicate and help solve social problems by studying what people, institutions, and social structures do with, for, and against one another. These works from across Gans's major areas of study-the city, poverty, ethnicity, employment and political economy, and the relationship between race and class-together make a powerful call to action for the field of sociology.
Columbia University Press Sociology and Social Policy: Essays on Community, Economy, and Society
This collection of recent essays by the influential sociologist Herbert J. Gans brings together the many themes of Gans's wide-ranging career to make the case for a policy-oriented vision of sociology. Sociology and Social Policy presents a range of studies that explicate and help solve social problems by studying what people, institutions, and social structures do with, for, and against one another. These works from across Gans's major areas of study-the city, poverty, ethnicity, employment and political economy, and the relationship between race and class-together make a powerful call to action for the field of sociology.
Columbia University Press People, Plans, and Policies: Essays on Poverty, Racism, and Other National Urban Problems
The primary theme of this collection of essays is that the cities' basic problems are poverty and racism, and until these concerns are addressed by bringing about racial equality, creating jobs, and instituting other reforms, the generally low quality of urban life will persist. Gans argues that the individual must work to alter society. He believes that not only must parents have jobs to improve their children's school performance, but that the country needs a modernized "New Deal," a more labor-intensive economy, and a thirty-two hour work week to achieve full employment. Other controversial ideas presented in this book include Gans's opposition to the whole notion of an underclass, which he feels is the latest way for the nonpoor to unjustly label the poor as undeserving. He also believes that poverty continues to plague society because it is often useful to the nonpoor. He is critical of architecture that aims above all to be aesthetic or to make philosophical statements, is doubtful that planners can or should try to reform our social or personal lives, and thinks we should concentrate on achieving individual public policies until we learn how to properly plan as a society.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Advancing Student Achievement
A renowned educator-psychologist explains how children learn and how family, classroom, and school practices can help them learn more effectively. In addition to drawing on studies of learning outcomes, Herbert Walberg reveals economic research on teacher education and school choice that challenges many popular assumptions. He debunks many of the myths of modern education and outlines the factors that psychologists have found consistently associated with high levels of classroom learning.Walberg reveals why teachers’ classroom practices—not their credentials or experience—are what makes a true difference in student learning. He presents research, showing that young learners thrive when teachers have clear goals, plan effective activities to attain them, and measure student progress. The author also discusses the powerful influence of parents on what students learn within and outside school and how choice programs give parents a stronger role in their children’s education.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Tests, Testing, and Genuine School Reform
The pressing need to improve achievement in American schools is widely recognized. In Tests, Testing, and Genuine School Reform, Herbert J. Walberg draws on scientific studies of tests and their uses to inform citizens, educators, and policy makers about well-established principles of testing, current problems, and promising evidence-based solutions. He explains the central considerations in developing and evaluating good tests and tells how tests can best be used, covering such topics as using tests for student incentives, paying teachers for performance, and using tests in efforts to attain new state and national standards.To minimize mistaken policies and practices, the book also describes testing technology to enable readers to evaluate and make better use of tests. And because valid tests cannot be developed without clear, specific standards, one chapter is devoted to discussing standards and how they should determine the plans and development of tests and testing. In view of the continuing technical and political problems of tests and testing, the last chapter argues that, for accountability, to improve tests and testing, and to prevent fraud, the development, administration, scoring, and reporting test results should be conducted independent of traditional school authorities.
University of Washington Press Boris Yeltsin and Russia’s Democratic Transformation
Boris Yeltsin is one of modern history's most dynamic and underappreciated figures. In this vivid, analytical masterwork, Herbert J. Ellison establishes Yeltsin as the principal leader and defender of Russia's democratic revolution - the very embodiment of Russia's fragile new liberties, including the evolving respect for the rule of law and private property as well as core freedoms of speech, religion, press, and political association. In 1987 President Mikhail Gorbachev expelled Boris Yeltsin from his team of reform politicians, but Yeltsin rebounded from this potentially devastating setback to become the leader of the Russian democratic movement. He created a new office of Russian president, to which he was elected; designed a democratic constitution for the Soviet Union that precipitated a coup attempt by traditionalist communist leaders; granted independence to the nations of the Soviet Union; and replaced Communist Party rule with democracy and the socialist economy with a market economy. In a short period, he had succeeded in becoming the first popularly elected leader in a thousand years of Russian history. He had blocked violent attempts at counter-revolution and overcome powerful resistance to his reform program. His achievements rank among the most extraordinary feats of political leadership in the twentieth century.
American Academy of Ophthalmology 2018-2019 Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC), Section 1: Update on General Medicine
Covers systemic medical conditions most likely to affect ophthalmic patients, such as infectious, metabolic, neurologic and cardiovascular diseases; cancer; and rheumatic and endocrine disorders. Includes a discussion of preventive medicine and medical emergencies, geriatrics and statistics. Ophthalmic considerations are highlighted throughout. Contains references and tables listing the names, indications and side effects of antibiotic, antihypertensive and anticancer drugs.Upon completion of Section 1, readers should be able to:Describe the ophthalmic manifestations of major systemic diseases.Summarize the major disease processes affecting most of the adult population, and briefly explain how preventive measures may reduce the morbidity and mortality they cause.List some of the factors associated with a patient’s compliance or noncompliance with medical regimens.
Rowman & Littlefield Making Sense of America: Sociological Analyses and Essays
For four decades, Herbert J. Gans has been one of the leading sociologists in the United States. His writing on American communities, culture, and ethnicity have been widely read here and elsewhere, and his incisive analyses of antipoverty policy and other social policies have been influential in many policy analysis offices and government agencies. This new collection of Gans's scholarly and other writings, including excerpts from his most prominent ethnographic books, The Urban Villagers, The Levittowners, and Deciding What's News, will be a thought-provoking resource for social scientists, students, and all those who care about America.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising
Considering that getting along in civil society is based on the expectation that (most) people will do what they say they will do, i.e., essentially live up to their explicit or implicit promises, it is amazing that so little scientific attention has been given to the act of promising. A great deal of research has been done on the moral development of children, for example, but not on the child’s ability to make and keep a promise, one of the highest moral achievements. What makes it possible developmentally, cognitively, and emotionally to make a promise in the first place? And on the other hand, what compels one to keep a promise (or vow or threat) when there seems to be no personal advantage in doing so, and even when harm can be predicted? How do we know when a promise is offered seriously to be taken at face value, and how do we understand that another is only a polite gesture, not to be taken seriously? In Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising, Herbert Schlesinger addresses these questions, drawing on the literature of moral development in children; the psychotherapy of a patient who regularly broke promises that were unnecessary in the first place; those who were regarded as "promising youngsters" who did not fulfill their "promise"; and those who feared making a promise, a commitment, or a threat out of fear that, once made, the utterance would take on a life of its own and could never be taken back. Furthermore, he illustrates his conclusions by examining the widespread use of promising in classical literature, such as Greek drama and the plays of Shakespeare, as well as the motivating and reifying power of the promise in Western religious traditions. With a style honed over the penning of two previous books, Schlesinger once again produces a work grounded in a firm analytic sensibility, but which also retains the wit and candor of the seasoned analyst. His seminal investigation of this all but neglected topic in the clinical literature is as timely as it is scholarly, and – with the title firmly in mind – Promises, Oaths, and Vows is assured to be a worthy addition to any clinician’s library and a provoking investigation into Nietzsche’s notion of man as "the animal who makes promises."
American Academy of Ophthalmology 2020-2021 Basic and Clinical Science Course™ (BCSC), Section 01: Update on General Medicine
Section 1 provides a thorough, yet concise, update on all areas of medicine. Covers systemic medical conditions most likely to affect ophthalmic patients, such as infectious, metabolic, neurologic and cardiovascular diseases; cancer; and rheumatic and endocrine disorders.It also covers the latest recommendations for the treatment of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia and includes two videos demonstrating responses to in-office emergency situations. Get the most out of each section with highlights at the start of every chapter. Updated information on obstructive sleep apnea and the new classes of anticoagulants is also included. Includes a discussion of preventive medicine and medical emergencies, geriatrics and statistics. Ophthalmic considerations are highlighted throughout. Contains references and tables listing the names, indications and side effects of antibiotic, antihypertensive and anticancer drugs.Upon completion of Section 1, readers should be able to:- Describe the ophthalmic manifestations of major systemic diseases- Summarize the major disease processes affecting most of the adult population, and briefly explain how preventive measures may reduce the morbidity and mortality they cause- List some of the factors associated with a patient’s compliance or noncompliance with medical regimens
American Academy of Ophthalmology 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course™, Section 01: Update on General Medicine
The Academy's Basic and Clinical Science Course™ is ophthalmology’s definitive source of clinical information. Practicing ophthalmologists and residents worldwide use the BCSC® to ensure the highest-quality patient care. Each of the 13 volumes includes up-to-date clinical knowledge, concise information, tables, self-assessment questions with answers, photos and illustrations and opportunities for earning AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.Beginning with the 2013–2014 edition, the Academy and the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) have partnered to make the BCSC® the standard text for all European ophthalmology training programs. The EBO now recommends the BCSC® as the primary educational resource for European trainees and ophthalmologists studying for the annual EBO Diploma Exam.Section 1 provides a thorough and concise update on the general areas of medicine. This section covers systemic medical conditions most likely to affect ophthalmic patients, such as infectious, metabolic, neurologic and cardiovascular diseases; cancer; and rheumatic and endocrine disorders.Get the most out of each section, with highlights at the start of every chapter. Includes up-to-date information on obstructive sleep apnea and the new classes of anticoagulants with discussions on preventive medicine and medical emergencies, geriatrics and statistics. Plus, references and tables listing the names, indications and side effects of antibiotic, antihypertensive and anticancer drugs.To address an important and timely issue, a new chapter about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) is included in this section. This minor revision covers the topic and categories of SDOH, as well as the impact of SDOH on patient wellness.Section 1 covers the latest recommendations for the treatment of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia and includes two videos (sample) demonstrating responses to in-office emergency situations. Upon completion of Section 1, readers should be able to:Describe the ophthalmic manifestations of major systemic diseases.Summarize the major disease processes affecting most of the adult population, and briefly explain how preventive measures may reduce the morbidity and mortality they cause.List some of the factors associated with a patient’s compliance or noncompliance with medical regimens.Identify the categories and approaches of SDOH.Last Major Revision: 2019-2020
Phaidon Press Ltd India Modern: Traditional Forms and Contemporary Design
Now in a miniature pocket form, and at an unbeatable price, India Modern is a visually stunning compilation of modern Indian design and architecture. This beautiful book examines contemporary sub-continental design and craft and places it within the context of native traditions and history. It looks at roots and themes from village societies to Mogul palaces, and shows how traditional forms and methods are reinvigorated in the contemporary arts.Herbert Ypma travelled across India to bring together this array of astonishing images of buildings, textiles, ceramics and people. Together with a perceptive text on a variety of subjects (from the Indian use of colour to traditional methods of hand-looming ikat cloth), the images provide an insight into the emergence of an exciting aesthetic that combines traditional forms and contemporary designs.
Phaidon Press Ltd India Modern: Traditional Forms and Contemporary Design
India Modern is a visually stunning compilation of modern Indian design and architecture. This beautiful book examines contemporary sub-continental design and craft, to identify it within the context of native traditions and history. It explores the vast range of roots and themes from village societies to Mogul palaces, to illustrate how traditional forms and methods are reinvigorated in contemporary arts.Herbert Ypma travelled across India to bring together this array of astonishing images of buildings, textiles, ceramics and people. Together with a perceptive text on a variety of subjects - from the use of colour to traditional methods of hand-looming ikat cloth - the images provide an insight into the emergence of an exciting aesthetic that combines traditional forms and contemporary designs.
Columbia University Press The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community
In 1955, Levitt and Sons purchased most of Willingboro Township, New Jersey and built 11,000 homes. This, their third Levittown, became the site of one of urban sociology's most famous community studies, Herbert J. Gans's The Levittowners. The product of two years of living in Levittown, the work chronicles the invention of a new community and its major institutions, the beginnings of social and political life, and the former city residents' adaptation to suburban living. Gans uses his research to reject the charge that suburbs are sterile and pathological. First published in 1967, The Levittowners is a classic of participant-observer ethnography that also paints a sensitive portrait of working-class and lower-middle-class life in America. This new edition features a foreword by Harvey Molotch that reflects on Gans's challenges to conventional wisdom.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. School Accountability
Although educators and school boards sometimes resist the idea, accountability is sorely needed in America's schools. Our students are falling behind those in other countries, yet compared to their foreign counterparts, our schools remain subject to little accountability. The U.S. school system lacks the marketplace accountability of schools competing with one another and the further accountability of large-scale examination systems, both of which are associated with high achievement. It is clear that after a quarter century of poor progress in educational productivity, the time has come for high academic standards and accountability.
Skyhorse Publishing Wolf: A Novel
Perhaps no man on Earth is more controversial, more hated, or more studied than Adolf Hitler. His exploits and every move are well-documented, from the time he first became chancellor and then dictator of Germany to starting World War II to the systematic killing of millions of Jews. But how did he achieve power, and what was the makeup of the mind of a man who would deliberately inflict unimaginable horrors on millions of people?Meet Friedrich Richard, an amnesiac soldier who, in 1918, encounters Hitler in the mental ward at Pasewalk Hospital. Hitler, then a corporal, diagnosed as a psychopath and helpless, suffering from hysterical blindness, introduces himself as Wolf to Friedrich and becomes dependent upon Friedrich for assistance, forming an unbreakable bond between the two men.Follow Friedich — our protagonist — who interacts with real people, places, and events, through the fifteen-year friendship that witnesses Hitler turn from a quiet painter into a megalomaniacal dictator. Using brand-new historical research to construct a realistic portrait of the evolving Hitler, Wolf will satisfy, by turns, history buffs and fiction fans alike. And as this complex story is masterfully presented, it answers the question of how a nondescript man became the world's greatest monster.
Cengage Learning, Inc Management of Information Security, Loose-Leaf Version
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Education and Capitalism: How Overcoming Our Fear of Markets and Economics Can Improve America's Schools
The authors call on the need to combine education with capitalism. Drawing on insights and findings from history, psychology, sociology, political science, and economics, they show how, if our schools were moved from the public sector to the private sector, they could once again do a superior job providing K–12 education.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. School Accountability
Although educators and school boards sometimes resist the idea, accountability is sorely needed in America's schools. Our students are falling behind those in other countries, yet compared to their foreign counterparts, our schools remain subject to little accountability. The U.S. school system lacks the marketplace accountability of schools competing with one another and the further accountability of large-scale examination systems, both of which are associated with high achievement. It is clear that after a quarter century of poor progress in educational productivity, the time has come for high academic standards and accountability.
SAGE Publications Inc Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
Using in-depth qualitative interviews, authors Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin have researched topics ranging from community redevelopment programs to the politics of budgeting and been energized by the depth, thoroughness, and credibility of what was revealed. They describe in-depth qualitative interviewing from beginning to end, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up. "This book is exactly what I was looking for in that it covers interviewing and analysis in depth."—Daphne John, Oberlin College"Students leave this book fully informed of the nuances and complexity of interviewing as well as excited about the promise interview research findings offer."—Hannah Britton, University of Kansas"The authors′ focus on the reflective process, question development, and procedural steps associated with qualitative research is rich and thorough."—Tracy M. Lara, Kent State University
The University of Chicago Press The Anti-Federalist: An Abridgment of The Complete Anti-Federalist
Herbert J. Storing's Complete Anti-Federalist, hailed as "a civic event of enduring importance" (Leonard W. Levy, New York Times Book Review), indisputably established the importance of the Anti-Federalists' writings for our understanding of the Constitution. As Storing wrote in his introduction, "If the foundation of the American polity was laid by the Federalists, the Anti-Federalist reservations echo through American history; and it is in the dialogue, not merely in the Federalist victory, that the country's principles are to be discovered." This one-volume edition presents the essence of the other side of that crucial dialogue. It can be read as a genuine counterpart to the Federalist Papers; as an original source companion to Storing's brilliant essay What the Anti-Federalists Were For (volume I of The Complete Anti-Federalist, available as a separate paperback); or as a guide to exploring the full range of Anti-Federalist writing. The Anti-Federalist makes a fundamental source of our political heritage accessible to everyone.
Skyhorse Publishing Sins of the Fathers: A Novel
In the tradition of Herman Wouk, author of Winds of War and War and Remembrance, the novel Sins of the Fathers is the thoroughly researched historical sequel to Wolf. History hinged on a call as the German high command waited for Hitler’s order to invade Czechoslovakia. That was the signal that would launch their revolt to bring down the Reich. Every detail of the coup was in place. Access roads to Berlin would be blocked. The city sealed. Communication centers taken. A commando squad―sixty hand-picked men―were ready to storm the Chancellery and seize Hitler. The only open question: to try Hitler as a traitor or execute him on the spot.Sins of the Fathers is the eye-opening novel―based on historical facts―of the efforts of German military leaders, career civil servants, and clergy to solicit England’s assistance to bring down the tyrant in 1938. When Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain refused to meet with them, they turned to Winston Churchill, who secretly supported their cause. Armed with a strongly worded letter from the future prime minister, they waited for Hitler’s telephone call ordering German troops to invade Czechoslovakia―the signal for their uprising. But the call did not come. Instead, Prime Minister Chamberlain went to Hitler’s apartment in Munich only to bow to the dictator’s will. The invasion was over before it began―and with that, so was the coup. Flying home, Chamberlain announced he had obtained “peace for our times.”Sins of the Fathers―the sequel to Wolf about Hitler’s rise to power―tells the dramatic true story of the foolish prime minister that undermined the coup to topple the regime, delivered Czechoslovakia to Hitler, saved the Führer’s life, and paved the road to World War II.
Triarchy Press Management F-laws: How Organizations Really Work
Russell Ackoff is one of the world's top business brains. Herbert Addison has worked for years in business book publishing. Sally Bibb is a pioneer of organizational change. Who better to zero in on organizations, take them apart and then suggest ways of putting them back together - but better! We have all heard of Sod's Law. Most of us know about Parkinson's Law. But what about "Management f-Laws"? "Management f-Laws: How Organizations Really Work" is a collection of subversive epigrams by Ackoff and his co-author Addison. The f-Laws, an expression coined by Ackoff, expose the commonly established laws of management - the hierarchies and power struggles, the ineptitudes and time-wasting, the prejudices and careless thinking - as flaws of management, all of which hinder successful strategies of change. With wit and wisdom, the authors set out the uncomforable truths about the way organizations really work to help sort out good management ways from bad, to get us thinking about how to change our own practices for the better. But can Ackoff and Addison, despite their life-long careers in Organizational Change and Systems Design really claim to speak for present-day management practice? Sally Bibb has a fine reputation as a writer and journalist, is ebullient, witty and an enthusiastic pioneer of change. To test them out, she picks up the gauntlet thrown down by Ackoff and Addison and rises to the challenge by giving some feisty responses to their ironic and provocative claims. The conversation crosses cultural, status, gender and age divides and results in a book that will appeal to readers from the lowest to the highest ranks of the organizational hierarchy as well as to those who have resisted being part of it altogether.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Special Education: Emerging Programs
This fourth volume of the Handbook of Special Education: Research and Practice deals with the nature and nurture of gifted and talented youth, issues affecting students with severe disabilities and children and youth at risk. Section one focuses on gifted and talented youth, their identification, practices to accelerate and enrich their learning, their socio-emotional adjustment, and special categories of gifted students. New federal legislation in the US, changing views about intelligence, and growing concern over quality of education, make this section timely and important. Section two concerns students with severe disabilities with topics ranging from how they can be served in regular school and community settings to the transition to work and living in the community. In section three the theme is children and youth at risk from poverty, limited linguistic competence, limited cognitive mastery, and family problems. The chapters highlight what action can be taken to solve the educational problems associated with these risks. Special attention is paid to the problems of education in the inner-city.
Triarchy Press A Little Book of F-laws: 13 Common Sins of Management
This subversive little book contains 13 of Russell Ackoff's "Management f-Laws". They give you a taste of his ironic take on how organizations really work, not how they think that they work. These epigrams are unspoken laws and unconventional wisdoms of management exposed to full daylight as the management flaws they actually are. Some f-Laws are downright funny; others bemuse; all provoke in one way or another. At worst, they elicit denial or anger. At best, they evince recognition followed by a desire to think profoundly about the inevitability of change. And thus, the need to know how to change. The book will touch a nerve with any manager and offers important lessons for the better running of any organization - as well as being a good read and a delightful present. Dip into it, and on any of its pages you will find something to laugh or argue about but, above all, to take on board. Making us laugh is its most obvious strength. But it is bound to be a lot more than funny, for Russell Ackoff has been around for a long time and, when it comes to organizations, he knows what he is talking about. At the grand age of 87, he is known internationally for his pioneering work on Systems Thinking. He continues to rank highly in the list of the Top 50 Business Brains and is affectionately known to many in the Systems Thinking community as the 'Dean'. Ackoff's work in research, consulting and education has involved hundreds of corporations and many governmental agencies in the US and abroad. He has authored or co-authored 20 books and published over 150 articles. He has taught hundreds of leaders, aspiring managers and Systems Thinkers the meaning of learning.