Search results for ""Author Donald E. Knuth""
MP-AMM American Mathematical Stable Marriage and Its Relation to Other Combinatorial Problems
Uses the theory of stable marriage to introduce and illustrate a variety of important concepts and techniques of computer science and mathematics: data structures, control structures, combinatorics, probability, analysis, algebra, and especially the analysis of algorithms.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Selected Papers on Fun and Games
Donald E. Knuth’s influence in computer science ranges from the invention of methods for translating and defining programming languages to the creation of the TeX and METAFONT systems for desktop publishing. His award-winning textbooks have become classics that are often given credit for shaping the field, and his scientific papers are widely referenced and stand as milestones of development over a wide variety of topics. The present volume is the eighth in a series of his collected papers.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
How does a computer scientist understand infinity? What can probability theory teach us about free will? Can mathematical notions be used to enhance one's personal understanding of the Bible? This book contains six informal lectures by computer scientist Donald E. Knuth exploring the relationship between his vocation and his faith, revealing the unique perspective that his work with computing has lent to his understanding of God. Knuth's starting point is his 3:16 project, an application of mathematical "random sampling" to the books of the Bible. The first lectures tell the story of the project's conception and execution, exploring the complex dimensions of language translation, aesthetics, and theological history. Knuth also reveals the many insights that he has gained along the way from such interdisciplinary work. The theological musings culminate in a final lecture which tackles infinity, free will, and the other "big questions" that lie at the juncture of theology and computation. Each lecture ends with a question and answer exchange.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth
Donald E. Knuth's seminal publications have earned him a loyal following among scholars and computer scientists, and his award-winning textbooks have become classics that are often given credit for shaping the field of computer science. In this volume, he explains and comments on the changes he has made to his work over the last twenty years in response to new technologies and the evolving understanding of key concepts in computer science. His commentary is supplemented by a full bibliography of his works and a number of interviews with Knuth himself, which shed light on his professional life and publications as well as provide interesting biographical details. A giant in the field of computer science, Knuth has assembled materials that offer a full portrait of both the scientist and the man. The final volume of a series of his collected papers, "Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth" is essential for the Knuth completist.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms
Donald Knuth's influence in computer science ranges from the invention of methods for translating and defining programming languages to the creation of the TeX and METAFONT systems for desktop publishing. His award-winning textbooks have become classics; his scientific papers are widely referenced and stand as milestones of development over a wide range of topics. The present volume, which is the fourth in a series of his collected works, is devoted to an important subfield of Computer Science that Knuth founded in the 1960s and still considers his main life's work. This field, to which he gave the name Analysis of Algorithms, deals with quantitative studies of computer techniques, leading to methods for understanding and predicting the efficiency of computer programs. More than 30 of the papers that helped to shape this field are reprinted and updated in the present collection, together with historical material that has not previously been published.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Selected Papers on Computer Science
This anthology of essays from the inventor of literate programming is a survey of Donald Knuth's papers on computer science. Donald Knuth's influence in computer science ranges from the invention of literate programming to the development of the TeX programming language. One of the foremost figures in the field of mathematical sciences, his papers are widely referenced and stand as milestones of development over a wide range of topics. This collection focuses on Professor Knuth's published science papers that serve as accessible surveys of their subject matter. It includes articles on the history of computing, algorithms, numerical techniques, computational models, typesetting, and more. This book will be appreciated by students and researchers from a wide range of areas within computer science and mathematics.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Selected Papers on Discrete Mathematics
Donald Knuth's influence in computer science ranges from the invention of literate programming to the development of the TeX programming language. One of the foremost figures in the field of mathematical sciences, his papers are widely referenced and stand as milestones of development over a wide range of topics. This volume assembles more than three dozen of Professor Knuth's pioneering contributions to discrete mathematics. It includes a variety of topics in combinatorial mathematics (finite geometries, graph theory, enumeration, partitions, tableaux, matroids, codes); discrete algebra (finite fields, groupoids, closure operators, inequalities, convolutions, Pfaffians); and concrete mathematics (recurrence relations, special numbers and notations, identities, discrete probability). Of particular interest are two fundamental papers in which the evolution of random graphs is studied by means of generating functions.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Digital Typography
In this second collection in the series, Knuth explores the relationship between computers and typography.
Pearson Education Art of Computer Programming The Volumes 14B Boxed Set
Donald E. Knuth is known throughout the world for his pioneering work on algorithms and programming techniques, for his invention of the TEX and METAFONT systems for computer typesetting, and for his prolific and influential writing (26 books, 161 papers). Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University, he currently devotes full time to the completion of his seminal multivolume series on classical computer science, begun in 1962 when he was a graduate student at California Institute of Technology. Professor Knuth is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the ACM Turing Award, the Medal of Science presented by President Carter, the AMS Steele Prize for expository writing, and, in November, 1996, the prestigious Kyoto Prize for advanced technology. He lives on the Stanford campus with his wife, Jill.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Arithmetik: Aus der Reihe The Art of Computer Programming
Das Buch Arithmetik ist eine Übersetzung des vierten Kapitels der legendären Werkreihe "The Art of Computer Programming" von Donald E. Knuth in der neuesten Fassung. Es handelt sich um eine umfangreiche Einführung in die Computeralgebra, die den neuesten Stand der Forschung berücksichtigt. Donald E. Knuth versteht es, die Algorithmen didaktisch sehr geschickt und ohne Kompromisse bei der Strenge aufzubereiten. Das Buch enthält außerdem Hunderte von Aufgaben verschiedener Schwierigkeitsgrade mit Lösungen. Der Übersetzer, Prof. Dr. R. Loos, lehrt an der Universität Tübingen.