Search results for ""Author Eldon Enger""
McGraw-Hill Education Environmental Science
This full-color, introductory environmental science text is known for being concise, conceptual, and value-priced. The approach and reading level cover the basic concepts without overloading students with too much detail. The authors reinforce the text's central theme of "interrelationships" by providing a historical perspective, information on economic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the crucial science to describe the natural world and how we affect it.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Field and Laboratory Activities for Environmental Science
The major objectives of this manual are to provide students with hands-on experiences that are relevant, easy to understand, applicable to the student’s life, and presented in an interesting, informative format. Ranging from field and lab experiments to conducting social and personal assessments of the environmental impact of human activities, the manual presents something for everyone, regardless of the budget or facilities of each class. These labs are grouped by categories that can be used in conjunction with any introductory environmental textbook.
McGraw-Hill Education Enger, Environmental Science, 2016, 14e (Reinforced Binding) Student Edition
OM Book Service Loose Leaf Version for Environmental Science
McGraw-Hill Education Environmental Science ISE
Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships is a full-color, introductory environmental science text that is known for being concise, conceptual, and value-priced. The approach and reading level cover the basic concepts without overloading students with too much detail. The authors reinforce the text's central theme of "interrelationships" by providing a historical perspective, information on economic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the crucial science to describe the natural world and how we affect it.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Integrated Science
McGraw-Hill Education Integrated Science ISE
Integrated Science is a straightforward, easy-to-read, but substantial introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in living and nonliving systems. It is intended to serve the needs of non-science majors who must complete one or more science courses as part of a general or basic studies requirement. Integrated Science provides an introduction to a scientific way of thinking as it introduces fundamental scientific concepts, often in historical context. Several features of the text provide opportunities for students to experience the methods of science by evaluating situations from a scientific point of view. While technical language and mathematics are important in developing an understanding of science, only the language and mathematics needed to develop central concepts are used. No prior work in science is assumed.