Search results for ""Author E. H. Gombrich""
Editorial Empúries Breu història del món
Amb noves illustracions, i explicada com si fos una novella, Gombrich fa un repàs rigorós i accessible de la història des dels inicis de la humanitat fins al segle XX, sense oblidar cap de les grans civilitzacions que han marcat el nostre món, de Mesopotàmia a l'Imperi xinès i del Renaixement a la bomba atòmica. Escrita amb un estil directe i transparent, Breu història del món no es limita a explicar fets històrics sinó que, amb múltiples anècdotes i interpretacions enginyoses, converteix la història universal en una novella màgica i inesborrable. Tots els herois i els monstres de la història se citen en aquest llibre únic i irrepetible, que va convertir el Gombrich en un autor d'indiscutible renom.
Sans Soleil Ediciones La evidencia de las imgenes
Yale University Press A Little History of the World: Illustrated Edition
A special edition of the international bestseller that is “sumptuously illustrated. . . . Perfect for reading to alert and curious children, but it’s even better as a secret pleasure, read alone, with no children in sight.” (Philip Kennicott, Washington Post) E. H. Gombrich’s A Little History of the World, an engaging and lively book written for readers both young and old, vividly brings the full span of human experience on Earth to life, from the stone age to the atomic age. Gombrich’s text paints a colorful picture of wars and conquests; of grand works of art; of the advances and limitations of science; of remarkable people and remarkable events. But Gombrich was, first and foremost, the best-known art historian of his time; his beloved Little History suggests illustrations on every page. Featuring more than two hundred illustrations—most in color—this beautiful edition incorporates a wide range of images, showing us the earliest cave paintings, the classic sculptures of the ancient Greeks, beautiful Islamic calligraphy, oil portraits of the mighty through the ages, and much more. With a high-grade design, fine paper, and classic binding, this enhanced edition will have an important place on family bookshelves for many years to come.
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Arte percepción y realidad
Tres enfoques distintos confluyen en este libro: historia y psicología del arte (Sir Ernst Gombrich), psicología (Julian Hochberg) y filosofía (Max Black). Estos tres distinguidos autores examinan en los tres ensayos recogidos en este volumen el problema de las percepciones de las imágenes y, en particular, de la pintura y la fotografía. Tal confrontación de ideas es ciertamente inédita en la bibliografía en lengua castellana sobre la imagen. Fundándose en experiencias sustancialmente diferentes, los tres ensayos solicitan la reflexión y la profundización de temas ya de por sí sugerentes: el tiempo, la verosimilitud, la escena espacial y otros conceptos, como los de empatía, capacidad de información de la imagen y niveles de atención. De un modo particular, el intercambio de opiniones entre Gombrich y Hochberg abre un debate rico en consecuencias de permanente interés entre especialistas. Al mismo tiempo, las constantes referencias al plano cognitivo de la imagen abren nuevas posibilid
Thames & Hudson Ltd E.H.Gombrich on Fresco Painting
An interpretation of the history of mural painting from ancient Egypt to the twentieth century by one of most eminent art historians of all time, who wielded huge influence over both his professional peers and a vast popular readership. Surprising, questioning, challenging, enriching: the Pocket Perspectives series celebrates writers and thinkers who have helped shape the conversation across the arts. Mixing classic and contemporary texts, reissues and abridgements, these are bite-sized, fully illustrated reads in an attractive, affordable and highly collectable package.
Princeton University Press Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation - Millennium Edition
Considered a great classic by all who seek for a meeting ground between science and the humanities, Art and Illusion examines the history and psychology of pictorial representation in light of present-day theories of visual perception information and learning. Searching for a rational explanation of the changing styles of art, Gombrich reexamines many ideas on the imitation of nature and the function of tradition. In testing his arguments he ranges over the history of art, noticing particularly the accomplishments of the ancient Greeks, and the visual discoveries of such masters as Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt, as well as the impressionists and the cubists. Gombrich's triumph in Art and Illusion arises from the fact that his main concern is less with the artists than with ourselves, the beholders.
Yale University Press A Little History of the World
The international bestseller: E. H. Gombrich’s sweeping history of the world, for the curious of all ages “All stories begin with ‘Once upon a time.’ And that’s just what this story is all about: what happened, once upon a time.” So begins A Little History of the World, an engaging and lively book written for readers both young and old. Rather than focusing on dry facts and dates, E. H. Gombrich vividly brings the full span of human experience on Earth to life, from the stone age to the atomic age. He paints a colorful picture of wars and conquests; of grand works of art; of the advances and limitations of science; of remarkable people and remarkable events, from Confucius to Catherine the Great to Winston Churchill, and from the invention of art to the destruction of the Berlin Wall. For adults seeking a single-volume overview of world history, for students in search of a quick refresher course, or for families to read and learn from together, Gombrich’s Little History enchants and educates.
Edinburgh University Press Gombrich: a Theory of Art
A holistic and systematic analysis of Ernst Gombrich as theorist Offers the first holistic and systematic analysis of Gombrich's theoretical ideas and interrogation of their sources Examines both the history of art and architecture and its current practice Arranges all of Gombrich's sideas howing the aptitude and validity of its theoretical load Enables a new understanding of the nature of Art History and its presuppositions Captures and retains Gombrich's appeal and humour, and his straightforward style without losing depth This is the first English translation of Gombrich: una teor a del arte, by Joaqu n Lorda, originally published in 1991. Lorda was considered to be one of Gombrich's best students and this book presents an extensive, expansive and holistic analysis of Gombrich's thought. It is structured around a set of key ideas and themes: Science, Joke, Game and Rhetoric. Lorda provides in-depth analysis of Gombrich's engagement with figures such as Huizinga, Freud, Hegel, and Popper. While there has been extensive secondary literature on Gombrich, this is the first book to provide a systematic analysis of his ideas and theoretical frameworks, taking into account the entirety of his writings. This major work of scholarship sheds new light on Gombrich as a thinker and turns Gombrich's ideas into a workable theory of art that can be used as an instrument to examine both the history of art and architecture and its current practice.
Yale University Press Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art
In this intriguing book, E.H. Gombrich, who was one of the world’s foremost art historians, traces how cast shadows have been depicted in Western art through the centuries. Gombrich discusses the way shadows were represented—or ignored—by artists from the Renaissance to the 17th century and then describes how Romantic, Impressionist, and Surrealist artists exploited the device of the cast shadow to enhance the illusion of realism or drama in their representations. First published to accompany an exhibition at the National Gallery, London, in 1995, it is reissued here with additional color illustrations and a new introduction by esteemed scholar Nicholas Penny. It is also now available as an enhanced eBook, with zoomable images and accompanying film footage.