Search results for ""Author George Gordon Byron""
Canterbury Classics The Romantic Poets
Feelings come alive through the words of the Romantic poets.Romanticism gained traction in the late 1700s as writers moved away from the intellectualism of the Enlightenment and toward more emotional and natural themes. The major works of the movement’s six most famous poets—William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and William Blake—are represented in this handsome Word Cloud Classics volume, The Romantic Poets. One of the largest and most influential artistic movements in history, Romanticism valued intuition and pastoralism, and its themes are well represented in the verse of its stars.
El Aleph Editores Fantasmagoriana
Everyman Byron Poems
Byron's poetry took Europe by storm in the early nineteenth century and the poems which made him a star are here represented by a selection of the early lyrics, including still popular pieces such as 'She walks in beauty' and 'We'll go a no more a-roving'. But Byron's real talent was for comedy. He is the greatest comic poet of the Romantic movement and his comic verse is here represented by BEPPO, A VISION OF JUDGEMENT and selections from his greatest masterpiece, DON JUAN, which satirizes the very reputation for amourous adventures which helped to make Byron himself famous.
Visor libros, S.L. Mazeppe
G eorge Gordon Byron, Lord Byron, una de las figuras más prominentes del Romanticismo, nació en Londres en 1788. En 1809 es recibido en la Cámara de los Lores y ya entonces estaba abrumado por las penurias económicas. La aureola de aventura byroniana no cesaba de crecer, consecuencia de sus extravagancias y gallardías. Todo había influido en la formación de un carácter legendario que engrandecía su personalidad de poeta romántico, convirtiéndole en el ídolo de la sociedad londinense y en un auténtico dandy. Admirado como un héroe, piensa en viajar a América para unirse a Bolívar en sus luchas independientes, pero acaba marchándose a Grecia, en 1823, para ayudar a los insurrectos griegos, donde a punto estuvo de convertirse en teniente general cuando muere, en Missolonghi (1824), abatido por las fiebres, a la edad de treinta y seis años.Mazeppa (1819) es un poema de 869 versos de ocho sílabas, organizados en pareados y pies cruzados, y presenta la soltura estilística de Byron. Dispue
WW Norton & Co Byron's Poetry and Prose: A Norton Critical Edition
"Criticism" is chronologically keyed to Byron's poetry and reprints both classic and recent examinations of Byron's writing and life, including assessments by Anne Barton, Donald H. Reiman, Jane Stabler, Jerome J. McGann, Susan J. Wolfson, and James Chandler. A Biographical Register, Chronology, Selected Bibliography, and Index of Poem Titles and First Lines are also included.
Ediciones de la Isla de Siltolá, S.L. Caín un misterio