Search results for ""Author Elaine M. Lasda""
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Metrics: Practical Assessment of Research Impact
Traditionally, research impact has been measured by counting citations, and citation-based indicators, such as impact factors. But in the last few years there has been increasing pressure on research and higher education institutions to move beyond citation metrics, and look instead at different forms of impact - at real world impact.Scholarly impact expert Elaine Lasda brings together a cast of innovative contributors from a variety of sectors to look at how impact is measured in ways that go beyond citations in peer-reviewed journal articles. With case studies from publishers, museums, scientific centers and government agencies, the contributors show how using a different mix of traditional bibliometrics, newer altmetrics, and other new measures can provide vital information to support the mission and vision of their organizations. For librarians and information professionals, it is becoming increasingly more important to be able to provide expertise on research impact, influence, productivity and prestige. This exciting new book shows readers how to clarify the importance and relevance of organizational research output, and therefore increase their professional value. With the growing sophistication of research impact analysis, the need for "impact metric literacy" is rising, and this book is a helpful tool for those looking to improve their understanding of research impact.