Search results for ""Author Fray""
Hal Leonard Corporation The Fray - Scars & Stories
Museum of New Mexico Press Origins of New Mexico Families: A Genealogy of the Spanish Colonial Period -- Revised Edition
Linkgua Exposición del Libro de Job
Fundación Universitaria Española Obras completas
Linkgua Fragmentos de la Biblia
Linkgua perfecta casada
Ediciones Cátedra Poesia Letras Hispanicas Hispanic Writings
Vida de Jesucristo
Este libro se publicó por primera vez en Salamanca, en 1575, y es un clásico de la literatura espiritual, leído por muchas generaciones de cristianos. Recorre las etapas del andar terreno de Jesús, desde la embajada del Arcángel a la Santísima Virgen hasta la Ascensión de Jesús a los cielos. Su autor dedicó sus estudios y meditaciones al conocimiento y amor de Cristo crucificado, y reúne en este breve libro sus reflexiones más maduras en doctrina y en piedad.
Agilice Digital SL Arte de amor Primera traduccin al castellano del Ars amandi de Ovidio Agilice Studia Spanish Edition
Primera traducción completa al castellano de los tres libros del Ars amandi, de Ovidio. Las circunstancias en las que se produce esta traducción resultan muy interesantes, por la fecha y por la persona responsable de la misma. En el momento en el que se produce (una fecha próxima a 1580), los usos verbales del petrarquismo y sus códigos semánticos empiezan a mostrar un cierto agotamiento, lo que aprovecha el vallisoletano Melchor de la Serna, fraile Benito que, al parecer, gustaba entretener sus ocios conventuales alternando la escritura de sus propios versos, ciertamente procaces (de ars futueri lo ha calificado alguien), con la traducción de aquellos versos de Ovidio que sólo habían circulado de manera casi clandestina. Por ejemplo, el Ars amandi, pero también los Remedia amoris, o algunas de las cartas más picantes de las Heroidas. El destino quiso que estos trabajos de nuestro fraile coincidiesen con los desvelos de fray Luis de León para traducir a Horacio. Y todo ocurría en la Sa
Museum of New Mexico Press Guitars & Adobes: & the Uncollected Stories of Fray Angélico Chávez
SND Editores Líbranos señor del relativismo
Ekare El Cocuyo y la Mora
Linkgua de Los Nombres de Cristo
University of Oklahoma Press Primeros Memoriales, Part 2: Paleography of Nahuatl Text and English Translation
Primeros Memoriales is published here for the first time in its entirety both in the original Nahuatl and in English translation.The volume follows the manuscript order reconstructed for the Primeros Memoriales by Francisco del Paso y Troncoso in his 1905-1907 facsimile edition of the collection of Sahaguntine manuscripts he called Codices Matritenses.During the 1960s, Thelma D. Sullivan, a Nahuatl scholar living in Mexico, began a paleographic transcription of the Primeros Memoriales, along with an English translation. After Sullivan's death in 1981, a group of her colleagues finished, enlarged, and annotated her project. This long-awaited publication makes available to specialists and interested laypersons alike an invaluable portion of the remarkable Sahaguntine treasure of information on sixteenth-century Aztec society.
Duke University Press An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians: A New Edition, with an Introductory Study, Notes, and Appendices by José Juan Arrom
Accompanying Columbus on his second voyage to the New World in 1494 was a young Spanish friar named Ramón Pané. The friar’s assignment was to live among the “Indians” whom Columbus had “discovered” on the island of Hispaniola (today the island shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic), to learn their language, and to write a record of their lives and beliefs. While the culture of these indigenous people—who came to be known as the Taíno—is now extinct, the written record completed by Pané around 1498 has survived. This volume makes Pané’s landmark Account—the first book written in a European language on American soil—available in an annotated English edition.Edited by the noted Hispanist José Juan Arrom, Pané’s report is the only surviving direct source of information about the myths, ceremonies, and lives of the New World inhabitants whom Columbus first encountered. The friar’s text contains many linguistic and cultural observations, including descriptions of the Taíno people’s healing rituals and their beliefs about their souls after death. Pané provides the first known description of the use of the hallucinogen cohoba, and he recounts the use of idols in ritual ceremonies. The names, functions, and attributes of native gods; the mythological origin of the aboriginal people’s attitudes toward sex and gender; and their rich stories of creation are described as well.