Search results for ""Author G. W. A. Milne""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ashgate Handbook of Autonomic Nervous System Agents
The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) supplies all innervated structures of the body other than skeletal muscle, and its effects are therefore pervasive. The range of available ANS-active compounds can effectively modulate any or all body systems. The ANS-active agents include drugs used to treat a wide spectrum of conditions including hypertension, myocardial insufficiency, migraine, nasal congestion, obesity, Parkinson's disease, and glaucoma. Drugs from an array of therapeutic categories, including vasodilators, muscle relaxants, gastroprokinetics, and bronchodilators, can be classified as ANS agents. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs that mimic or block the actions of ANS neurotransmitters or whose activities involve a direct effect on ANS neurotransmitter production, destruction or reuptake, or on junctional transmission. Monographs are provided for 1,996 ANS agents. For each main entry, the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number, and the Merck Index (12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and synonyms, are appended.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ashgate Handbook of Anti-Infective Agents
The discovery, in the 1930s and 1940s, of antibiotics revolutionized the practice of medicine. Beginning with the streptomycins and the penicillins, hundreds of antibiotics have been developed and have come into routine use for the management of infectious diseases, opportunistic infections and infections resulting from trauma. This cornucopia of anti-infective agents has created a number of problems, not the least of which is the organization of information concerning them. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently used in the treatment of infection. Monographs are provided for 1600 anti-infective agents. For each main entry, the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number; and the Merck Index (12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and synonyms, are appended.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pesticides: An International Guide to 1800 Pest Control Chemicals
Chemicals are used worldwide to protect crops and structures, manage pests, and prevent the spread of disease. While beneficial to society, these pesticides can pose human health and environmental risks. Pesticides provides a comprehensive and international collection of data concerning the substances used to repel or mitigate pests ranging from insects, animals and weeds to microorganisms. A valuable feature of this reference is its organization by functional category. The 1,844 chemical entities are divided into the following 17 functional categories: Acaricides, Algicides, Animal Repellants, Bactericides, Bird Repellants, Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Molluscicides, Nematicides, Piscicides, Plant Growth Regulators, Rodenticides, Safeners, Slimicides, Termiticides and Miscellaneous Chemicals. This compilation provides important chemical and toxicity data for the 1800 substances registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency and used largely in the agricultural environment. The chemical, physical and bioactivity properties of each agent are recorded along with a comprehensive listing of product trade names and synonyms as well as manufacturers. The EPA status of each agent is given and each record carries the appropriate CAS Registry Number and the associated EINECS Number where available. The Merck Index number is provided for all chemicals in this edition which also appear in the 13th edition of the Merck Index. Wherever possible, the following information is also displayed for each entry: melting point, boiling point, density or specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, ultraviolet absorption, and solubility as well as chronic and acute toxicities. A key strength of this new reference is the extensive coverage of synonyms. The book includes an index of 28,000 chemical synonyms and trade names with a cross-reference to their main entry. This extraordinarily comprehensive view of trade name and generic synonyms makes Pesticides one of the world's most exhaustive references for agricultural chemical synonyms.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gardner's Commercially Important Chemicals: Synonyms, Trade Names, and Properties
An exhaustive resource for the industrial chemical community Through eleven editions, Gardner's Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names has become the best-known and most widely used source of information on chemicals in commerce. This companion book reflects the continuing research underlying Gardner's and presents a major expansion of the information provided for individual chemical compounds. Gardner's Commercially Important Chemicals: Synonyms, Trade Names, and Properties: * Contains 4,174 chemical entries and information such as structure, molecular formula, and chemical name * Includes synonyms for each chemical, including other identifiers, chemical names, trade names, and trivial names, in English and other languages * Provides chemical properties of the compounds, information concerning known uses of the chemical and biological data-in particular, acute toxicity in various species, where available * Lists the companies that manufacture or supply the listed chemicals * Describes bulk inorganic chemicals, major pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, antifungal agents, etc.), and many dyestuffs, surfactants, and metals, along with the most commonly used drugs * Contains indexes by chemical name and synonym, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers, and EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances) numbers One useful feature of this database is the inclusion of physical properties and use data for pure chemicals. Properties that have been provided, when available, include: the melting point, boiling point, density or specific gravity, optical rotation, ultraviolet absorption, solubility, and acute toxicity. The major uses of most of the chemicals are indicated and, where appropriate, regulatory information is also provided.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ashgate Handbook of Endocrine Agents and Steroids
Treatment of endocrine disorders is an important branch of medicine and many drugs have been developed for use in this area. Endocrine disorders and the drugs used to treat them are quite diverse, ranging from iodine-containing thyroxine analogs used to treat hypothyroidism, to steroid androgens, progestins and estrogens. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently used in endocrinology. Monographs are provided for 818 endocrine agents and steroids. For each main entry, the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of trade names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Number, and the Merck Index (12th edition) Number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and synonyms, are appended.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ashgate Handbook of Cardiovascular Agents
The cardiovascular system serves to carry essential compounds to the tissues and to remove metabolic by-products. It also plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis, and functions directly or indirectly in the regulation of body temperature, oxygen supply, nutrient distribution, water and electrolyte balance, and endocrine activity. Consisting of a pump, connecting tubes, exchange membranes and blood, this system is governed by a diverse and complex array of regulatory mechanisms, encompassing central neural, autonomic, endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine control. Drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease are disseminated widely in western industrialized countries. In the US alone, nearly $18 billion was spent on drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke in 1999. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs that directly affect the cardiovascular system. Monographs are provided for over 1900 cardiovascular agents. For each main entry, the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number; and the Merck Index (12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and synonyms, are appended.