Search results for ""Author Gitta Jacob""
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Schematherapie
Julius Beltz GmbH Anleitung zum glcklichen Lieben Raus aus falschen Beziehungsmustern und endlich den Richtigen finden Mit OnlineMaterial
Julius Beltz GmbH Leben geht nur vorwärts
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Ratgeber Schematherapie
Psychologie Verlagsunion Vorsicht Therapiefallen
Julius Beltz GmbH Raus aus Schema F Das innere Kind verstehen Verhaltensmuster ndern und neue Wege gehen
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Schema Therapy in Practice: An Introductory Guide to the Schema Mode Approach
Schema Therapy in Practice presents a comprehensive introduction to schema therapy for non-specialist practitioners wishing to incorporate it into their clinical practice. Focuses on the current schema mode model, within which cases can be more easily conceptualized and emotional interventions more smoothly introduced Extends the practice of schema therapy beyond borderline personality disorder to other personality disorders and Axis I disorders such as anxiety, depression and OCD Presented by authors who are world-respected as leaders in the schema therapy field, and have pioneered the development of the schema mode approach
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns: A Schema Therapy Self-Help and Support Book
Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns is the first schema-mode focused resource guide aimed at schema therapy patients and self-help readers seeking to understand and overcome negative patterns of thinking and behaviour. Represents the first resource for general readers on the mode approach to schema therapy Features a wealth of case studies that serve to clarify schemas and modes and illustrate techniques for overcoming dysfunctional modes and behavior patterns Offers a series of exercises that readers can immediately apply to real-world challenges and emotional problems as well as the complex difficulties typically tackled with schema therapy Includes original illustrations that demonstrate the modes and approaches in action, along with 20 self-help mode materials which are also available online Written by authors closely associated with the development of schema therapy and the schema mode approach