Search results for ""Author Douglas E. Foley""
University of Pennsylvania Press Learning Capitalist Culture: Deep in the Heart of Tejas
Building on the author's thirty-six years of experience with North Town, this second edition of Learning Capitalist Culture presents an updated ethnographic study of the small, economically depressed, predominantly Mexican American south Texas town. Like many communities in the Southwest, North Town has undergone significant cultural and political change since the late 1960s, when the Chicano civil rights movement emerged and challenged the segregated racial order. The resulting racial confrontation between Mexicanos and Anglos created new tensions and problems for North Town youth. Douglas E. Foley examines the way in which these youth learn traditional American values through participation in sports, membership in formal and informal social groups, dating, and interactions with teachers in the classroom. Foley shows how the rituals involved in these activities tend to preserve or reproduce class and gender inequalities, even as Mexicanos transform the racial order. This edition contains updated sections on theory and field methods, as well as an epilogue that revisits many of the characters in the original ethnographic research.
University of Texas Press From Peones to Politicos: Class and Ethnicity in a South Texas Town, 1900–1987
How does a relatively powerless ethnic group deal with the problems of economic inequality and racial discrimination? How do they gain power in the community? From Peones to Politicos examines these questions in detail, focusing on the changes in Mexicano-Anglo relations in one small South Texas community called North Town. These changes are typical of evolving Mexicano-Anglo relations in much of Texas and the Southwest. The authors divide their study into three historical periods: the rancho era (1900–1930), the colonia era (1930–1970), and the contemporary period (1970–1977). They trace how Mexicano-Anglo relations have evolved away from the extremely exploitative, paternalistic sharecropper system of the rancho era, when open racism, strict social segregation, and effective Anglo political machines prevailed. They reveal, by contrast, how Mexicanos have become a power to be reckoned with by developing their own economic and political leaders and ethnic political organizations and challenging the Anglo control of the city, school, and county governments. The study also shows how Mexican American family practices have been changed by this transformation of the local political economy. This revised edition of From Peones to Politicos presents updated fieldwork and additional discussion of class theory and the study of racial orders. Of special interest are reactions to the study by North Town residents themselves, which appear in the new Part IV.