Search results for ""Author Dr Anthony Attwood""
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Tony Attwood's guide will assist parents and professionals with the identification, treatment and care of both children and adults with Asperger's Syndrome. The book provides a description and analysis of the unusual characteristics of the syndrome and practical strategies to reduce those that are most conspicuous or debilitating. Beginning with a chapter on diagnosis, including an assessment test, the book covers all aspects of the syndrome from language to social behaviour and motor clumsiness, concluding with a chapter based on the questions most frequently asked by those who come into contact with individuals with this syndrome.Covering the available literature in full, this guide brings together the most relevant and useful information on Asperger's Syndrome, incorporating case studies from the author's own practical experience as a Clinical Psychologist, with examples of, and numerous quotations from people with Asperger's Syndrome.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's syndrome (AS). Now including a new introduction explaining the impact of DSM-5 on the diagnosis and approach to AS, it brings together a wealth of information on all aspects of the syndrome for children through to adults.Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and from his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible. Chapters examine: * causes and indications of the syndrome * the diagnosis and its effect on the individual * theory of mind * the perception of emotions in self and others * social interaction, including friendships * long-term relationships * teasing, bullying and mental health issues * the effect of AS on language and cognitive abilities, sensory sensitivity, movement and co-ordination skills * career development.There is also an invaluable frequently asked questions chapter and a section listing useful resources for anyone wishing to find further information on a particular aspect of AS, as well as literature and educational tools.Essential reading for families and individuals affected by AS as well as teachers, professionals and employers coming in contact with people with AS, this book should be on the bookshelf of anyone who needs to know or is interested in this complex condition.'I usually say to the child, "Congratulations, you have Asperger's syndrome", and explain that this means he or she is not mad, bad or defective, but has a different way of thinking.'- from The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome
Written from a parent's perspective, this book gives a candid and thoughtful account of one family's trek through the world of Asperger Syndrome. The author makes it very clear that, while professional help can be necessary, parents are in the best position to make a difference in their children's lives and should be in control of, and involved in, their children's care and education. She offers practical and positive advice on topics including* diagnosis and self-diagnosis* dealing with your own reactions and those of others* types of school and homeschooling* medication* dietary issues.Written in clear, straightforward language, the book does not promote any particular therapy or prescribe fixed solutions, but aims to help parents to ask good questions and come up with answers to suit their own circumstances and children. Full of humour and common sense, Hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome will make encouraging, inspiring and entertaining reading for all parents of children with Asperger Syndrome.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Autism Spectrum and Depression
For people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the stresses of coping with a world that often seems alien to them can frequently lead to depression. Written specifically for adults with ASD, this ground-breaking book offers accessible and sensitive advice on how to manage depression and make positive steps towards recovery.Nick Dubin shares his own experiences of depression including how he has dealt with it, and everything from initial feelings of anger and frustration to medication, cognitive behavioural therapy and overcoming 'the dark night of the soul'. It explores the aspects of everyday life that can cause people with ASD to feel low, explains how this can escalate and looks at ways in which depression can be prevented. With a chapter on suicide and interviews with his parents, the book provides real, practical solutions to a problem that is often overlooked.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers How to Make School Make Sense: A Parents' Guide to Helping the Child with Asperger Syndrome
Every child's education relies on a partnership between parents, professionals and, of course, the child. This book gives parents of children with Asperger syndrome (AS) practical advice on how to make the most of this important partnership and work with schools to ensure their child's needs are being met.The book explores how parents can prepare their child for school life and how they can work with teachers to improve the classroom environment, as well as the school environment as a whole, for their child and consequently for the benefit of all pupils. Strategies include peer education, the use of visual cues and rules and effective communication between parents, teachers and support staff.This clear, accessible book will be an invaluable guide for parents of children with AS and will also be of interest to the teachers and educational professionals who work with them.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Neurodiverse Relationships: Autistic and Neurotypical Partners Share Their Experiences
Comprised of the accounts of twelve heterosexual couples in which the man is on the Autism Spectrum, this book invites both partners to discuss their own perspectives of different key issues, including anxiety, empathy, employment and socialising. Autism expert Tony Attwood contributes a commentary and a question and answer section for each of the twelve accounts.The first book of its kind to provide perspectives from both sides of a relationship on a variety of different topics, Neurodiverse Relationships is the perfect companion for couples in neurodiverse relationships who are trying to understand one another better.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Life on the Autism Spectrum - A Guide for Girls and Women
Why is Autism Spectrum Disorder so misunderstood in girls and women and why do so many go under the radar without the support that they need? This practical guide explains the unique issues that affect females with autism and provides tools and strategies that girls, women and their families can use in day-to-day life.Following the story of Alison, a girl diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, through both childhood and adulthood, we get an inside view of the challenges that girls and women with autism face. Straightforward information and advice is provided on key topics including:· social skills and communication· how to overcome bullying· sensory issues and food sensitivity· the need for routine· perceptions of gender· and physiological changes.Essential reading for parents of daughters on the spectrum, as well as girls and women who carry the diagnosis themselves.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Acting Antics: A Theatrical Approach to Teaching Social Understanding to Kids and Teens with Asperger Syndrome
This fun and inspiring step-by-step program provides the full set of tools for developing social understanding in children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) through drama.Cindy B. Schneider explains how the central processes in acting - including making and interpreting inferences from non-verbal cues, taking another's perspective, and formulating language - can be highly effective ways of addressing social cognition deficits in children with AS. Acting Antics contains a wide repertoire of activities and ideas for immediate application at home, in the classroom, in therapy workshops or social groups, ranging from initial warm up techniques, through paired activities, to larger group scenes and staging a show. Helpful appendices provide questionnaire forms to enable both the child and the program leader to assess and monitor the child's understanding of their roles, along with reproducible scripts and suitable scene designs.This complete, practical program provides a wealth of enjoyable educational ideas for parents, teachers, and therapists of children with Asperger Syndrome.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Raising Martians - from Crash-landing to Leaving Home: How to Help a Child with Asperger Syndrome or High-functioning Autism
Joshua Muggleton knows from personal experience what it is like to grow up feeling like 'a Martian marooned on planet Earth'. Now 22 and studying psychology at the University of St. Andrews, he combines his insights into what it means to have Asperger Syndrome (AS) with his scientific knowledge of the autism spectrum to write an invaluable guide for parents and teachers.Opening with the very basics of what autism is, Joshua covers mental health, sensory issues, obsessions and rituals, friendships and social situations, and shopping, travelling, and holidays, before tackling what is arguably the biggest challenge of any Aspie child's life: school - and with it, bullying, homework, and other challenges. Providing the inside track on Asperger Syndrome in childhood, he describes practical ways in which parents and teachers can help, and offers a wealth of advice and helpful hints and tips for approaching common difficulties.An essential guide for any parent or teacher wishing to understand and help a child with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism, Raising Martians will take them from crash-landing to leaving home.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger Syndrome and Adults... Is Anyone Listening?: Essays and Poems by Spouses, Partners and Parents of Adults with Asperger Syndrome
This short book, a collection of essays and poems, looks at the loneliness, frustration and sadness experienced, not by the person with the syndrome, but by their partners, parents and other family members: it is they who have to cope with the absence of communication, affection and empathy expected from a reciprocal loving relationship.'- Irish Journal of Medical ScienceThe difficulties faced by people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) cannot be underestimated, but the emotional problems experienced by those who support them - partners, family and friends - are often over-looked. Focusing on what is referred to as the Cassandra phenomenon, where the neurotypical partner often needs more emotional guidance than the AS partner, this volume gathers together letters, thoughts and poems to give voice to the loneliness, frustration and love felt by many individuals who are close to one or more people with AS. Assembled by FAAAS Inc. (Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome), a well-known support group specifically for family members, friends and loved ones of people with AS, this collection will provide the emotional support, insight and understanding needed to deal with the emotions that AS evokes within close relationships.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Making it a Success: Practical Strategies and Worksheets for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Providing easy to follow, proven strategies for common teaching challenges, Making it a Success is a user-friendly resource to help teachers and teaching assistants effectively integrate students with special needs in the classroom.With photocopiable worksheets, creative ideas for activities and teacher notes, Sue Larkey presents effective ways of helping children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) improve their social skills, reading, writing and maths, play and general behaviour. She provides solutions for dealing with constant questioning in the classroom as well as managing children's special interests and obsessions.Making it a Success introduces strategies that are applicable not only to students with ASD but also to those with a range of special needs and is an essential resource for all those working in integrated classrooms.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality: From Adolescence through Adulthood
Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with sexual feelings and behaviour? What help can be given if a man with AS oversteps the mark in expressing his sexuality? How do people with AS deal with intimacy and communication in sexual relationships? In this comprehensive and unique guide, Isabelle Hénault delivers practical information and advice on issues ranging from puberty and sexual development, gender identity disorders, couples' therapy to guidelines for sex education programs and maintaining sexual boundaries. This book will prove indispensable to parents, teachers, counsellors and individuals with AS themselves.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Alone Together: Making an Asperger Marriage Work
Communication is one of the biggest challenges faced by people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), yet an Asperger marriage requires communication more than any other relationship. Thousands of people live in Asperger marriages without knowing the answers to important questions such as `What behaviours indicate that my spouse has AS?' `Is it worthwhile to get a diagnosis?' `Is there hope for improvement?'Katrin Bentley has been married for 18 years. Since receiving her husband's diagnosis of AS, their marriage has improved substantially. They learnt to accept each other's different approaches to life and found ways to overcome problems and misunderstandings. Today they are happily married and able to communicate effectively.Alone Together shares the struggle of one couple to rescue their marriage. It is uplifting and humorous, and includes plenty of tips to making an Asperger marriage succeed. This book offers couples hope, encouragement and strategies for their own marriages.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette's, Anxiety, and More!: The one-stop guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals
The completely updated and expanded new edition of this well-established text incorporates DSM-5 changes as well as other new developments. The all-in-one guide covers the whole range of often co-existing neuro-behavioral disorders in children – from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety, to autism spectrum disorders, nonverbal learning disabilities, Tourette's, sensory integration problems, and executive dysfunction. A completely revised chapter on the autism spectrum by Tony Attwood explains not only new understanding in the field, but the new diagnostic criteria, and the anticipated usage of the term 'Asperger's Syndrome'. Dr. Kutscher provides accessible information on causes, symptoms, interactions with other conditions, and treatments. He presents effective behavioral strategies for responding to children who display traits of these disorders – whether at home, at school, or in other settings – along with case vignettes and practical tips. Finally, a chapter on the role of medications summarizes current knowledge.The author's sympathetic yet upbeat approach and skillful explanations of the inner world of children in the syndrome mix make this an invaluable companion for parents, teachers, professionals, and anyone else who needs fast and to-the-point advice on children with special needs.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Safety Skills for Asperger Women: How to Save a Perfectly Good Female Life
Life with Asperger Syndrome can be a challenge at the best of times, and trials and tribulations that neurotypicals take in their stride can leave Aspies perplexed and unsure of how to solve problems and keep themselves safe, both physically and emotionally. Liane Holliday Willey explores the daily pitfalls that females with AS may face, and suggests practical and helpful ways of overcoming them. The focus throughout is on keeping safe, and this extends to travel, social awareness, and general life management. With deeply personal accounts from the author's own experiences, this book doesn't shy away from difficult issues such as coping with bullying, self-harm, depression, and eating disorders. The positive and encouraging advice gives those with AS the guidance to safeguard themselves from emotional and physical harm, and live happy and independent lives.This book will be essential reading for all females with Asperger Syndrome, their friends and families, and all professionals whose work brings them into contact with females with AS.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers College on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent's Guide to Students' Mental Health and Wellbeing
Providing expert yet accessible guidance to parents of young autistic people who are going to college, this book helps parents support their child from application through to graduation. Covering social issues, independent living, academic challenges, student services and emotional wellbeing, this is the one-stop shop for advice on the transition from school to college or university. The book examines the skills that students need to live and function at college, and the skills parents need to let their teens navigate college without a parent as intermediary. It offers ways to combat common problems that affect the mental health of people on the spectrum, such as keeping up with homework, fast-paced classes, and complex social expectations. This book is for any parent considering college as an option for their child, disability service providers in colleges and for autistic students themselves.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers CBT to Help Young People with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to Understand and Express Affection: A Manual for Professionals
Children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are often not instinctive and intuitive in expressing their liking or love for someone, or in understanding that family members, friends and others need affection. Expressing affection to teachers, other close professionals, or family friends, can be even more challenging. This book, by the leading experts in the field, provides a carefully constructed CBT programme for professionals to help boys and girls with an ASD to feel confident recognising, expressing and enjoying affection. The activities will help the young person identify their own and others' comfort and enjoyment range for gestures, actions and words of affection. They will also learn the variety of appropriate ways they can express liking or loving someone, helping them to strengthen friendships and relationships. This book will be an invaluable resource for professionals supporting a child with an ASD.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships
Positive, practical and realistic, this book offers a wealth of information on women, dating and relationships for men with Asperger Syndrome (AS).Many AS men are totally confused and bewildered by women and relationships and find it hard to know what to do, what to say and how to get it right. For these men, understanding the emotional side to relationships and women's needs can be a complete mystery and they often get it disastrously wrong. This practical handbook provides the answers to Asperger men's most frequently asked questions about women, dating and relationships, helping them to understand the way relationships work and increasing their confidence and ability to have successful relationships.This comprehensive handbook is essential reading for men with Asperger Syndrome (and their partners). It will also be of immeasurable use to counsellors and other professionals working with such individuals.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers How to start, carry on and end conversations: Scripts for social situations for people on the autism spectrum
Do you find it hard to make friends? Do you struggle to know what to say to start a conversation?In this book, Paul Jordan, who is on the autism spectrum, explains how to make sense of everyday social situations you might encounter at school, university or in other group settings. He reveals how, with the use of just 65 simple words, it is possible to create 'scripts for thinking' that break conversations down into small chunks and help you to think of what to say, whether you are speaking to a fellow student, starting a conversation with a new friend, calling out bullies or answering a teacher's question. These small words will be a big help for all teenagers and young people with ASD.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Sex, Drugs and Asperger's Syndrome (ASD): A User Guide to Adulthood
Luke Jackson's unabridged and sparkling sequel to his best-selling user guide to adolescence Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome is the must-read handbook for teenagers and young adults on the autism spectrum. With devastating clarity, Luke focuses on the pitfalls involved in navigating the transition to adulthood, and the challenges of adult life. He covers everything from bullying and drugs to socialising, sex, negotiating relationships, and finding and keeping your first job.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Expanded Edition
Compelling and witty, Liane Holliday Willey's account of growing to adulthood as an undiagnosed 'Aspie' has been read by thousands of people on and off the autism spectrum since it was first published in 1999. Bringing her story up to date, including her diagnosis as an adult, and reflecting on the changes in attitude over 15 years, this expanded edition will continue to entertain (and inform) all those who would like to know a little more about how it feels to spend your life `pretending to be normal'.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Contemplative Therapy for Clients on the Autism Spectrum: A Reflective Integration Therapy™ Manual for Psychotherapists and Counsellors
Drawing on the ancient tradition of contemplation, Reflective Integration Therapy™ shows how mantra meditation and reflective therapy can be used with clients with high functioning autism.The Reflective Integration Therapy™ programme uses the cognitive differences in those with autism, such as their innate capacity for silence, withdrawal, intense focus and repetition as sources of therapeutic healing. This manual introduces this fresh, unique therapeutic approach, creating an essential resource for all practitioners working in the field of autism. All the material for twelve weekly sessions of therapy is included within the book.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Practical Mathematics for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays
It is a common misconception that children on the autism spectrum find mathematics easy. In fact the opposite is true for some, and exposure to basic mathematics in the early years can be crucial in establishing the foundations for understanding later in life. This book provides practical strategies and tools for teaching key mathematics concepts to children with an autism spectrum disorder and other developmental delays. The authors emphasise the importance of incorporating a child's special interest into learning in order to help them engage fully with new concepts. Topics covered include colours, shapes, categories, numerals, sequencing, addition and subtraction and using money, and the book includes worksheets and activities for incorporating mathematics into daily living skills. This is an essential resource for teachers, teaching assistants and parents who wish to develop mathematics skills in children with an autism spectrum disorder and other developmental delays.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know
Rudy Simone covers 22 common areas of confusion for someone dating a female with AS and includes advice from her own experience and from other partners in real relationships. She talks with humour and honesty about the quirks and sensitivities that you may come across when getting to know your partner. All the pivotal relationship landmarks are discussed, including the first date, sex, and even having children. This entertaining and easy-to-read book will be ideal for anyone dating, or in a relationship with, an AS female. Women with AS themselves, and their families and friends, will also enjoy the book and find it useful. Counsellors and other professionals working with women with AS will find the insight offered extremely enlightening.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum: A CBT Activity Book for Kids Age 4-8
This activity book is a helpful and creative tool for children aged 4-8 to learn and understand their emotions to help reduce anxiety. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the 10 Steps to Reducing Your Child's Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum: The CBT-Based 'Fun with Feelings' Parent Manual.Come and have fun with us, your feelings! Get to know us so that we can help you express your feelings any time you need to! Say hello to Happy Henry Honeydew and see how his eyes light up, his mouth has a great big smile and how he's always laughing.Sit beside Sad Sally Strawberry and you'll learn that when she is sad her eyes look down, her face has a frown, and sometimes she cries.You can show that you are strong, brave and clever by meeting and getting to know all of your feelings. By getting to know your feelings, and learning about the Tools in your Toolbox, you will be able to express and talk about your feelings whenever you need to.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Drinking, Drug Use, and Addiction in the Autism Community
What is the connection between autism and addiction? Why are individuals with autism more likely to develop a substance use disorder than the general population?Until recently, substance use disorder (SUD) was considered rare among those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This book brings together current research and personal accounts from individuals with autism and their supports. It explores why addiction is more common among individuals with ASD and investigates how addiction and autism affect one another. The authors also provide strategies for supporting people with both ASD and SUD.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law: What every parent and professional needs to know
Based on Nick Dubin's own experience, and drawing on the extensive knowledge of Dr Tony Attwood and Dr Isabelle Hénault, this important book addresses the issues surrounding the autism spectrum, sexuality and the law. The complex world of sex and appropriate sexual behaviour can be extremely challenging for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and, without guidance, many find themselves in vulnerable situations. This book examines how the ASD profile typically affects sexuality and how sexual development differs between the general population and those with ASD. It explains the legalities of sexual behaviour, how laws differ from country to country, and the possibility for adjustment of existing laws as they are applied to the ASD population. With advice on how to help people with autism spectrum disorder gain a better understanding of sexuality and a comprehensive list of resources, the book highlights the need for a more informed societal approach to the psychosexual development of people with ASD.A ground-breaking and honest account, this book will be an invaluable addition to the shelves of parents of children with ASD, mental health and legal professionals, teachers, carers and other professionals working with individuals on the spectrum.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues: A CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger's Syndrome [ASD-Level 1]
For people with ASDs, depression is common, and has particular features and causes. This outstanding book provides a comprehensive review of these aspects, and an effective self-help guide for anyone with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affected by depression.Written by the leading experts in the field, the book explains and describes depression, the forms it can take, and how it looks and feels for a person on the autism spectrum. The authors draw on the latest thinking and research to suggest strategies for coping with the effects of depression and provide a complete step-by-step CBT self-help programme, designed specifically for individuals with ASDs. The programme helps increase self-awareness, including identifying personal triggers, and provides the tools to combat depression.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook: An Employment Workbook for Adults with Asperger Syndrome
This book is an excellent guide for human resource personnel who can tap unto pool of dedicated workers. Overall this is a good book for persons diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism to better understand themselves. It is also an educational guide for vocational counselors and human resource personnel as it provides in-dept guidance about these potential dedicated employees.'- OAARSN Book Reviews'This practice manual will enable people diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and high functioning autism to deepen their self understanding and appreciate their value as working individuals. The workbook contains practical exercises with clear explanations and examples of how to use them... A personal wish list.'- Contact'The text is written in an accessible, non-academic style and provides useful background information on Asperger syndrome and the problems individuals may encounter. It contains a useful bibliography and Internet resource section. Although it is concerned with people with Asperger syndrome, there is much that is relevant to others with cognitive impairments.This text would be a useful purchase for those working in supported employment and for university libraries.'- British Journal of Occupational TherapyThis practical manual will enable people diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism to deepen their self-understanding and appreciate their value as working individuals. Through step-by-step self-assessment, the reader is encouraged to engage actively in a self-paced exploration of their employment history, and ultimately to identify the work best suited to their personal needs, talents and strengths. The workbook contains practical exercises, with clear explanations and examples of how to use them. It leads the reader to identify and explore:* three jobs they have held in different life periods* their interests, skills and talents, and their application to work* their style of learning and style of work* the social skills required by specific jobs, as identified by other people than the autobiographer* the AS characteristics which further and impede work performance* successful and unsuccessful survival strategies* issues around diagnosis and disclosure which affect life at work and outside it* creative problem solving for the present and the future - a personal wish list.Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook will also be an essential guide for professionals, career advisors and vocational counsellors as it provides in-depth guidance and research on fulfilling employment for adults and adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship with a Partner who is on the Autism Spectrum
Does your other half have Asperger Syndrome or do you suspect that he or she is on the autism spectrum? This quick and helpful relationships guide provides all the information you need for relationship success with your ASD partner.In the second edition of this best-selling book, Maxine Aston draws on over a decade of experience working with couples affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. Updates include reference to recent research and information on same sex relationships, sensory issues and pregnancy. Full of bite-size tips and advice, the book explains Asperger Syndrome, discusses whether or not seeking an autism diagnosis will help, and offers simple strategies for coping with a range of relationship challenges including communication, social, and intimacy difficulties.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Developing College Skills in Students with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
Going to college can be a daunting prospect for any young person, but for teenagers on the autism spectrum this is especially true. This book describes the unique needs that ASD students entering further or higher education are likely to have. The author identifies the key skill-sets they will need to develop in order to be successful in college and in life, and shows how they can be helped to develop these. She outlines the skills required for success in further and higher education in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of individuals with ASDs, and explains how those weaknesses can be ameliorated to enable success at college. Describing the unique accommodations and support that students with ASD will need, and the skills for which they will need particular help, she provides effective intervention strategies that can be implemented throughout the period leading up to college entrance. This book is essential reading for psychologists, special educators, educational therapists, high school teachers/career counselors, and other professionals supporting high school and college students on the autism spectrum. Parents of such students will also benefit from the ideas presented in this book.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers From Like to Love for Young People with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): Learning How to Express and Enjoy Affection with Family and Friends
If your child rarely shows you that he or she loves you, it can be profoundly distressing. This is the experience of many parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and most fear that it reflects the truth. In fact the truth has generally more to do with the difficulty that young people with an ASD have in communicating like or love for someone physically and verbally. They may not know how to go about expressing themselves in these ways, or understand that family members and friends can find the absence of demonstrative affection upsetting.This book, by world leading experts Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett, addresses this issue in practical terms. They provide carefully designed activities for parents to work through with their children to help them to understand and express affection. Their child will learn to identify his or her own and others' comfort and enjoyment range for gestures, actions and words of affection and the different ways to express feelings for someone, appropriate to each relationship and situation. The activities are simple, straightforward, and very carefully structured, so that they can be undertaken at the pace that works for the individual family. The book also guides the adult through the challenges faced by the child, leading to greater understanding and confidence in their relationship with their child, and increased ability to nurture the child's ability to form engaged relationships and friendships with others.Readers of Tony Attwood's previous books will recognise his warm, positive and empowering approach. The book will be a transformative resource for parents and family worried about their child's emotional life.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Eating an Artichoke: A Mother's Perspective on Asperger Syndrome
During a routine parent-teacher conference in November 1991, Echo Fling was told by her son's teacher that his behaviour in class was `not normal'. After two years at the pre-school, five-year-old Jimmy had failed to make any friends, had recently started to act aggressively towards his classmates, and was beginning to react violently to any changes in his routine. Echo was not taken completely by surprise: she had suspected for some time that her son was different from other children. Over the next five years, she and her husband accompanied Jimmy to doctors, medical specialists, learning consultants and psychologists. Finally, at the age of ten, Jimmy was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.This is the book that Echo Fling needed when she first set out to have Jimmy diagnosed, and it will enable parents and teachers to understand and help other children with Asperger Syndrome.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers 10 Steps to Reducing Your Child's Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum: The CBT-Based 'Fun with Feelings' Parent Manual
Recognising, expressing and understanding emotions helps young children make sense of their life experiences. Children diagnosed with autism can have significant difficulties with recognising and processing emotions which can lead to high levels of anxiety as they struggle to make sense of the unpredictable world around them.The 'Fun with Feelings' programme is designed to help parents support their children with emotional regulation and to decrease anxiety. This guide is structured around 10 stages. The initial four stages prepare parents to implement the programme with their child. These stages help parents understand the causes of anxiety and provide practical strategies for creating a toolbox to reduce anxiety. The final six stages are used in conjunction with Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum: A CBT Activity Book for Kids Age 4-8, allowing parents to support their child while working through the activity book.Written by world-leading experts in the field, 10 Steps to Reducing Your Child's Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum provides the steppingstones for parents of young children with autism to better understand their child's emotional skill set and empower them to understand and articulate their feelings.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome
Adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) often have difficulties acquiring relationship skills due to the defining characteristics of the syndrome, experiences with peers during childhood and adolescence, and the expectations of their partners. However, an increasing number do go on to achieve happy and successful long-term relationships with non-spectrum (NS) partners. This supportive book will give NS partners a better understanding of NS/AS relationships, and of what other NS partners have found to be helpful in terms of better understanding themselves and their partners, and enriching their relationships. Drawing on interviews with over 100 people in NS/AS relationships, as well as on their own experiences of having family members on the autism spectrum, the authors explore the key differences which may impact upon AS/NS relationships, such as communication, social skills, and sensory issues, and offer tried-and-tested advice on how to surmount difficulties and make things work. The book includes chapters on coping with stress and meltdowns, parenting, positive AS qualities and how to use them to their full advantage in a relationship, as well as advice on how the NS partner can ensure that their own needs are met. This book will provide support and encouragement to those in a relationship with someone who has been diagnosed with AS, or who is suspected of having AS, and will also be a useful resource for counsellors and other professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of AS/NS relationships.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder: The STAMP Treatment Manual
Young children with autism have particular difficulty in understanding and controlling their emotions, especially when those emotions are negative. This practical manual for professionals provides a set of simple strategies to help children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome who suffer from mood difficulties to decrease negative feelings and increase positive feelings in daily life.Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, The Stress and Anger Management Program (STAMP) is designed specifically for young children in their pre-school and early school years. The book outlines a 9-session group program using methods, games and activities that are developmentally appropriate. Treatment components include affective education, cognitive restructuring, social and group stories, and the emotional toolbox. The group therapy can be tailored for individual therapy when needed. A parental component is also included to support practice at home and promote generalization outside of the classroom or therapy setting.This is a dynamic and effective resource for professionals working with young children with autism spectrum disorders including teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, speech therapists, behavioral therapists, occupational therapists, and social workers.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Asperger Syndrome - A Love Story
Open, honest and upbeat, this book gives personal insight into both the ups and downs of an Asperger relationship. Seeking to challenge the bad press that people with Asperger Syndrome (AS) get as partners, Sarah and Keith tell their story of how they are making it work - and also how they got it wrong - with disarming frankness and humour.When Sarah and Keith met in 2003 neither knew much about Asperger Syndrome. Sarah thought Keith was `weird' and couldn't work out why; and Keith thought Sarah was obsessed with diagnosing him with something-or-other. Difficulties ensued that brought the relationship to an end. Slowly, however, they each built up their knowledge of AS and in the meantime developed a mutual understanding, mutual acceptance and a desire to be together again.This personal account is supplemented with professional knowledge and anecdotes gained from Sarah's work with adults with AS - a career which started as a result of her experiences with Keith. She swears that she didn't take her work home with her! It is inspiring reading for couples in Asperger relationships as well as for counselling professionals.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers 30 Years of Social Change
What social change has been achieved over the past 30 years?What have been the main barriers to progress?What great achievements can we identify and celebrate today?Marking Jessica Kingsley Publishers' 30th year of publishing books on social and behavioural issues, this book gathers together over 30 leading thinkers from diverse disciplines - from autism specialists and social workers through to trans rights activists and complementary therapists.Contributors provide a thoughtful account of how their field of expertise has changed over the past 30 years, and how they see it evolving in the future.Offering a unique insight into many professions, 30 Years of Social Change highlights much of the positive social change achieved in the past 30 years across these fields and the challenges we face in the future.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers An Asperger Marriage
Chris and Gisela have been partners for twelve years. Four years ago Chris was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. For Chris, this was an explanation of why he had always regarded himself as 'socially handicapped'. For Gisela, it meant coming to terms with a marriage in which there would never be an intuitive understanding despite Chris's good intentions. For the couple it was the beginning of a long and still unfinished process of learning to live with a disability regarded by some as incompatible with marriage.